Lord Wei’s Fiancee is a Mystic Arts Expert

Chapter 73 The Liao Mansion Gets Married

Or the future that Liao Wenyi described to me was too good. I never doubted it. I was settled down by Liao Wenyi's mother in the back house of Liao's family.

Liao Wenyi soon took office in Liaojia Village and became the county magistrate. The Liao family also announced that Liao Wenyi was about to marry a wife.

Liao Wenyi's mother brought her maidservants to measure me, saying that she was making a wedding dress for me. A few days later, the wedding dress was presented to me. It was a wedding dress embroidered with Bing Tilian. But since the Liao family announced that Liao Wenyi was about to marry a wife, I never saw him again. Liao Wenyi's mother told me that the man and woman who are engaged can't meet again until they get married, and asked me to wait until the day of marriage.

The whole Liao family was really preparing for Liao Wenyi's marriage. The whole yard was hung with bright red silk curtains and red lanterns, and there was a joyful atmosphere everywhere. Looking at the bright red everywhere in the yard, I really felt at ease. I really want to marry Liao Wenyi, and I really want to stay with him for the rest of my life.

Finally came the day of Liao Wenyi's big wedding. Early in the morning, I was called up by the servant girl to get dressed. I looked out the window. On the side, the Bing Dilian's bright red wedding dress lay quietly.

After today's ceremony, I will be Liao Wenyi's wife, and I can legitimately stand by his side, bear children for him, and accompany him until he grows old.

After finishing my makeup and being covered with a red hijab, I had a shy smile on my face, but my heart was sweet. Before putting on the hijab, the maid brought me a bowl of porridge to cushion my stomach. For a moment, I felt that my head was a little heavy. Is it because the accessories on my head are too heavy? My upper and lower eyelids began to fight, and my eyes suddenly went black.

When I woke up again, I found that I seemed to be lying in a wooden box, and there was no air around. I pushed hard, but I couldn't move the lid at all. The wooden boards around were very heavy and thick, just like a coffin. In such a confined space, I was scared, and I shouted loudly, hoping that someone could hear me. It's a pity that the joyous sounds of Liao's marriage resounded all around, and no one noticed me at all.

I kicked my feet hard, trying to make a little movement to attract attention, but I accidentally stepped on a clay pot placed at my feet in the coffin. When the pot tilted, countless centipedes gushed out of it. Crawling on me desperately, I nervously slapped away the centipede that climbed on me, but I couldn't finish filming at all. As soon as I was nervous, I opened my mouth to call, and a centipede took the opportunity to crawl into my mouth.

I gradually lost my mind. I only remember the last moment. Those centipedes still crawled in from my ears and out of my nostrils endlessly. .

After I woke up again, I had turned into a solitary soul. I saw that what contained me was a big red coffin. The color on the coffin was as bright as the Bing Tilian wedding dress I was wearing, and it was as red as blood. .

I am not reconciled, my soul returns to the Liao Mansion every night, and I pester Liao Wenyi's parents, making them restless every night. Later, they didn't know what ritual they did, and I couldn't move, and I was trapped in that big red coffin...


It's all his fault. If it wasn't for him, how could I have died miserably? Jiang Peijun waved his hand back, only to see the lid of Liao Yihong's coffin lifted by a gust of wind.

In the coffin, the flesh and blood of Liao Yihong's corpse had been eaten away by centipedes, revealing white human bones. The upper and lower jaws of the skull were slightly opened, as if complaining of inhuman treatment. The shroud on his body could no longer see its original appearance, only a black thing covering the human bone could be seen slightly.

Yes, there is no rest after death, and being sucked by a centipede is indeed no peace. But what about Jiang Peijun?

In life, she was a hopeful bride, but she was trapped in a big red coffin and was bitten to death by centipedes. Indeed, Jiang Peijun cannot be blamed for being resentful. Even if Liao Wenyi didn't want to marry her, she shouldn't have killed her.

Where is your coffin? Feng Nian didn't look at Liao Yihong's coffin, she turned her attention to Jiang Peijun. Has the coffin containing Jiang Peijun been moved? Otherwise, after so many years, why would Jiang Peijun suddenly appear to take revenge on the Liao family?

Jiang Peijun originally didn't intend to talk to Feng Nian, but she couldn't bear Feng Nian's strong sense of oppression, so she could only pout and say, It's in the woods behind the Liao Family Temple.

Feng Nian signaled the old horse to take a look first, and her hand began to emit a lavender light, which was from the bracelet. You have too much resentment to stay. She knew that Jiang Peijun was ready to kill, and even if Liao Wenyi died, he would not spare the descendants of the Liao family.

The corner of Jiang Peijun's mouth curled up with a hint of helplessness, which was quickly replaced by sneer, The worst thing I did was to believe in the wrong Liao Wenyi and the wrong people from the Liao family. I will not let the people of the Liao family go; I want to curse the Liao family too.

Wait, Liao Ding, who was so frightened that he could barely lean on Feng Heng, suddenly stopped him, My ancestor Liao Wenyi left a painting before his death, and the person in the painting is you.

Liao Ding's words made Jiang Peijun's entangled resentment dissipate a little bit, but soon, her hair fluttered, her eyes were bleeding and tears, and the resentment all over her body became stronger, with a grim expression on her face, Even if he keeps me What about the portrait? He killed me and left me in a coffin.

Want to see what happened to Liao Wenyi later? Feng Nian's dark eyes were full of cunning, maybe the Liao family was hiding some secrets back then; it would be good if Jiang Peijun could dissipate his resentment by this, but it would be better than her killing Jiang Peijun, because Trouble, she hates trouble the most.

Jiang Peijun had a disbelieving expression on his face, Why should I believe you? It was worried that the scene Feng Nian showed it was fabricated.

Just because I can see your previous scene, how about it, is this a deal? Feng Nian sat down on the chair, she can wait, anyway, Liao Yihong's corpse will be turned into bones, anyway, no matter how much Jiang Peijun resents her It can be cured, but it's just a little troublesome. But Jiang Peijun, who had been waiting for thousands of years, must be more anxious than her, so she didn't believe it. Jiang Peijun didn't want to know how he died.

Okay, what about the conditions? Jiang Peijun was just as Feng Nian expected, it couldn't wait, it couldn't wait to know how Liao Wenyi died.

Dispel your resentment by yourself, Feng Nian paused, If you don't dissipate by yourself, I'll do it, but I won't take pity on you, don't cry if it hurts you, girls cry the most.

What? The most annoying girl crying? Isn't Feng Nian himself a girl? Why don't you have any pity for others. Feng Heng felt that in the past few days, he had completely changed his views on Feng Nian. It must be because he didn't get to know his eldest niece well before.

Piao Piao and Doudou quickly jump into the bowl

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