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Chapter 428 The Supreme Immortal Path (32)

Chuzheng felt that Xueyuan was really a bad guy. If you said she was unlucky, she would be unlucky.

Falling into a pit at night!

What kind of dog dug a hole here!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Chuzheng glanced at the little thing beside her who was laughing heartlessly, stood up calmly, and patted the dirt on her body.

If it weren't for this little thing, would she fall?

He still has the nerve to smile.

"I told you that you were going to be unlucky." Xueyuan raised his chin, and the cold moonlight cast a halo on his body, making his face more delicate.

Chuzheng's hands were itchy and she wanted to hit him.

But in the end it was just a pinch in the face.

Soft and delicate, like.

Chuzheng pinched again.

Xueyuan seemed to be frightened and froze in place, unresponsive.

It wasn't until Chuzheng pinched him for the third time that he still didn't want to finish it, that Xueyuan exploded, waved Chuzheng's hand away, and said angrily: "How dare you pinch me!!"

I just touched him, but now I'm pinching him!

What a shameless woman, you really think you’re easy to bully, don’t you?

Chuzheng's eyes were cold: "No."

Xueyuan was stunned: "You pinched me in front of me, and you still don't admit it?"

"I didn't pinch you."

Chuzheng got up from the pit and stood on the edge, looking down at the young man looking up at the bottom of the pit.

"I'm pinching you, not pinching, so don't talk nonsense."


What's the difference! Strong words!

"Stop, why are you leaving? Come back to me. Do you hear me? I want you to come back!"

Xueyuan climbed up the pit and chased Chuzheng, noisily all the way back to the cave.

Chuzheng thought he was noisy and locked him out of the cave without hesitation.

The world suddenly became clear.

[Miss, have you forgotten something? 】

Chuzheng looked herself up and down and said with certainty: "No."

[What you locked away... is your good guy card, remember? 】Wangzhehao reminded through gritted teeth.

How can the good guys be locked out? ?

Chuzheng said seriously: "There are differences between men and women."

[…] Are there differences between men and women? WTF? Do you see men and women in your eyes? [Little sister, if you do this, the good guy will be dissatisfied with you. Why don’t we do such a crazy thing? 】

Chuzheng: "I didn't lock him in the dark room. What are you afraid of?"

[...] Do you still want to lock him up in a dark room when it comes to his feelings?


It's wrong.

When does the young lady not want to lock up the dark room of good people?

She is thinking about it all the time!

Poor good guy card.


At night.

On the stone wall of the cave, there was a faint glimmer of light.

The little girl lying on the stone bed covered with soft fur in the innermost part of the cave fluttered her eyelashes, and slowly clenched the hand on her side.

The sound of slight footsteps and the friction of clothes circulated quietly in the cave.

Then there was a rustling sound.

Chuzheng felt that there was another person beside her, and the familiar scent made her let go of her hand and turn over, facing away from the person.

Don't make any noise, do what you like.

She wants to sleep.

However, it was obvious that the other party did not intend to leave it like this. There was a buzzing sound in Chuzheng's ears.

The warm breath sprayed on the neck, and the soft touch rubbed against the neck.

Chuzheng: "!!!"

Chuzheng opened her eyes suddenly, but she still didn't have time to stop it.

"Xueyuan." Chuzheng called him calmly.

"Hmm..." the young man responded, and then took two big sips, fearing that Chuzheng would slap him down.

And Chuzheng did slap him away.

Chuzheng sat up, holding her neck.

Xueyuan sat next to him and licked his lower lip with the tip of his tongue. His mouth was filled with the taste of blood.

The two looked at each other silently across the darkness.

After a long while, Xueyuan defended himself: "I only had two sips."

"There is only so much blood in my body." Chuzheng said calmly: "How much do you want to drink?"

Xueyuan struggled: "...Then let me take a sip." He was really hungry! ! Heart-scratching hunger! I haven’t had a full meal since I came out!

She is being abused! !

Chuzheng: "..."

What's the difference!

Chuzheng lay back indifferently.

Xueyuan stared at her.

Chuzheng opened her hands: "Come here."

Xueyuan: "..."

Xueyuan hesitated, then lay down, and Chu Zheng held him in his arms.

Perhaps because he was used to being hugged by Chuzheng, Xueyuan didn't realize that he was in human form at the moment, and subconsciously wanted to curl up into her arms.

"Want to drink blood?"

The boy nodded slightly.


Her blood tastes so good! Damn delicious!

Chuzheng put her fingers on his shoulders: "Okay, let me touch your tail."

Xueyuan: "..."

The shameless one knows how to covet his tail!

Doesn't he look good?

Why only look at his tail! ?

"Don't want to?"

In the darkness, her voice was low, like a strange kid who abducted a well-behaved student.

"I change..."

Chuzheng pressed him and said, "No, that's it."


Are you a pervert?

Xueyuan was struggling internally.

Reason told him no, which was simply humiliating him.

However, Xueyuan did not refuse immediately. He remained silent, and he could even hear her heartbeat in his ears, calm and calm.

Just like her.

Xueyuan knew very well in his heart that he didn't hate her very much.

Chuzheng waited for him patiently.

After several psychological struggles, Xueyuan compromised.

He doesn't want to go hungry!

A majestic beast must be able to bend and stretch!

Xueyuan exposed his tail. Perhaps because of his human shape, the tail was much larger than his original body, fluffy and soft.

Chuzheng knew that her choice was right!

But she wanted Xueyuan to be as big as when they first met, and that tail...

"Don't you have nine tails?" Chuzheng suddenly reacted.

"..." Xueyuan almost cried in anger: "It's fine if you covet one of my tails, but you also covet my other tails, do you have any humanity!"

Chuzheng: "..."

I'll just ask.

Xueyuan's voice was full of accusations and grievances. Chuzheng didn't dare to say any more and pulled him into her arms.

Xueyuan bit Chuzheng's neck as if venting his anger.

He moved closer to Chu Zheng and began to swallow in small sips.

The feeling of blood loss is not very good, even if her body is a god, there will be some reactions.

"Slow down." Chuzheng reminded him.

Xueyuan reluctantly slowed down, so he could drink as much as he wanted! !

The tip of his fluffy and soft tail swept restlessly, and Chu Zheng stroked his tail comfortably.


Xueyuan suddenly groaned softly.

He stopped sucking and seemed to have stopped breathing.

"What's wrong?" Chuzheng asked him.

Xueyuan's lips pressed against her neck, and his body tensed.

"You, you..." He squeezed out a few words with difficulty: "Where did you touch me?"

"Tail." She didn't touch anywhere else, okay?

Xueyuan: "..."


Xueyuan felt that something was not right with his body, but he did only feel his tail being pulled by her, and she did not touch any other part of him.

A bad word flashed in Xueyuan's mind.

Can't be so unlucky?

However, his body's reaction told him that he was so unlucky!

Damn it, he's actually in heat!

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