Among the people who came out with me, one of them knew some mystical arts. His name was Wei Xin. After listening to the dream I described, he guessed that the stone gate should be buried underground.

At first, when I heard Wei Xin's analysis, I was taken aback. Because Shimen was buried underground, it meant that it was a tomb. I tried desperately to suppress the idea of ​​wanting to find out, but in the end I was defeated by the dreams that kept appearing every day. I know that if I don't solve this mystery, I will have no peace in my life.

Seeing that I was determined to find the truth behind Shimen, Wei Xin had no choice but to nod in agreement. He told me that if we really want to search, we must bring enough people, but the number should not be too many. According to Wei Xin, I brought four people including him.

Wei Xin is a person who knows how to look at tombs. He once said that he suspects that this tomb is not simple.

After we came to Qinjia Village, we rented a house and stayed here under the pretext of doing business.

The villagers of Qinjia Village come out at sunrise and rest at sunset every day, and they are also very friendly to us outsiders. Wei Xin would go out every day to find the tomb; Wei Guan would chat with other villagers.

From the mouths of other villagers, Wei Guan learned that there is actually a story circulating in the Qin Family Village. Once, a person who was about to become a king died in the Qin Family Village because he was betrayed. He heard that this person was buried in the Qin Family Village. In the mountains of the family village. It's just that this is regarded as a legend by the villagers of Qin's Village, and also as a bedtime story for children, because no one has actually seen the existence of this tomb.

But I know that this legend may be true.

Wei Xin has been shuttling in the mountains of Qinjia Village, and in order not to make people in Qinjia Village suspicious, I also started to do business in Qinjia Village.

Until one and a half months later, Wei Xin returned to our rented house covered in dust. He told me that he had found the location of the tomb.

I am very happy, I can finally get rid of the dream, and I can finally know what is behind the stone gate.

Before entering the tomb, Wei Xin reminded me again that he felt that the tomb was not simple, and asked me to carefully consider whether I really insisted on going down to the tomb.

After thinking about it for a whole day, I decided to find out.

Seeing that I still insisted on going to the grave, Wei Xin had no choice but to start making relevant arrangements. It took Wei Xin three days to prepare all the items for the tomb, and then he led a group of people to the tomb together.

This tomb is located deep in the mountains of Qinjia Village. Without Wei Xin's guidance, we would have been unable to find this tomb.

After entering the tomb, we saw a long passage. Not far from the entrance of the passage, I saw three corpses. Those three corpses turned out to be the three people who were with the two Zeng family brothers before.

It seems that the two brothers of the Zeng family were injured not because they encountered bandits, but because they also found this tomb and went down. The three of them were lost here, and the two of them escaped. This is the passage, and it is already so terrifying, so next, can we really reach it smoothly?

Under Wei Xin's guidance, we arrived at the Shimen smoothly, but after the Shimen opened, I was the only one left...

After I successfully escaped from the tomb, I immediately asked the other Wei family members to search for the two brothers of the Zeng family. I wanted to learn about the tomb from them, because in the tomb, I was under the death curse. Before protecting me and leaving, Wei Xin told me that once the death curse is activated, the descendants of the Wei family will not die well.

Soon, the Wei family found out the whereabouts of the two brothers of the Zeng family. But Zeng Agui had already died, leaving only Zeng Afu who was dying.

When I appeared in front of Zeng Afu, Zeng Afu probably never thought that I would find him again and ask him about the tomb.

Maybe it was because I was grateful for my help to the two brothers before, or maybe it was because he knew that he was on the verge of death, so he told me everything he knew.

That tomb is known as Tiankeng. And the key to open the tiankeng is the seal they gave me.

After all this was said, Zeng Afu also passed away.

I didn't want the descendants of the Wei family to enter the tiankeng again, because the tiankeng is really dangerous. But if the descendants of the Wei family want to unravel the death curse, they should go to the Tiankeng, maybe they can have a chance to unravel it.


Wei Songqing's last sentence was to inform future generations of the source of the death curse.

Your ancestors really cherish ink, Feng Nian showed a helpless expression. Wei Zhen's ancestors only wrote about the fact that the tiankeng was in Qinjia Village, but did not write down what was inside the tiankeng. Do you want them to find out by themselves? If she writes something, she can make some preparations.

Wei Zhen spread his hands helplessly, I didn't know my ancestors were so taciturn.

It should be very scary and thrilling to come to the tiankeng, otherwise the few people that Wei Song had carefully selected at the beginning would not have been folded in the tiankeng, but what I didn't expect was that the tiankeng turned out to be a tomb. Has the girl of the Feng family been buried in the tomb for so long? So it has been lost.

Putting the six broken seals on the table, Wei Zhen pieced them together. An ancient seal appeared in front of everyone like this.

Feng Nian took a closer look, that's right, the pattern on the seal was exactly the same as the pattern on the notebook left by the dumb woman. It seems that the entrance to the tiankeng in the Feng family ancestral hall is actually the tomb leading to the Qin family village, so it is necessary for her to break into it.

Let's go back first and tell Grandpa about this. Wei Zhen knew that Feng Nian had already made up his mind to go into the sinkhole, so he would naturally follow, because all of this was related to the ancestors of the Wei family.

Called the two Xue family brothers, Wei Zhen asked them to tidy up the house, and then asked Steward Wei to send someone to take care of the house. Now that the seal in the house has been taken away, there is nothing to guard against, and it is time to find someone to repair the house.

After giving all these instructions, Wei Zhen took Feng Nian back to Zun City first.


Wei house.

After Wei Guichang read the letter left by Wei Song, the ancestor of the Wei family, he did not speak for a long time. After a long while, he sighed heavily, I didn't expect, the Wei family, it turned out that because of this reason, the Wei family man failed to pass the age of twenty-eight.

He looked up at Wei Zhen, Are you determined to go?

Wei Zhen nodded firmly, That's right, I'm going to have a look. Since the Wei family's death curse is the origin of the tiankeng, then I will let the death curse end. Grandpa, I don't want other Wei family men who can't dance all the time. When they come out, they also want to live a safe life and stay with the one they love for the rest of their lives. He looked at Feng Nian, he wanted to grow old with Feng Nian forever.

Okay, I get it. If you need anything, you can just prepare it. Wei Guichang only hoped that Wei Zhen and Feng Nian could return safely.

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