Chapter 69 Incentive Plan

Early the next morning, Ronin had just gotten up and put on his clothes. Elrond was waiting outside the room early and presented two successfully drawn healing spell scrolls.

Facing such a hard-working magician, Luo Ning couldn't help but give him a thumbs up and invited him to have breakfast together.

Luo Ning didn't say much after learning that the other party had failed twice. After all, this is a normal thing. Didn't he fail once last night?

As the saying goes, failure is the mother of success. Without the experience accumulated from failure, how could Elron have achieved the next two consecutive successes?

However, Luo Ning noticed that the other party had consumed all his mana early in the morning, and couldn't help but give him a reminder.

Although making spell scrolls is one of the main financial means for the territory, both Elrond and Ronin themselves must reserve a certain amount of mana for emergencies.

For example, suddenly someone was seriously injured and needed Elrond's healing spell, but the latter ran out of spell scrolls and the injured person lost his life. This would be a huge loss.

According to Elrond's current mana status, as well as the existing amount of spell ink and monster leather, Elrond only needs to make one healing spell scroll every day.

While eating, Luo Ning received the salary statistics form from housekeeper Chahar, which clearly stated the amount of everyone's remuneration. While eating breakfast, Luo Ning randomly selected a few and calculated them, and found that there was nothing. After entering and exiting, we began to prepare for the payment of wages.

There are twenty-eight days in a month in this world. Among them, McCann and Chahar stayed with him the longest, for a total of twenty days, and then came a group of guards who followed him for twenty-five days. ♛♦

McCann's strength is at the elementary level for two days, the intermediate level at the nineteenth day, and the advanced level at the sixth day. In addition to the daily subsidy of 20 copper coins as a guard officer, this month's salary reaches an astonishing 2 gold, 3 silver and 40 copper coins;

Chahar worked as a footman for twelve days and as a housekeeper for fifteen days, a total of 160 copper coins;

The salary of ordinary guards is easy to calculate. Each person is 58 copper coins. A total of 10,000 copper coins from the 1 clan are still there, which can be used to distribute them;

David's calculation is troublesome. Six days for ordinary guards and nineteen days for junior knights, a total of 582 copper coins;

There are also Tom, the castle servant, the political officer Wilson and the newly joined Redal, one by one, they are all given out.

After a series of calculations, Luo Ning needed to distribute a total of 9 gold and 47 copper coins today.

Although this amount of money is nothing compared to the money spent in Muma City, if you really calculate it, it will still exceed a hundred gold coins in a year, which is really a burden for the average baron.

Using Luo Ning's 120 gold coins to pay this salary was naturally a waste, and he didn't feel anything at all;

But for the guards, castle servants, and even McCann and others who received the money, this was an extremely happy thing.

After all, what’s more fun than getting paid?

Seeing his subordinates happy, Luo Ning was naturally happy too. As long as they did what they were told to do well, the money would be worth it.

After paying the wages, Luo Ning met with the village chiefs of the four villages and sixteen team leaders in the hall of the outer fort.

When these guys learned from Wilson yesterday that the lord was going to summon them in person, they were all so excited that they couldn't sleep.

Some of the richer families also took out linen jackets that they had not worn for many years. Although they were patched, they were a little more formal than the rags they usually wear.

Even those from poor families washed their faces and combed their hair, trying their best to look energetic, so as not to make the lord think that they were not good enough.

They looked serious, but some of them were so nervous that their bodies were shaking, betraying their psychology.

Luo Ning didn't pay too much attention to how this group of people were dressed. Shanlin Town was like this, so it was pretty good that everyone could wear complete linen clothes.

He regarded the people below as beggars who had washed their faces. Of course, he himself was the leader of the beggar gang.

"Shanlin Town is now divided into four villages. Chief Dellin of Fuqiang Village, Chief Ladd of Qianjin Village, Chief He Saiba of Qinjin Village, and Chief Han of Jingye Village. The four of you come forward. , I know him."

Luo Ning was not very interested in dealing with these people, but for the village chiefs, it was an honor to be specially drawn out by the lord to get to know them.

The four people came out excitedly, saying their names and greetings to the lord.

Luo Ning nodded in greeting, and then listened patiently as the four of them introduced the four team leaders of their respective villages, which was considered a first meeting with all the people below.

Although he could not remember the faces of these people, these people could clearly remember his appearance;

Although Luo Ning emphasized that both the village chief and the group leader only had the power of supervision and not law enforcement, these people were treated specially by the lord, which in a sense elevated their status among the people.

In order to maintain such a status, they will do their best to complete the tasks assigned by the lord.

Maybe for some people, the monthly subsidy of two copper coins and two pounds of barley doesn't matter. Being able to be a team leader is what some people care about most.

In this meeting, Luo Ning explained the two most important things in the next four villages:

The first is the autumn harvest. It is already September 6th, and the barley in the wheat field farm has entered the harvest time. Luo Ning asked the village chiefs to take an active and leading role to ensure that each village's barley harvest is fully harvested. There is an ear of wheat abandoned in the field;

The second is the issue of planting after the autumn harvest.

Luo Ning consulted Wilson and found that winter wheat was not grown in Shanlin Town. Usually, after harvesting barley, farmers would be busy harvesting carrots and then planting cabbage, cauliflower and other vegetables.

After doing this, the farmers were relatively free. Some would sell their labor to the lords in exchange for some wood to repair their houses for the winter. Some would also take advantage of this time to maintain their various farm tools, and some would sell more Energy is devoted to raising and caring for livestock.

Once the winter snow is over, farmers will be busy again preparing for spring plowing.

In view of this, Luo Ning is going to take advantage of this period to implement his ridge farming method. Let's start by planting cabbage and cauliflower. They can be harvested in December, and farmers can learn this before spring plowing. Method.

Therefore, Luo Ning asked the four village chiefs to select a piece of land for him. He would personally direct the manpower and even operate the land himself.

They had never heard of nobles working in the fields, and this was the first time they saw it today. Not to mention that Chahar felt it was inappropriate, even Wilson wanted to raise objections.

Luo Ning didn't care. By doing this, the people could see that he attached great importance to this new farming method, so that they could better implement it.

In addition, Luo Ning also handed over the hoes and shovels purchased from Muma City to Wilson, and distributed them in the name of the village.

Of course, these things were given priority to serfs. If free tenants wanted to use them, they still had to pay a price, such as paying a little more grain when paying land rent.

In addition, in order to stimulate everyone's enthusiasm for farming, Luo Ning asked Wilson to count the annual output of grain, vegetables, flax and other crops in each village.

For the top three villages in total, Luo Ning will reward the village chief with 1 gold coin, 5 silver coins, and 1 silver coin, and give the team leader 3 silver coins, 1 silver coin, and 50 copper coins as rewards. At the same time, farmers who participate in the work will be given certain food rewards. .

As soon as they heard this, the eyes of all the village chiefs and team leaders lit up. This reward was higher than their annual salary, and their eyes shone with determination to get it.

But soon, Luo Ning said again that if the total output ranked last for two consecutive years and each crop failed to perform well, he would replace everyone from the village chief to the team leader, leaving no one behind. New people come up to take charge!

There are rewards, and naturally there are punishments. Luo Ning doesn't want to raise some village leaders and team leaders who are just trying to fish in the water. Only those who can be effective will stay.

The people below looked at each other, with worries in their eyes. They didn't want to be deprived of their unexpected identity.

But they all had the same idea in their minds - among the four villages, it was not their village's turn to be ranked last, right?


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