I dare not call out for fear of being discovered. I was so bold that I wanted to catch the snake and throw it out. However, the first person the snake saw was me, and it rubbed against me with its head. Perhaps because of this, I decided to keep the snake.

I secretly hid the little snake in my room, it is very good, usually hides, only comes out when I am alone in the room, I share my food with it, and it eats with me live together. Gradually, the brown on his body became thicker and thicker, and the red spot on his head began to grow upwards, like a small red flower.

One night, the little snake that was sleeping soundly by my bed suddenly straightened its body and appeared to be attacking. I was awakened by it. I looked out the window and saw a huge white python staring at me with green snake eyes, as if Want to tear me apart.

I let out a scream, my eyes went dark, and I passed out like this.

When I woke up again, my father and mother anxiously stood by my side, but the little snake I had been with for a long time was gone. I told my father that I saw a white python in front of the window, and my father's expression changed, and he told my mother to take good care of me, and then left immediately.

I was drowsy, woke up and fell asleep again, during this period, it seemed that someone kept spraying talisman water on me, but it had no effect at all.

My father always had an anxious expression on his face, and my mother kept crying, but I missed my little snake very much. I wonder if it will eat during this time.

I fell into a dream again. In the dream, the little snake appeared again. It was covered with scars. It rubbed its head against me, and then swam away into the distance without looking back. look back.

Soon, my illness was cured, and my father and mother were relieved. But his father frowned even more, and there were more things hidden in his heart.

Until my father was about to die, he called me to him, and he told me that while he was still alive, let me drag him to the woods, and he would repay his kindness. He told me, starting from me, every Luo family A generation of people must go to the woods before swallowing their breath. This is the promise made by the Luo family and the cockscombed snake. The cockscomb snake will keep Paul's family safe and keep the Luo family away from the revenge of the white python.

My father told me the secret of the boa suit, and let me dictate it. This secret can only be known to the next head of the Luo family.

I dragged my father, who was reluctant to swallow his breath, into the woods. My father told me to put him down and leave immediately, he didn't want me to watch him being swallowed by the cockscomb snake.

I agreed to him with tears in my eyes, but hid behind a big tree. I watched helplessly as the cockscomb snake suddenly emerged from the pool and dragged my father into the pool. I covered my mouth, not daring to make a sound, I recognized it, it was the little snake I raised when I was a child.

The cockscomb snake has grown into a big snake, more than two meters long, and its father, who weighs more than one hundred catties, is not worth mentioning in its eyes. It seemed to have noticed my existence, nodded in my direction, and then disappeared into the pool again...


The Cockscomb Snake whose comb was chopped off by Feng Nian fell heavily into the bottom of the pool, and soon, like the white bones in the pool, it would also turn into a snake bone and be submerged in the depths of the pool forever.

Bringing the cockscomb back to Luo's house, Feng Nian's face was very pale, and when she fought with the cockscomb snake again, her back was injured.

Seeing Feng Nian's appearance, Luo Mian wanted someone to help her deal with the wound, but she refused. She cut the cockscomb snake's comb with a sharp knife, and was about to drip the juice from the comb into Luo Junle's shoulders.

The most poisonous juice of this cockscomb snake is hidden in the cockscomb, what is it? Luo Mianyuan was shocked when he saw Feng Nian's actions, could this really save Luo Junle.

If you want to force out the two little cockscomb snakes on his shoulders, that's the only way to do it. Get out of the way, and don't get bitten by the snakes after a while. Feng Nian glanced at Luo Mianyuan, she knew she couldn't explain it clearly to Luo Mianyuan Luo Mianyuan would not let her drip the venom from the cockscomb on Luo Junle. At this time, it was almost dawn. The two little snakes on Luo Junle's shoulders have already started to move. If you don't hurry up, it will be too late!

Luo Mianyuan turned his heart away, stepped back a few steps, and let Feng Nian drip the venom onto Luo Junle's shoulders.

As soon as the venom dropped, Luo Junle let out a cry of pain, his shoulders kept shaking, and two little snakes suddenly came out. But after the string came out, the two little snakes opened their mouths wide, wanting to bite Feng Nian, but Feng Nian chopped him down to seven inches, and soon fell to the ground unable to move.

Seeing this, Luo Mianyuan let out a long breath, and Luo Junle survived safely.

Outside the window, the curtain on the horizon was pulled back, ushering in a new day in the morning.

Luo Mianyuan had someone prepare breakfast, and after Feng Nian was invited to have breakfast, he sat down.

He knew that Feng Nian had rescued Luo Junle, so he also had to fulfill his promise to complete what Feng Nian had promised him.

I don't know much about the Feng family. The black wedding dress is actually exactly the same as the python suit. Luo Mianyuan told what he knew about the Feng family from the ancestors of the Luo family.

You mean, the black wedding dress is actually the same as the boa suit, it's a shroud. Feng Nian's eyes showed a mocking look, no wonder the wedding dress is black, it is for the daughter of the Feng family to wear this wedding dress. death, so this wedding dress is also a shroud.

That's right, daughter of the Feng family, no one can escape, you better not go back. Perhaps because Feng Nian rescued Luo Junle, Luo Mianyuan actually tried to persuade her.

Then do you know who made the black wedding dress of the Feng family?

Since the Luo family where Luo Mianyuan was from was a shroud maker, he should know the source of the black wedding dress.

However, Luo Mianyuan's answer disappointed Feng Nian, No, the reason why our ancestors made python clothes is to use the black wedding dress as a model, and the black wedding dress is mainly made of the snake skin and scales of the spirit snake; When a snake grows up, its scales will turn golden, and the beads on the sleeves are the scales of the spirit snake.

He took out a yellowed blueprint, on which was the black wedding dress that Feng Nian had seen in his dream.

It was left by our ancestors. He was lucky enough to meet him at the beginning. Some details may not be very accurate, but that's all he knew and told the descendants of the Luo family. Luo Mianyuan gave the drawing to him. Feng Nian, it's useless for him to keep this blueprint, it's better to be a favor.

Okay, and the python suit, I'll take it with me too. Feng Nian carefully put away the blueprint of the black wedding dress, and put it away.

Don't worry, I won't break my promise. The python suit is placed in the mezzanine of the wooden building. Come with me to get it. Luo Mianyuan put the weight of his hand on the crutch and stood up with the crutch supported.

Tomorrow is Monday again

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