Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 77 77 Preparations before the expedition

Chapter 77 Preparations before the expedition

As for the Savage Tribe, Luo Ning learned about its existence from Butler Hallwart as early as the day he was granted the title of Baron of Hillwood Town.

It's just that he has been in Shanlin Town for so long, but he hasn't gotten any effective information about the savage tribe.

This time Redal's information completely filled the gap in this area. Not only did Luo Ning know the number of savage tribes, but he even had a general understanding of their relationship, number of people, and the number of extraordinary beings.

The current situation is completely suitable for Shanlin Town to enter the scene and break the status quo between the tripartite alliance and the black-collar tribe.

Facing Redal's suggestion that "the time has come," Luo Ning nodded slowly.

Although the first step is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the army, and the third is to attack the city, but the opponent has no danger to defend and no city to rely on. The advantage lies entirely with Luo Ning.

Seeing the lord's statement of agreement, the eyes of everyone sitting below showed fighting spirit, especially the professional knights. Establishing meritorious deeds on the battlefield has always been their pursuit, and now the bloody thing is finally coming!

"We not only have to fight, but we have to fight fast!"

Luo Ning said loudly, "If the black-collar tribes are aware of our actions, the hostility between the four tribes is likely to change into a state of temporary cooperation. Then we will face the coalition of savage tribes, just like Like Wushan led the noble coalition back then."

"So once we attack, we must take down the Gray Earth Tribe, the Green Bamboo Tribe and the Purple Fruit Tribe as quickly as possible, and take down these three alliances before the Black Collar Tribe has time to react!"

As long as these three tribes are included in his territory, even if the black-collar tribe is stronger, Luo Ning does not have to worry about being attacked by multiple enemies and falling into a passive position.

Everyone was shocked by Luo Ning's decisiveness. They did not expect that this lord who usually focused on farm work and construction would be so decisive in taking the initiative.

"Sir, I wonder when we will start attacking?"

McCann couldn't help but ask: "Our guards are ready!"

Luo Ning pondered for a while, "Today is the 15th, and our autumn harvest has just ended. The eighty militiamen selected by Wilson only came to observe and learn, and did not conduct formal training. So in the next few days, McCann and David, you are responsible for training them, but remember to maintain sufficient physical strength. The role of the militia is mainly to deal with ordinary people. They only need to be able to scare people in a short period of time. They do not require much combat effectiveness."

Not everyone in the savage tribe is a good fighter, most of them are ordinary people. Facing the impressive team, they have almost no courage to resist.

"Ruidal, I would like to trouble you to make a simple map in the next two days, and we will make a detailed plan later."

"You are very considerate, my lord!" Ruidal nodded in agreement.

In this way, a proactive attack on the savage tribe was initially finalized.

In the next few days, McCann and David were responsible for training the militiamen, mainly by shouting slogans and walking steps to enhance the overall momentum, while teaching some relatively simple and practical stacking skills;

As for the guards who had been training, they no longer arranged physical training, and even suspended the two-on-two fighting event.

Some guards were keenly aware of this, and they secretly speculated whether the lord was going to start a war against the Thain Territory?

After all, they were direct participants in Prince's betrayal, and they were also witnesses in the subsequent confrontation between Ronin and the Feliton Knights. They knew that the relationship between Thain Territory and Hillwood Town was not good. ˜”*°•.˜””˜.•°*”˜

Not only did the guards who had such speculation show no sign of timidity, but one or two of them were eager to give it a try.

During this period of time, they have eaten well and practiced well, and it is indeed time for them to play their role and make achievements!

As the saying goes, food and grass go first before the troops move. Although the distance between Shanlin Town and Qingzhu Tribe is not very far, so there is no need to carry a lot of supplies, but the rations for the lunch meal still need to be carried.

Luo Ning instructs the kitchen in advance to prepare ingredients for making white bread for a hundred people, ensuring that everyone can have two meals.

In addition, everyone brought a bottle of water with herdsman to satisfy their hunger and thirst along the way.

When Redal took out the simple map, Luo Ning called a group of people to start the second meeting. This time he called Chahar, who was in charge of the castle's logistics.

