In fact, in addition to the high salary, this job is also very free. Every day, Xu Dahe and I only need to check the condition of the elevator before opening it. If there is no problem, we can open it again. Under normal circumstances, the elevator is often checked by two of us, so there are basically no major faults.

Because of his free time at work, Xu Dahe found some other part-time jobs outside, and often disappeared without a trace. In my free time, I would often stay at the concierge and study one book after another about elevators. I am not content with this job. I want to be an elevator designer and stand in front of more people.

Maybe it's because I often do some chores for Xu Dahe, and Xu Dahe also takes good care of me. He often brings me something to take home as a thank you for helping him hide the private work he does outside. In this way, the relationship between Xu Dahe and I is pretty good.

I also know that Xu Dahe's family has some difficulties. His wife is pregnant and is waiting at home to give birth. His younger brother is studying again, and his mother has poor health and often needs to take medicine, so the burden of the whole family falls on him. I will try my best to help anyone I can.

After this kind of life lasted for a while, one day, Xu Dahe invited me to have a late-night snack. After taking a few sips of wine, he told me with a drunken face that his younger brother had finally returned from further studies, and said with a smile He wanted to introduce me to my second sister, because he learned about my second sister’s marriage from my mouth.

I know that Xu Dahe is happy, because after his brother comes back, at least half of his burden can be lifted. As for what he said about introducing his brother to my second sister, I just heard it and didn't take it to heart. Although my second sister is virtuous and virtuous, Xu Dahe's younger brother is a person who has returned from further studies, so he should like someone who has also studied. I was worried that my second sister would be looked down upon by him, so naturally I didn't take it to heart.

A month later, the elevator made an unusually loud noise. Every time it went up or down, it would make a bang bang sound. Xu Dahe suspected that the chain was broken, but the two of us stopped the elevator for three full days. Oh my god, after removing the chain, I found that there was nothing wrong with the chain at all. After reinstalling the chain, the problem of the elevator making loud noises was still not resolved.

I asked the owner of the arcade to give us a few more days to thoroughly investigate the problem with the elevator, but we were refused because the elevator had been out of service for three days and the tenants in the arcade were already complaining. There is no way to appease. What's more, we can't find any problems, which is a good thing if there are no problems.

I still wanted to argue. I was worried about an accident in the elevator, but Xu Dahe stopped me. He told me privately that no one from the elevator company knew about this, otherwise both of us would lose our jobs.

I actually understood in my heart that the two of us had already spent three days. In fact, the owner of the arcade was tolerant enough to us and allowed us three days to investigate. I won't argue anymore, because I know that Xu Dahe is right. The elevator company has begun to train more new people. They are preparing to introduce more elevators into Zuncheng, so they need more personnel. As long as Xu Dahe and I make any mistakes, the elevator company will definitely fire us immediately.

Although this matter has been suppressed like this, the elevator still makes abnormal noises from time to time. After each inspection, it will be quiet for a day or two. I checked a lot of books and I suspected that the problem with the elevator was under the elevator. There should be foreign objects left inside.

I told Xu Dahe my conjecture, and Xu Dahe looked embarrassed. After a moment, he told the problem. If the two of us dismantle the elevator again, and there is a foreign object under the elevator, that's one thing; if If there are no foreign objects under the elevator, the owner of the arcade will definitely tell the elevator company about this matter. By that time, the two of us will really not be able to keep our jobs. He couldn't lose his job at this time. His wife was about to give birth and there were many places waiting for money.

I was silent. Indeed, I couldn't drag Xu Dahe to take risks with me. After thinking for a moment, I told Xu Dahe that I was going to go down the elevator tonight when no one was around. If there were no problems down there, then this incident would be treated as if it had never happened; but because I was alone in the elevator Down below, I needed someone to help pull me up, so I made an appointment with Xu Dahe to come look for me at eleven o'clock tonight.

Xu Dahe agreed. He knew that I was doing this in private, and even if it didn't succeed, no one would find out.

I still remember that night.

That night, I arrived at the arcade at nine o'clock in the evening. Under normal circumstances, very few tenants come in and out of the arcade after nine o'clock. I waited patiently until all the tenants stopped using the elevator, then I opened the elevator maintenance door alone and entered through the maintenance door. I slowly slid down to the bottom of the elevator, turned on the flashlight, and carefully searched for foreign objects under the elevator.

About half an hour later, I found a foreign object in a corner on the far right side of the elevator. It was an iron box that someone probably dropped accidentally. Therefore, when the elevator is running, it will collide and make noise from time to time.

I looked at the time, and it was ten minutes to eleven o'clock in the evening. Xu Dahe would be here soon. When he pulls me up, it's done. However, what I didn't expect was that at 12:10 in the morning, Xu Dahe still didn't show up.

I panicked a little because the air under the elevator was getting thinner and thinner. If I kept waiting like this, I would be suffocated to death. I decided to save myself. I pulled the rope and climbed up little by little, trying to climb to the maintenance door of the elevator. However, what I didn't expect was that the rope could not bear my weight at all, and I fell heavily. What's even more unfortunate is that the elevator actually started to move, pulling me into the air.

Just like this, I lost the light in my eyes little by little...

Three days later, Xu Dahe left the hospital. That night, the reason why he did not come to the hospital was because his wife had a difficult delivery, so he sent her to the hospital. After waiting in the hospital for three days, until the conditions of his wife and son stabilized, Xu Dahe remembered the agreement he had made with me a few days ago.

He hurried to the arcade, but did not see me in the arcade, so he went to my house to look for me. However, my second sister told him that I had not been home for three whole days.

Xu Dahe was completely panicked now. He wanted to tell the people at the elevator company about this and ask them to send someone to investigate. But when he thought about it carefully, he was afraid of losing his job. After all, his son had just been born and his wife was still hospitalized, so he couldn't lose his job. After thinking about it, he decided to take a look first.

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