Love Apartment: South Wind Passage

Chapter 13 The priest’s story continues

"I can probably understand what you mean, but I still think you worry too much." Nanfeng pointed to the awkward atmosphere opposite because the three waves of mantras failed one after another.

"It's not easy to catch up with your crappy Three Waves Mantra. Now you're in a state where you don't even have a single horoscope. Why are you worrying so much? If they don't succeed by then, wouldn't it be in vain for you to worry about it?

"And I think there's nothing to be afraid of even if you succeed. I think Wan Yu doesn't seem to care too much about the gap between rich and poor and class differences. She can live well in such a small apartment."

Nanfeng showed a confident smile to Yifei: "Don't worry, everything is under control."

"Yes, yes, you have always been the most measured one since you were a kid. Even if you get screwed, you can still find someone to take the blame for you."

Hu Yifei rolled her eyes at Nan Feng and handed over the walkie-talkie in her hand: "Now is your five minutes. Let's see what you are capable of."

"Then my abilities are too great."

Nanfeng took the walkie-talkie and turned it back on, adjusted his breathing, and said in Zhanbo's voice: "Zhanbo, I am Nanfeng."

His voice was calm and gentle. Although it sounded exactly the same as Zhan Bo's speaking voice, it was the subtle changes in the speed and ending of his voice that made the voice soothing and magical.

This is Nanfeng's innate talent, something that cannot be reproduced on a machine even after countless attempts, a true...sound of nature.

Originally, Zhanbo was still immersed in the embarrassment after the failure of the three wave mantra and the panic of the sudden disconnection of the intercom. It was not until he heard the voice from the earphones that his tense nerves slowly relaxed and his too fast heart rate also slowly decreases.

"Listen to me." Nanfeng continued to say to Zhan Bo in Zhan Bo's voice. Zhan Bo suddenly had the illusion that his heart was talking to him.

"Relax..." Nanfeng said to Zhan Bo.

"Relax..." Zhan Bo said to Wanyu.

Wanyu raised her head in confusion, and saw that Zhan Bo was far less stiff than before. He pointed at Wanyu's hands that were holding the knife and fork tightly with an extremely natural movement.

"I see that you have been very nervous since the beginning of eating. You probably don't feel comfortable eating like this."

"No way..." Wan Yu smiled guiltily.

Wan Yu was indeed very nervous, not just because of family issues. She originally thought that tonight was just a dinner date with her roommates in the apartment. It wasn't until she saw the candles on the table that she realized something was wrong with the development of the matter.

Although Wanyu is a bit naive, she still understands what candlelight dinner means.

Ever since she was a child, there have been many boys who invited her to have candlelight dinners, and most of them would do it first and then show off. Logically speaking, Wanyu should be used to it.

But Zhanbo is different from others after all. The others invited are the daughters of Lin International Bank, but he only invited Wanyu.

Zhan Bo is a very good person, really very good, but this goodness is not good enough to transform into another kind of goodness in just a few days.

Wanyu felt that she must be too nervous. What on earth was she thinking about?

I’m not sure, what if, maybe, Zhanbo doesn’t actually mean this at all?

"If you are really too nervous, just use these candles as lighting tools. Today, today is purely a celebration between friends."

"Celebrate? Celebrate what?"

"Yeah, why are you celebrating..." Zhan Bo muttered inaudibly.

[Relax and think back to how you met in the first place. On the first day you returned to China, you brought Wan Yu, whom you had never met, back to your apartment. Something interesting must have happened between you. 】

[Thinking back on these interesting things, what is there to celebrate? 】

[The most important thing is to follow your heart. 】

His own voice echoed in Zhan Bo's ears, as if his own voice had overflowed from his chest and echoed deep in his soul for a long time.

"Uh... celebrate... celebrate... celebrate that we experienced the most magical vehicle transfer in the world and were just one step away from completing the great feat of overtaking a car with a tractor?" Zhanbo said tentatively.

Wan Yu smiled, her smile as bright as a flower: "If you say that, then it is indeed worthy of celebration."

[She seems unhappy today, so ask her directly. 】

"Well, I see you are not very happy today. Is there something on your mind?"

The smile on Wanyu's face visibly diminished a bit, and she didn't reply, just shook her head.

[Ask her what she thinks of this dinner. 】

"So what do you think of tonight's dinner?"

"Thank you for the dinner, it was delicious."

[Then do you think such a delicious dinner can make you feel happier? 】

"Then do you think such a delicious dinner can make you feel happier?"

Wanyu was stunned.

[If a dinner is not enough to make you happier, we also have...]

"If a dinner is not enough to make you happy, we also have breakfast tomorrow, lunch the day after tomorrow... and KFC the day after tomorrow."

Zhan Bo smiled naively and said, "For the sake of the food, you have to smile more."

"Hiss..." Nanfeng looked at 3601's Zhanbo as if he had seen a ghost. He suddenly turned his head and grinned at Yifei, giving a thumbs up.

