Lose 100 million today

Chapter 623 The priest is so charming (1)

Chuzheng never expected that the bastard was really capable of getting her into this again.

No preparation at all! !

damn thing! !

Too much!

Chuzheng was sitting among a pile of corpses, her lowered eyes met a pair of wide eyes, and Chuzheng closed them for him with an expressionless expression.

She pulled out a knife from the body next to her and swiped it directly on her wrist.

Blood dripped down his wrist.

Click, click, click...

[Congratulations, young lady, for completing the first rewind of this plane, loading files...]

Familiar recipe, familiar taste.

damn thing!


Chuzheng was sure that she was still the same as before, unable to leave this world. She scolded the king in her heart, but her behavior was very calm.

She climbed up from the pile of corpses first, and she stood in a... mass grave? ?

Is it so scary to begin with?

Do you want to scare this weak and helpless little pitiful me to death?

Should I be grateful at this time that the original owner was not buried underneath.

Chuzheng climbed up from the side, stood on top, and looked down. The scene was even more bloody and shocking.


Leave quickly.

What if someone comes to throw the body away later?


This is a magical world.

There are seven magical elements in the world.

Light element, wind element, fire element, water element, earth element, thunder element, dark element.

People who possess magic are called magicians.

Of course, most people in this world are ordinary people.

Only a small number of people can become magicians, but there are only a handful of powerful magicians.

This type of people are the objects of great admiration and respect.

But there are some magicians who are disliked.

That's the dark magician.

The dark element is judged as an evil force by the world.

Because the dark element is powerful and evil, it can make people fall into fear.

About a hundred years ago, an organization emerged among dark magicians. This organization brought all dark magicians together. They killed humans indiscriminately and used evil power to satisfy their selfish desires.

The magicians united with the magic union to catch all the dark magicians who were plundering at that time. Since then, the dark magicians have disappeared.

And now it's a hundred years later.

The original owner was a dark magician.

She was born in a remote village. When she was born, her mother died in childbirth, and her father married again within two years.

The stepmother was not kind to her. She had problems with food and clothing, not to mention that the stepmother gave birth to a boy not long after.

With a boy, her father paid less attention to her.

While the children in the village were learning magic from the village chief, the original owner could only work at home.

She also wants to learn magic.

But the stepmother did not allow her to go.

One day, a man came to the village. He was very powerful in magic, and the original owner timidly avoided looking at him.

The man noticed her, called her over, and asked her if she wanted to learn magic.

The original owner nodded.

The man took out the magic ball that the village chief only had and asked her to put her hand on it.

But when she put her hand on it, the man suddenly changed his expression and walked away.

The original owner was extremely sad.

However, one night, the man appeared at her door again. After talking to her father for a while, her father asked her to follow him.

The man said that if you follow him, you can learn magic.

The original owner just followed him and left.

Ye Shuliang is the owner of a magical city, and the original owner was brought back to his mansion by him.

Ye Shuliang was very kind to her, teaching her magic and the knowledge of this world.

But the original owner never left the mansion. Ye Shuliang always told her that it was dangerous outside.

Her only peer is Ye Shuliang's son, Ye Kaiying.

But Ye Kaiying doesn't like her.

Ye Kaiying always called her a monster. The original owner didn't know what kind of monster she was, so she ran to ask Ye Shuliang, and Ye Shuliang would teach Ye Kaiying a lesson with a straight face.

Ye Kaiying hated her even more.

The original owner grew up gradually, but she still never left the house.

But Ye Kaiying can, he can always bring back weird things.

The original owner could only watch helplessly.

The original owner asked Ye Shuliang why she couldn't leave the house. Ye Shuliang said that when she grew up, she could go out. What she had to do now was to practice magic hard so that she would not be bullied by bad people when she went out.

The original owner worked hard to cultivate and grow up.

Finally she came of age.

Ye Shuliang took her out. The original owner looked at the outside world and found everything novel.

They stopped outside a city.

Ye Shuliang told her that the people in this city were very bad and asked her to break the magic circle on the city.

The original owner was brought up by Ye Shuliang, and his world view was shaped by him. There is no doubt in his words.

Ye Shuliang said there are bad people here, so they must all be bad people.

She broke the magic circle on the city, Ye Shuliang led people into the city, and the massacre suddenly started.

Ye Shuliang told her that these people wanted to kill them, they were all bad people, and if they were not killed, they would die.

When the original owner discovered that Ye Kaiying had sneaked up at some point and was being attacked, he rushed over and saved Ye Kaiying without thinking.

But she was also seriously injured.

The people in the city looked at her like a monster, and the magic hit her so hard that she lost the ability to resist.

When she looked at Ye Shuliang for help, she found that Ye Shuliang left with Ye Kaiying, leaving only her behind.

The original owner never thought that Ye Shuliang had lied to her from the beginning.

Ye Shuliang has trained her for so many years just for today.

The original owner had some breath left and crawled out of the mass grave.

When she found it back, instead of explaining, Ye Shuliang said that she was a dark magician and that she had massacred that city.

She was caught, tied in the square, and burned alive.

The current timeline is exactly when the original owner was thrown into a mass grave.

Chuzheng leaned against the tree trunk and checked her body. There were many wounds, but the bleeding had stopped and she was recovering.

Dark magician...

Chuzheng formed a seal in her hand according to the original owner's memory, and the dark element quickly condensed an orange in front of her... Why an orange?

So hungry!

[Main mission: Please spend 100 gold coins within one hour. 】

Chuzheng let go of her hand and the orange fell to the ground, making a small crater.

Chuzheng: "..."

This dark element...is too weak?

[Miss, you are still injured. 】Sick patients must have the consciousness of being sick. Being able to use dark magic is already good. What else do you want to do, let the moon explode from the sky!

"Well, yes, I am a patient." Chuzheng admitted this point: "I am a patient, how dare you send me a mission!?"

[...] The King escaped instantly.

Chuzheng rubbed her chin and thought.

"So in this plane, I just need to kill all the magicians from other factions, right?" Those who are not from my dark faction will be killed no matter how far away they are!

【……no! Not really! ! Miss, please don't mess around! 】The King roared.

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