Stepping into the third floor of the building, the roar became louder and louder. In addition, Feng Nian could still hear the sound of bang bang knocking on the door.

Lei Jiewen said that since she and Wei Zhen left, Gu Zhongshou has been very calm, without any strange behavior, he even asked Lei Jiewen for food.

Until an hour ago, Lei Jiewen was smoking a cigarette in the corridor. The cigarette had just been lit, and after taking two puffs, he heard Gu Zhongshou clutching his neck with both hands, whimpering in pain.

He hurriedly called the door and went in to check on Gu Zhongshou's situation. Unexpectedly, Gu Zhongshou suddenly grabbed his arm and bit him hard. He saw with his own eyes that the flesh on his arm was thrown by Gu Zhongshou. aside. Gu Zhongshou went crazy and wanted to escape, it was him who desperately dragged Gu Zhongshou who was approaching the door back, and then closed the door.

Lei Jiewen also told Feng Nian that he saw the extremely hard fangs growing in Gu Zhongshou's mouth.

Holding the key given by Lei Jiewen, Feng Nian didn't intend to open the door directly, because she didn't know what Gu Zhongshou had become now, rushing in rashly would only let her who didn't know anything at a disadvantage.

Therefore, Feng Nian walked back for a certain distance, because Lei Jiewen told her that there was a small window at the back of the room where Gu Zhongshou was, and she wanted to explore the situation in the room through that window.

Jumping up, she supported the window sill with her hand, and looked inside with all her strength, and what she saw was Gu Zhongshou's back.

The clothes on Gu Zhongshou's body have been torn, only a few pieces of cloth are left hanging on his body, he is more than twice as big as before. It seemed that in order to be able to escape from this room, Gu Zhongshou beat the door with his fist repeatedly, and there were already large and small dents on the door. I just don't know why Gu Zhongshou became like this.

She let go of the ledge and returned to the ground.

After thinking for a while, Feng Nian took out a spell and recited the spell silently, only to see the spell go into the room towards the small window.

After a while, Gu Zhongshou finally stopped beating on the door.

Feng Nian then took the key and opened the door.

Gu Zhongshou leaned against the wall, his eyes still red, he looked up at Feng Nian, showing a bitter smile, Am I just calling it my own fault?

The spell that Feng Nian threw in just now had an effect, absorbing most of the evil energy from Gu Zhongshou's body, and only then did Gu Zhongshou recover his mind. But it failed to restore Gu Zhongshou to his original appearance. His mouth was still full of sharp fangs, his eyes were red, and his size had more than doubled.

I'm not sure how long the spell can last, do you know what's wrong with you? Feng Nian looked around, the objects in the room were basically the same as when she left in the afternoon, except that the chair that Gu Zhongshou was sitting on was pushed down outside.

Retribution, someone put a curse on me, this curse, I will never die! Gu Zhongshou knew very well what happened to him, and he also knew that he was hopeless.

The one who is best at casting curses in the Yunjiao clan is the priest of the Yunjiao clan, that is to say, Gu Zhongshou was defeated by a curse that priests only understood. So when Gu Donghao was unconscious and was found out by the old horse that he was cursed, Gu Yini already knew that it was Gu Zhongshou's hand.

Gu Zhongshou looked at Feng Nian with a look of despair, After I die, burn me to ashes, and then sprinkle me into the air. He knew that if he could return to Yunlin Mountain alive, he would be severely punished. Now, even if his body is brought back, he will never be allowed to be buried in Yunlin Mountain, because he is a sinner of the Yunjiao Clan.

Before Feng Nian could reply, Gu Zhongshou had already picked up the piece of wood from the chair next to him, and it pierced straight through his heart...


My name is Gu Zhongshou, and I was born in Yunlin Mountain.

My father has been gone since before I was born, and it was my mother who gritted her teeth and gave birth to me. However, my mother has been in poor health since giving birth to me, and died when I was three years old.

When I was three years old, I was sent to the sacrificial hall, which took in some homeless people, including the old, the weak, the sick, and orphans like me who had no father or mother.

In the sacrificial hall, everyone has to do what they can. Since I was five years old, I have helped with some chores. I also met Gu Zhongzhang, who is one year younger than me. The two of us are often together, and our relationship is better than others.

However, Gu Zhongzhang and I both found that when we were about ten years old, we would stop growing taller. While the other children are changing every day, only the two of us stopped, as if time stood still.

At first, both of us thought that we just grew slower than other children, but we didn't realize that we really wouldn't grow taller.

Just because Gu Zhongzhang and I are different from others, we were selected by the priests, and we no longer have to do chores every day, but we started to learn everything that the priests of the Yunjiao tribe need to learn.

Only then did the two of us know that the first priest had been looking for the next priest, and the two of us had not changed, so we became candidates for the next priest.

Gu Zhongzhang was very happy, because he no longer had to do chores and heavy work, he only needed to follow the priest every day and learn everything about the priests of the Yunjiao clan.

Contrary to Gu Zhongzhang's happiness, I don't want to, because I don't want to be like a half-grown child all my life, I want to be like a normal person. It's just that, whether I like it or not, I can only accept such a result.

I learned from the previous priest that the Yunjiao Clan chooses priests, and there are gods who will choose them. As long as they are not grown up, they can be the candidates for the next priest. However, generally there is only one candidate for the next priest. However, this time there were actually two candidates for the priest, Gu Zhongzhang and me.

The priest has no choice but to teach both of us about the priests of the Yunjiao clan at the same time. As for who can become the next priest, it will be decided by the heavens.

Firstly, the priest taught us something different every day, and the next day we would be tested. If we failed the test, we would be punished. In order not to be punished, I can only bite the bullet and start studying. However, I found that I seem to accept things faster than Gu Zhongzhang.

A few years later, soon enough, it was time to choose the next priest. Gu Zhongzhang and I are on par in ability, which caused the priest a headache.

First, the priest specially opened the altar to ask the will of heaven.

The next day, Gu Zhongzhang and I were called by the priest to the front hall of the sacrificial hall. In the front hall, the lifelike cloud dragon was looking at the two of us.

Only then did the priest tell us that today is the time to test us, and he will choose one of us to be the next priest.

Gu Zhongzhang and I both know that the other person who fails will become the butt of ridicule forever by the Yunjiao Clan.

What surprised us even more was that the first thing the priest tested us this time was fencing.

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