Lose 100 million today

Chapter 822 Internet celebrity (8)

At this kind of gathering, most people come to show off.

"Are you the general manager now?"

"Which company is it from?"

"It's difficult for me to start a business now..."

"Your husband bought this for you? It's so beautiful. How much does it cost?"

"Your diamond ring Balabalabala..."

Men show off their work.

A woman shows off her husband.

But most people still gathered around the class beauty.

The class beauty is now more beautiful than before, and she also has money.

Banhua answered a phone call midway and left first.

These people then dispersed and gathered together in twos and threes to chat.

"Hey, look over there." One of the women pointed to the corner.

"Ai Chuzheng? She was raped like that. If I were her, I would be embarrassed to come."

"What you said online, was she the one who did it?"

"I think she probably did it. The one named Shen Hanqiu might have just taken the blame for her... A barking dog doesn't bite, and a biting dog doesn't bark."

"Let's go over and have a look."

Several women exchanged glances.

Quickly gather around here.


The corner was not big, and when several people gathered around it, it instantly became cramped.

"Meimei, I heard that you are an anchor. How much money do you make per month?"

"Let's support our family." Meimei was vague.

"I heard that anchors are very profitable." Someone said: "Look at those anchors, they are all dressed like that, dance and sing songs, and the men will obediently reward them, earning hundreds of thousands a month..."

"I also heard that those anchors are very pornographic, is it true?"

"Tell us the inside story."

Meimei's face doesn't look good.

Fortunately, the main target of this group of women is not her.

After saying a few words, he shifted his target to Chu Zheng next to him.

"Chu Zheng, what are you doing now?"

Chuzheng crossed her legs, showing off her boss posture.

"Have you not learned about me online, and you still ask me what I do?" I'm afraid you have already learned about my eighteen generations of ancestors, and now you are asking me what I am doing and whether I am sick!


The scene was momentarily awkward.

Chuzheng's answer obviously didn't fall into any of their routines.

"Hahaha... um... you are painting now, right? Can you make money from that?"

Chuzheng said with a cold face: "Whether you make money or not, it has nothing to do with you."

I won’t give you any flowers!

The other person choked.

The person next to him answered: "It must be profitable. Didn't you notice that Chu Zheng hired a lawyer to sue those people? It's definitely not a small sum after this process."

"Chu Zheng, are you too serious? What's the use of those people suing?"

Chuzheng: "I'm happy."

"Will it cost a lot of money?"

Chuzheng glanced at her: "I didn't spend your money, so why are you so concerned?"

The woman who was criticized immediately became furious: "Ai Chuzheng, what's your attitude? We're chatting with you. Is it necessary for you to be like this?"

"I don't think you are chatting with me." Chuzheng paused for a moment, then glanced at the people wearing heavy makeup with a cold gaze, and said with extra honesty: "I think you are here to see my joke."


Meimei twitched her lips next to her.

Anyone can see this.

But is it appropriate for you to say it like this?

After all, they are also classmates!


Chuzheng has already said so. If these women continue to ask questions, it will not be a shameful question.

So they said something weird and left here.

"What's the air?"

"Okay, don't be angry."

"Where do you think she got so much money? She is just a painter, how much money can she make?"

"Maybe someone will take care of you?"

Several women seemed to have found an exciting topic and began to discuss it in whispers.


Meimei silently gave Chuzheng a thumbs up: "Aren't you afraid of offending them?"

Chuzheng took a glass of water, took a sip, and said in a cold tone, "How is it?"

So what if you offend.

They had bad intentions in the first place.

Do I still want to please them?

Who will rely on them in the future?

Therefore, it is of course better to offend such a person, so as not to cause trouble to her based on his status as a classmate.

Chuzheng got tired of staying inside and left.

Chuzheng walked around outside, there was a lot of people here.

She leaned on the corridor and looked at the Sakura Road with people coming and going casually.

The cell phone rings.

Chuzheng connected it and put it to his ear.

"Boss, Yi Yanli and Shen Hanqiu are here."


Chuzheng hung up the phone and walked out along the corridor.

Not far away, I saw Shen Hanqiu, wearing big sunglasses that covered most of his face. He was walking in a hurry. He didn't look like he was coming to see the cherry blossoms at all.

She was alone and did not see Yi Yanli.

Shen Hanqiu walked through the cherry blossom path and walked all the way to the inside.

There was a wall inside, and the door was open on the wall. Shen Hanqiu knocked on the door. After the door opened, Shen Hanqiu handed something like an invitation to it and was put in.

Chuzheng grabbed a staff member and asked, "Where is that place?"

The staff was shocked.

Chuzheng was standing nearby without making any movement, but suddenly he pulled her.

The staff member took one look at Chu Zheng and was a little surprised by her appearance. After a moment, he politely replied: "That's our high-end private club."

"How to get in?"

"...This...is membership-only."



“How to become a member?”


The staff was a little confused.

He works here and I haven’t seen anyone applying for membership here.

The staff didn't dare to refuse casually, so they took Chuzheng to find the person in charge.


Surrounded by walls, the environment is beautiful and quiet, with different buildings scattered inside.

Large swaths of cherry blossoms surround these buildings.

The wind blows and the cherry blossoms fall.

Hot springs are filled with smoke.

It's like a fairyland.

Chuzheng walked casually on the cherry blossom path, her eyes scanning the surroundings, searching for Shen Hanqiu's figure.

It's a pity that I didn't see it.

[Hidden mission: Please get a good person card from Fu Chi to prevent Fu Chi from turning evil. 】

Chuzheng stopped.

Prevent Fu Chi from turning black?


Fu Chi?

What kind of shit is this!

Don't know him at all.

No...don't you need my rescue?

I prefer...

[Little sister, we don’t need it in this plane. 】Wangzhehao maintains service with a smile and tries hard not to kill its young lady.

"You can't do this. How can you change the mode casually!" Chuzheng condemned the King.

【……】My game, my turf, my rules! Take a deep breath! Don't be familiar with the young lady, she is just a jerk! [Miss, please go to the hot spring villa area No. 3. 】

"If I don't go, will he turn black?"

【Yes. 】

"Then I won't go." Chu Zheng made a decision immediately.

[Miss, you have to think clearly, if you don’t go, your good person card will be tarnished. 】You are just a clever little guy!

Chuzheng: "???"

What a broken game, why do you taint my good guy card.

[So I need the young lady to stop it before it happens. 】The King’s Number gave a sharp reminder: 【After all, that is your good guy card, isn’t it? 】


You bastard, you piece of shit!

You better not let me catch you!

[...] Why is the young lady so fierce? Hold your little tail tight so you don't get caught, hum!

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