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Chapter 1386: The Queen (9)

"Excuse me, Eunuch Yangde, when should I greet you?"

When Eunuch Yangde was called, he quickly replied: "According to the rules, it is Mao hour, but because the Queen Mother needs to listen to politics behind the curtain, it was postponed to Chen hour."

Chuzheng nodded and asked Concubine Xuan again: "What time did you come?"

Concubine Xuan became a little uneasy at this time.

However, the Queen Mother and the Emperor were both there, so she had to answer: "At noon."

Chuzheng propped her elbows on the edge of the table, supported her chin with her hands, and asked coolly: "So, why do I need to see you at this time?"

Concubine Xuan: "..."

Little Emperor: "..."

Concubine Xuan gritted her teeth: "Since you don't want to see me, why don't you let me go?"

Concubine Xuan regretted it to death.

If she hadn't wanted to show off what the little emperor had given her, she wouldn't have come today.

Who would have thought that instead of showing off the things, he would be punished.

Chuzheng asked seriously: "When will I not let you go?"

Concubine Xuan said angrily: "You asked someone to stop me and not allow me to leave."

Chuzheng raised her eyebrows slightly and said in a gentle tone, "Oh, is there any evidence?"

Concubine Xuan immediately said: "The imperial guards outside are all witnesses."

"Really? Call me in and ask." Can the Guards listen to you? Innocent!

Concubine Xuan didn't understand why Chu Zheng had such an attitude. Concubine Xuan didn't react until the Imperial Guards came in and said they had never stopped her.

Of course, these imperial guards listened to the Queen Mother.

The little emperor looked at Concubine Xuan in confusion: "The Queen Mother didn't stop you, why do you say that the Queen Mother stopped you?"

And when he came, Concubine Xuan was not standing outside, but sitting inside the palace.

"I didn't, I didn't lie. Your Majesty, when did I lie to you? It was my mother... Chunxiu and the others can prove it."

Concubine Xuan pointed to her people.

The Praetorian Guards could testify for her, and her people could testify for herself.

Chunxiu lowered her head and answered: "Yes...it was the Queen Mother who stopped her and prevented her from leaving."

Chuzheng: "She is yours. Say whatever you want. It's not your fault."

Concubine Xuan blurted out: "Aren't the Imperial Guards also members of the Queen Mother?"

Chuzheng: "You are wrong. The Imperial Guard only listens to Your Majesty. How can they be my people?"

Concubine Xuan: "!!!"

Concubine Xuan had forgotten this matter.

How can the Imperial Guard be from the Palace of Peace? They belong to His Majesty.

So why do these Praetorians lie?

"Xuan... noble concubine?"

The little emperor finally understood.

The Imperial Guards don't know how to lie, so only Concubine Xuan's people lie.

"Your Majesty, I didn't..."

Concubine Xuan still wanted to explain, but Chu Zheng suddenly said: "Your ministers don't obey your orders, what should you do?"

The little emperor was confused by this sudden question: "Mother?"

"answer my question."

Xu Chuzheng's expression was too cold, and the little emperor was speechless for a moment.

He glanced at Eunuch Yangde. Eunuch Yangde lowered his head and looked at his nose and heart.

The little emperor had no choice but to answer by himself: "...punishment?"

Chuzheng casually tapped the edge of the table: "So if the concubines in the harem did something wrong, should they be punished?"


"About the Bingjian matter, you asked her to come and apologize to me. Concubine Xuan did not come. She disobeyed your order. How do you think the emperor should handle it?"

Concubine Xuan's eyes widened and she looked at Chu Zheng in disbelief.

The little emperor did send someone to tell him about this.

But as far as the verbal message was concerned, Concubine Xuan didn't take it to heart at all.

The little emperor probably didn't bother, as there haven't been any problems in the past two days.

Who knew Chuzheng would bring it up in front of the little emperor today.

She was not acting in her own name, but in the name of the little emperor. What she disobeyed was the emperor's order.

The little emperor was puzzled: "Why didn't Concubine Xuan come to apologize to the Queen Mother? You really did something wrong."


Concubine Xuan gritted her teeth and did not continue to refute.

Even though His Majesty spoke, Concubine Xuan did not dare to confront the little emperor in front of so many people.

She got up from the chair and knelt directly on the ground.

"Your Majesty, I know I was wrong..."

Little Emperor: "You should apologize to your mother."

Concubine Xuan took a deep breath, turned around, and bowed Yingying: "Mother, I know I was wrong. Please forgive me."

Before Chuzheng could speak, Concubine Xuan suddenly fell softly to the ground.

"Sister Xuan."

The little emperor screamed nervously and even forgot the rules.

Concubine Xuan had been exposed to the sun for so long and was placed in such a cold palace. She was not pretending, she was really dizzy.

The young emperor quickly asked people to carry Concubine Xuan back to the palace and asked the imperial doctor to come and see her.

The little emperor did not follow him, but stayed in Anning Palace. He looked at Chuzheng carefully: "Mother, are you still angry?"

"Why am I angry?"

"Concubine Xuan..."

"I don't care about juniors."

Hearing what Chu Zheng said, the little emperor didn't know whether to be relieved or relieved.

The little emperor picked his fingers: "Queen Mother, don't you like Concubine Xuan?"

Sister Xuan always tells him a lot of fun things and takes him to play.

Unlike those in the palace, which are lifeless.

Everyone is teaching him what to do.

Be disciplined.

When everyone is strictly demanding the little emperor, it is not surprising that the little emperor likes Concubine Xuan who can help him get rid of these things.

"Would you like someone who deliberately takes away your ice sword?" Chuzheng asked back.


Wherever the little emperor went, it was always cool.

But occasionally there would be some stuffy and hot places, and at that time the little emperor would feel on pins and needles and extremely annoyed.

The little emperor suddenly felt that Concubine Xuan was a bit hateful.


Concubine Xuan is ill, quite seriously.

It's not fatal, but he will be bedridden for a while.

The Yiran Palace was closed to thank guests. When I heard that the young emperor was going, he was rejected because of the contagious illness.

Chuzheng didn't express any opinion on this and just did whatever he had to do.

The only thing that dissatisfied her was going to morning court.

This morning's court was a little different. The regent came to court.

The Prince Regent did not avoid his gaze and looked directly towards the bead curtain. The corners of his mouth curved down, revealing a malicious smile.

He's so old, but he still smiles so coquettishly.

That’s incredible!

I really want to do it...invite him to have tea with the late emperor.

The regent quickly withdrew his gaze and stood at the front with lowered eyebrows and eyes, listening to the ministers reporting on various matters.

Chuzheng sat in the back and remembered something in a daze.

Today is the deadline for the last murder case in which five people died.

Just as she was thinking, the following officials came out.

"Your Majesty, there are rumors in the capital that there is a case of demon harming people, and the murderer has been arrested and brought to justice."

"Oh, then...Uncle, what do you think should be done?" the little emperor asked the regent.

The regent smiled and said: "Your Majesty, you can make your own decision on this matter."


The little emperor looked blankly at the courtiers below, not knowing what to make up his mind.

Just when the little emperor was hesitating, Eunuch Yangde thrust a note into the little emperor's hand.

The little emperor opened it and took a look, and immediately raised his head and chest.

The young voice was resonant: "Now that the murderer has been caught, this case will be handed over to the Minister of Dali Temple for trial. I also ordered Mr. Sun of the Inspectorate to quell the rumors. If anyone spreads rumors again, he will be punished according to the law."

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