"This kid is starting to get his wits about him."

Wanyu stared blankly at the boy opposite with a green and clean smile, and a feeling she had never felt before began to grow in the dark corner of her heart.

Even though Wanyu hadn't noticed all this, her hands that had been holding the knife and fork tightly began to slowly relax.

"Zhan Bo, you are... acting strange tonight."

"Is there any?" Zhan Bo shyly scratched his head.

Wanyu asked him: "I enjoyed the dinner tonight, but what are you doing all this for?"


[Ask her, what will she do if you are unhappy? 】

"Would you do nothing if I wasn't happy?"

Wan Yu replied matter-of-factly: "Of course not, I will definitely find a way to make you happy."

[I don’t know why you are suddenly unhappy, and I don’t know what else to do besides inviting you to dinner. 】

"I don't know why you are suddenly unhappy, and I don't know what else to do besides inviting you to dinner."

"Do you really want me to be happy?" Wan Yu's eyes flashed with a strange look.


[Stupid, do you still need to think about this issue? Answer whatever is on your mind. 】

"Wanyu, I...I just remembered when we first met, when you were hiding from a group of men in black, I guess, I wasn't particularly stupid.

"What are you hiding from? What's the situation at home? I seem to have seen a little bit of it in TV dramas."

Wan Yu was a little embarrassed. She thought she had hidden it well.

"But actually I don't particularly care about this, because when you thought you had successfully escaped, you looked very happy. It was for this happiness that you came to Shanghai, and it was also because of this happiness that we met.

"Since you were happy because of your choice before, of course I hope you can continue to be so happy."

Wan Yu was touched by Zhan Bo's words.

Yes, she is happy because she is free, and she should continue to be happy because she is free.

So why am I not happy now that I have gained my freedom? What exactly is it that makes me unhappy? What are you afraid of?

Are you afraid of losing this hard-won freedom?

But if you become unhappy because you are afraid of losing it, then isn’t the freedom you have finally gained in vain?

That's not as good as having wine in the morning and getting drunk in the morning. This lady can spend a few days wandering around.

Finally, with a smile on her face, Wan Yu put down her knife and fork and raised her glass: "So, to celebrate we experienced the most magical vehicle transfer in the world and almost completed the great feat of overtaking a car with a tractor."

She paused and continued: "Cheers to freedom and happiness!"

"Brother Nanfeng, what should I do now?" Zhan Bo asked in a low voice.

[...You should pour the whole glass of wine on her head now! 】

"Ah?! Isn't this right? Shouldn't I be toasting with her now?"

[You know the correct answer and why are you asking me? What a coward. 】

"Zhan Bo?" Wan Yu asked in confusion, "What are you muttering about?"

Zhan Bo said loudly: "No... no, I... I mean, cheers!"

As the wine glasses clashed, Wan Yu seemed to have made up her mind: "Zhanbo, I have something to tell you. In fact, I am..."

"It smells so good. Sister Yifei, Teacher Zeng, Teacher Nanfeng, what are you eating that tastes delicious...?"

Before Wanyu finished speaking, Curry Sauce opened the door of 3601 based solely on her sense of smell and rushed in excitedly, but she soon realized something was wrong.

Dim lights, flickering candles, romantic music, and sumptuous dinner.

A pair of handsome men and beautiful women were sitting on both sides of the dining table, their faces flushed with shame (they drank too much wine) and their expressions of affection (purely imagined).

Although Curry Sauce is young, he does know a lot in this area.

"Wow..." She sighed instinctively.

Zhan Bo and Wanyu looked at each other, embarrassed.

Seeing the awkward looks of the two of them, Curry Sauce suddenly woke up from her daze. She quickly covered her eyes with one hand: "It's so strange. Why is there no one in such a big apartment? Why can't I see anything?" No, I’d better go back to 3602.”

As he said Curry Sauce, he kept groping with his other hand to find the direction of the door.

"Curry sauce." Zhan Bo was a little embarrassed, "The door is behind you."

"Ah? Oh, okay, thank you, Brother Zhan Bo." Curry Sauce fled 3601 in a panic, leaving only an awkward atmosphere of near-dead silence.

"Wanyu." In the end, it was Zhan Bo who broke the silence in the room first, "What did you just say about you?"

Wanyu's face was red, and it was hard to tell whether she was drunk because of drinking or because of the embarrassment just now.

She tried to calm herself down and regained her courage and said, "Actually, I am..."

Bang bang bang!

There was a knock on the door, and Curry Sauce poked his head in and said sheepishly: "I forgot to tell you something. I'm working part-time at a convenience store these days.

"The legend of the Condom Priest has spread a lot recently, and a lot of couples have moved into the apartment. Everyone is in danger for a while, and they are almost crazy about that thing. Anyway, I heard that the human cub repatriation device in this area is basically All sold out.

"I mean, if you need it tonight... can I help you borrow a box from Brother Ziqiao?"

“Curry sauce!!”

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