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Chapter 1738 Time and Space Merchant (15)

Chuzheng didn't have the patience to face the good guys, so she didn't have the patience to face this naughty kid.

The sight of a child being treated rudely and yet not daring to cry is heartbreaking.

Xi Jing was standing by and wanted to help but didn't dare.

Finally, when Chuzheng went to wash her hands, the child complained to Xi Jing in tears: "Brother, that sister is so cruel."

Xi Jing: "..."

Xi Jing waited for a while and then whispered, "She's fine."

Children can't understand how someone who is so vicious can be nice.


The child’s name is Chen Beibei.

The man next door was not her biological father. Her mother took her with her when she remarried, so her stepfather couldn't stand her.

The mother was afraid of her stepfather and often did not dare to protect her. Occasionally, she would be beaten while protecting her.

After solving the child's injuries, there is another important question: how to sleep!

This house is already small, and there is one more person, so the floor cannot be spread.

Xi Jing boldly suggested: "How about letting her sleep with you?"

"Are you dreaming?"


Xi Jing had a headache, so he moved everything else in the room and planned to make another floor bunk.

How could Chuzheng let him lie down with this child, even if they were separated!

"You sleep up there."

"how about you?"

Chuzheng said confidently: "Of course I'll sleep with you, otherwise you still want me to sleep on the floor?"

Xi Jing: "!!!"

Xi Jing shook his head violently and stumbled, "No... I'll just sleep on the floor."

Chuzheng glanced at the child and lowered her voice: "What are you afraid of? There is another person here. What can I do to you?"

Xi Jing: "..."

Xi Jing's face turned red, and his heart beat like a drum.

"No... no." Xi Jing still shook his head, his cheeks burning: "I can sleep on the floor."

Chuzheng didn't say anything more. She just threw the remaining quilt directly onto the bed and lay down on it, pressing against the quilt.

Xi Jing: "..."

Xi Jing lowered his head and went to coax Chen Beibei to sleep.

Child Chen Beibei was tired and fell asleep quickly. Xi Jing covered her with a quilt, turned off the light, found a place to sit down, and planned to make do with it all night.

The weather was a bit cold at night, and Xi Jing crossed his arms, feeling sleepy and cold.

Just when Xi Jing was about to fall asleep, his body suddenly jumped into the air and someone picked him up.


Chuzheng walked to the bed in a few steps, put him down, put her hands on his sides, and kissed him under Xi Jing's astonished gaze.


Xi Jin was wrapped in a quilt and lying inside, his heart was still beating and he had no intention of calming down.

In the darkness, he stretched out his hand and pressed his lips, her warmth still seemed to remain on them.

Xi Jing turned over carefully, and Chu Zheng was lying next to him. There was a little distance between them, and they were each covered with a quilt.

The girl closed her eyes, breathing lightly, and the dim light traveled along her delicate eyebrows.

Xi Jing looked at her intently, listened to her breathing, gradually closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.


The next day.

Xi Jing woke up first and found that he was being held by someone. He didn't know when he moved over and was held in Chu Zheng's arms.

His quilt was kicked at his feet, and he was covered with Chuzheng's quilt. Xi Jing's legs were still pressing on Chuzheng's body, and he was hugging her like a koala.

Xi Jing: "!!!"

It's like he came here on his own...

Is he so dishonest when sleeping?

Xi Jing didn't know, after all, he used to sleep alone.

Xi Jing swallowed and carefully moved Chuzheng's hand away, wanting to get down first.

As soon as he moved, Chuzheng turned over and trapped him in her arms.

Xi Jing's body suddenly stiffened and his breathing became stagnant.

Xi Jing waited for a moment and tried to move Chuzheng's hand away again, but every time he moved, Chuzheng hugged him tighter.

After Xi Jing tried several times, he had to give up.

It was still early in the morning and it was still quiet outside.

Xi Jing listened to Chu Zheng's breathing, and his own breathing seemed to be in sync with hers.

He carefully turned his head and looked at her sleeping face. When she was asleep, she seemed less cold and calmer.

Glimmer of light jumped in from the window, and the room gradually became brighter.

The child Chen Beibei on the ground made some movement, and Xi Jing's heart was raised.

The person hugging him moved slightly, nuzzled his neck, and a low voice sounded in his ears: "You can sleep a little longer, and I will buy you breakfast."

Chuzheng raised her head and kissed his forehead, then let go of him and turned over to get up.

Xi Jing: "..."

Was she awake just now?

Xi Jing made a silent 'Ah' sound and retracted his head into the quilt.


Chuzheng went down and kicked Chen Beibei in the butt: "You're late for school."

Chen Beibei was about to wake up, but when Chu Zheng kicked her, she sat up in excitement and looked around blankly.

Suddenly meeting Chu Zheng's gaze, Chen Beibei's sleepiness disappeared without a trace in an instant.

She didn't dare to talk to Chuzheng, so she quickly folded her things, looked at the bulge on the bed, whispered her thanks, and left the place quickly.

As soon as Chen Beibei returned, Chuzheng heard the curses over there.

She packed up and went out, just as Chen Beibei came out with her schoolbag and ran downstairs quickly.

Chen Beibei's stepfather chased him out from inside, cursing angrily with an ugly face, while a woman persuaded him obediently from behind.

The man was impatient and slapped the woman away: "It's not you. Bring a bottle of oil. I will feed her, clothe her and let her go to school. Look at what that little white-eyed wolf did to me!"

The woman covered her face and said nothing.

The man cursed the woman a few words and went out with the toolbox.

Chuzheng stood at the door and watched the man pass by in a menacing manner.


The man fell to the ground without warning, and his head hit the ground. The 'thud' sound was painful to hear.


The woman who had just been beaten rushed over and helped the man up in a panic.

"How are you? Are you okay? Are you injured?"

The man touched his forehead with his hand and felt sticky blood. His expression changed slightly: "Fuck!"

The man covered his head and looked behind him, but saw nothing.

He seemed to have tripped over something just now...

However, it was empty there, except for a girl standing by the door next to her, looking at him expressionlessly.

He knew that this little girl who had appeared in recent days had something to do with the kid from the family next door...

The man suddenly hissed, glared at the woman angrily, and shouted in a rough voice: "What are you doing? Do you want to hurt me to death? Damn it, why are you standing there in such a daze? You didn't see me bleeding!"

The woman shrank, not daring to talk back, and helped the man up.

The man walked back cursing, and kept scolding the woman.

No one can help such a person.

Chuzheng averted her eyes and walked downstairs slowly.


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