"Our first target this time is the Qingzhu tribe just north of Shanlin Town."

Luo Ning pointed to the location of the Qingzhu Tribe on the map and said: "There are two roads to the northeast and due east of the Qingzhu Tribe, which lead to its alliance, the Ziguo Tribe and the Huitu Tribe, respectively, and the distances are almost ten miles away. In order to prevent anyone from the Qingzhu Tribe from escaping to report when we attack, I need someone to lead a team to ambush on these two roads."

Luo Ning glanced at all the extraordinary beings on the long table, and finally his eyes fell on the two newcomers Juwitt and Sim at the end of the long table.

"We are operating in three teams this time. Zhuweite and Sim, you two will take five guards and ten guards respectively. You will be responsible for ambush in the woods on both sides of the road. If you find anyone who has escaped, you will immediately Capture them!"

Everyone's eyes turned to the two newcomers at the end of the long table, and the two people immediately straightened their bodies, not squinting, but feeling very panicked inside.

They thought they would just follow the charge, but they didn't expect that the Lord would let them lead the team.

Luo Ning emphasized the content of the mission again: "Our mission is to ensure that what happened in the Qingzhu Tribe does not spread to the Ziguo Tribe and the Gray Earth Tribe. Do you understand?"

Jewitt and Sim immediately stood up and saluted Ronin as knights, "Understood, sir!"

Luo Ning motioned for them to sit down, "The third team, which is the main force, is led by five extraordinary beings: myself, Rydal, David, Tom, and Elrond, and is supported by ten guards and sixty militiamen responsible for attacking the stronghold. , let Bob and Marseille lead the remaining seven guards to guard the castle."

As he spoke, he looked at Redal and McCann and ordered: "Let those militiamen shout at the Qingzhu tribe after our main force officially launches the attack, let that group of people know that their mountain stronghold has been surrendered by the army of the Marquis of Wushan Territory. Surrounded, let them understand that laying down their weapons and surrendering is their only way to survive!"

Redal nodded and agreed: "The raid would have brought panic to them. Coupled with such shouts, it will definitely make these savages even more panicked and make them feel timid in their hearts before they even started to resist. Points. Sir, your method is very wonderful."

As natives, Tom, Jewitt, Sim and others also admired the lord very much.

In their opinion, fighting is nothing more than lining up and charging. There are so many arrangements and arrangements. Today is an eye-opener.

Luo Ning laughed and accepted the praise from everyone.

Morale is still very important. Doing this can make your own team's morale high and the opponent's morale low. In this way, you can win faster and lose less.

"There are not many extraordinary beings in the Qingzhu Tribe, three or five at most. Once we discover them, we will subdue them as quickly as possible. We can capture those who can be captured alive, and it doesn't matter if we kill those who are difficult to capture alive."

Luo Ning emphasized: "But remember, we don't need to kill those who kneel down to surrender and beg for mercy. You also know the situation in Shanlin Town. Produce more food, build more residences, open up Connecting the roads outside and so on will require more people to complete.”

He smiled and said: "If anyone is found to be indiscriminately killing surrendered people, after the fight comes back, I will let him join the excrement collection team and go to the streets of the town to pick up excrement."

The excrement collection team is a unique team in Shanlin Town. Everyone has seen the scene of ten people carrying excrement buckets and carrying excrement baskets everywhere to pick up excrement.

When they thought that they might do this, they quickly kept the Lord's instructions in mind.

Luo Ning discussed some details with everyone before officially ending the meeting.

"Today is September 19th. We still have one day to prepare tomorrow, so that the guards and militiamen can have a good rest these two nights."

Luo Ning stood up, "At four o'clock in the morning on the 21st, everyone will gather outside the castle for breakfast. We will set off on time at five o'clock. Now get ready to go!"

This is Shanlin Town's first external battle, and Luo Ning doesn't want any surprises.

Choosing number 21 ensures that he can receive the second heart-warming gift pack in September, which can improve his own strength a little bit more.

I wish you all a prosperous Year of the Dragon in 2024~


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