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Chapter 1643 Visitors from outer space (30)

Lou Xing turned around and returned to Naxia: "Where are we now?"

Naxia answered while operating on the console: "Main ship."


Ships and spaceships are not on the same level.

Lou Xing suddenly came into contact with this word and was a little unable to react.

After a while, Lou Xing pointed upward: "Those people..."

"Your Highness will lead them to a safe cabin. They will be fine for the time being." Naxia explained.

Lou Xing was stunned for a moment and turned his head to look towards Chu Zheng, his eyes slightly understanding: "What were those that attacked us just now?"

"It's a bit like a pathfinding robot." Naxia said: "I don't know if it's from this ship or from somewhere else. I'm trying to find a way to check the surveillance in other areas of the ship."

The starship's basic functions are still functioning.


Chuzheng's voice interrupted from the side.

"Your Highness, not yet."

"Not as talkative as you."


Naxia shut up and work hard.

Lou Xing frowned slightly: "Why did you knock me out just now?"

Chuzheng: "..."

Then if I don’t knock you out, do I still have to coax you? I don't want that trouble.

But how can I cheat now... No, how can I explain to the good guy?

"Your Highness, it seems it's okay..." Naxia's voice saved Chuzheng, who was about to wither, and she immediately looked over to Naxia.

In the air ahead, many virtual screens popped up, with major areas of the entire starship marked on them.

"Look at where we were just now."

Naxia worked quickly with his hands and quickly called up the place where the crystal pillars were stacked just now on a screen.

At this time, the inside was in a mess, with broken crystals scattered everywhere and stained with blood.

In addition, there is something crawling on the ground, with strange shapes, and I don’t know what it is.

"Look where those things come from."

Naxia nodded, pushed back the time, and then pushed back in the direction where the robots appeared.

Naxia quickly saw the location where these robots first appeared: "Your Highness, they came in from the outside. This is the exit from above."

Chuzheng narrowed her eyes slightly: "Can I see it from outside?"

"Not yet." Naxia shook his head.

The internal monitoring system and the external monitoring system are not together. Two sets of passwords are used, and it will take time to decode them.

Chuzheng: "Look where they are now."

The starship is so ridiculously big that the surveillance footage is subdivided into thousands of pieces.

They are logging in illegally, so the entire system can only be operated manually. It takes a lot of effort to find it among so many monitors.

The picture flashed very fast, but Naxia could see it clearly.

Three minutes later, the screen stopped, and the robots were standing still in a passage.

"What are they doing?"

"How do I know? Just charge it." Chuzheng replied casually.

Lou Xing: "..."

"Your Highness, come and see."

Naxia pointed to the screen in the upper left corner. Something slowly appeared in the screen, but when they approached the monitoring area, the screen suddenly flickered.

When the picture stabilized, there was no trace of those things.

A shot connected to the scene just now quickly captured those things.

They were only half a person tall, and their limbs were strange tentacles. They glided across the ground in groups, which looked a bit weird.

"Why are there so many alien species here?" Naxia muttered strangely.

Those robots also came in from outside just now. Someone must have let them in to explore the way, and now these appear again...


All surveillance screens flickered, appearing and disappearing.

Naxia made a few quick operations, and finally said feebly: "Your Highness, it seems that the starship's automatic defense has been activated..." She was kicked out.


The flashing pictures stopped, and a human face appeared on all the pictures.

But this man's skin is light gray, and even his eyes are gray.

Naxia took a step back, a look of surprise on his face.

Even Nadong on the other side raised his head and looked over, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"I am Willy of the Osefia Empire."

The people in the picture had already begun to introduce themselves. This was not a language they were familiar with, but Chuzheng understood it.

Willy's voice continued: "I don't know what time it is, who is here, and why..."

Lou Xing couldn't understand it at all and could only look at the picture in confusion.

Chuzheng seemed to notice his confusion and whispered to him to translate.

"The glory of the Osephia Empire has become a thing of the past. It was a disaster caused by our greed and selfishness. As the leader of the Osephia Empire, I have a great responsibility..."

Yes, this Willy was the last king of the Osefia Empire.

During Willy's reign, he led Osefia to achieve many brilliant achievements, and he is now a celebrity in the interstellar 'textbook'.

"This is just the image I left behind. I know that nothing I say can stop you, but if you are lucky enough to see me, then please listen to what I have to say."

The Osefia Empire suddenly fell during its glorious period. The main reason was because of the cosmic stone.

The cosmic stone was accidentally obtained by Willy on a planet.

The person guarding the Cosmic Stone told him before he died that there would be a price to pay for abusing the power of the Cosmic Stone.

At that time, Willy had just taken office. In order to make achievements and get the Osefia Empire to recognize him as the new king, he didn't take anything that person said to heart.

After possessing the cosmic stone, Willy is indeed invincible.

After trying the power of the cosmic stone, Willy used the cosmic stone more unscrupulously to ensure his victory and status.

Victory became routine for him.

There are gradually more and more legends about him in the interstellar world, and he has become the envy and adoration of others.

At this time, Willy hadn't noticed the problem yet.

He is immersed in power, constantly expanding his power, and enjoying the admiration and respect of others.

Of course, he is not satisfied with the status quo and wants to do bigger things and let more people in the galaxy know him.

Soon Willy will act on his ambition.


He did not expect that the retribution for abusing the cosmic stone would come at this time.

First, the people around him died inexplicably, and then his race...

No reason can be found, it seems that there is an irresistible force that sucks their lives away.

At that time, Willy didn't realize the problem, so he just thought someone was trying to trick him secretly.

During that time, he was wildly suspicious of the people around him.

From guard to trusted subordinate...

Willy felt like he was suffering from some kind of mental illness during that time.

Until one night, he suddenly recalled that the person who guarded the cosmic stone once said that if you abuse the power of the cosmic stone, you will pay a price.

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