The Howling Island, where the lords had already fled, was already in disarray.

The naval forces of the Rapids Island, led by Elrond, Karada and Reese, encountered a small-scale resistance at the port of the Howling Island, but they easily captured this long-famous seaport with their overwhelming momentum.

The island is not small in size, with four or five cities of all sizes on it, in addition to many small towns and villages.

Even if some knights surrendered when they saw that their lords were gone and they could not resist, it would still take a lot of effort for Ronin's team to take over the entire island. In the final analysis, they were still short of manpower.

Fortunately, there were other noble armies that landed on the island with the Rapids Island navy. Many towns were occupied by them, which saved Ronin the trouble of governance. He only needed to focus his main energy on several cities such as the Blue Sea City.

Of course, whoever occupied it did not mean that the land would belong to him permanently.

According to the deliberation of the War Council, before the new king appeared, these lands would temporarily belong to whoever conquered them.

After the new king appears, the land will be redistributed by taking into account merit, influence and other factors.

Under such a policy, many nobles took the attitude of plundering whatever they could, and plundered the occupied villages, towns and cities to the extreme, and transferred all the property that could be transferred to their own territories.

At the same time, they also increased the exploitation of the people in the territory, forcing them to work day and night, cultivate more land, flax and other crops, and strive to make the most of their wealth before the new king appears.

Of course, Ronin would not be so desperate. In his opinion, no matter who the new king is, the city he conquered belongs to him, and the wealth and people above are also the same, and will not be redistributed later.

Because of this, he did not take the attitude of plundering, plundering and oppression.

His requirements for Karada and others are the same as those for Ridar. Unless there is resistance, he will not reach out to ordinary people, maintain order as much as possible, and restore the production of occupied cities and towns as soon as possible.

As the fleeing refugees spread, Ronin also got titles such as the Good Duke and the Merciful Army. This attracted many refugees to flee to the territory he occupied.

Ronin did not interfere too much with the robbery behavior of other nobles. After all, these people were nobles of the Kingdom of Alduin, not his vassals.

Although the titles of nobles were big and small, in a sense, their status was equal.

What's more, neither the War Council nor the Six Ministries gave him the right to govern the private affairs of other nobles.

However, Ronin did not do nothing. He sent people to record what these nobles did.

When the reforms were resisted one day in the future, these things would be turned out and used reasonably, and there would be an excuse to deal with these nobles.

Of course, it would be better for these nobles to be sensible and actively obey the reforms.

Unknowingly, the time had come to July. After four months of fighting, the noble coalition not only captured all the towns and villages on the Screaming Island, but Elrond and others also took over the towns of Azure Sea City, Romanos and Orkney.

Although Ronin did not rob civilians and surrendered nobles, he was well fed by the wealth of the Fleming family in this war.

Apart from the money, there were as many as 22 warships and more than 30 merchant ships seized!

Although Wubei Territory had steel ships, which made Ronin look down on these sailing ships, before the popularization of steel ships, these sailing ships were still of great value.

On the 6th, Ronin was invited to the main castle of the Fleming family in the Blue Sea City.

Standing on the towering magic tower, Ronin could overlook the sea far away.

"The Fleming family calls itself a 'magic family', and this magic tower is very unique."

"Yes, I see that there are still a lot of magic research materials and notes in the tower, which are of great value." Elron said: "My lord, I want to take these things back to Wubei Magic Academy to enrich the teaching and research materials of the academy."


Ronin smiled and said: "This magic tower is also handed over to you."

He turned around, and standing behind him were not only Karada, Reese, Patrich and others, but also the clerks that Elron had recently selected on Screaming Island.

They were like new recruits, and their first task was to count the population of the Blue Sea City.

"Karada, I am going to appoint you as the 'Grand Governor', in charge of the political and military affairs of Screaming Island and all the territories of the Screaming Sea that belong to the Duke of the Conqueror. Lusen, you will be promoted to the Governor of Rapids Island, and manage the affairs of Rapids Island on behalf of Karada."

The two looked at each other, their eyes full of joy.

For Karada, he wanted to become a noble and get rid of his civilian status.

Although he has not yet obtained the title of nobility, he already has a lot of power.

Although such power is limited compared to the nobles, his identity is completely different.

For Lusen, he was originally just Karada's deputy, and now he has become the deputy governor, which is also considered to be entering the core circle.

"I am willing to serve you!"

"Thank you for the promotion!"

The two saluted at the same time.

Roning nodded slightly, "In addition, Patrich."

The face of the Viscount of Crescent Island, whose name was called, was solemn, and he couldn't help but straighten his body.

Roning's sense of oppression towards him was too strong. Even though he was a Meteor Knight, he dared to behave properly in front of him.

"Duke, please give me your orders!"

Ronin nodded: "Although I abolished your status as Viscount of Crescent Island, you performed well this time. I still appoint you as the Governor of Crescent Island to manage the affairs there."

Although Patrich was unwilling, after all, the status of aristocracy was hard-won, but he knew that he had no right to refuse.

Now that the Fleming family has been destroyed by Ronin, it is very good that his Hunter family can be preserved.

"Thank you for your trust, I will manage Crescent Island according to your will!" Patrich bowed.

Ronin nodded.

"Although the Screaming Island has been taken over by us, there are still many islands in the Screaming Sea that once belonged to the Fleming family and have not been taken back. Next, Patrich will list the islands with high value."

Ronin said: "Elron and Carlos have other things to do and will no longer stay on the Rapids Island. The next step of the capture operation will be directly responsible by Karada. Although he is only a gold knight now, strength is important but not the only criterion for judgment in my opinion. I hope everyone will cooperate."

Patrich bowed and said yes. Although Ronin did not say it explicitly, he was the only Meteor Knight present, so this sentence was naturally said to him.

Karada was grateful and pressured.

He became a gold knight two years ago, and now his strength is basically one of the best at the gold level.

But the Meteor Knight is a big hurdle, and it is not easy to challenge across levels, not to mention that the other party was once a viscount.

When facing Patrich, Karada was a little weak in momentum.

So, although Ronin said that strength is not the only criterion, Karada still felt that it was very necessary to become a Meteor Knight as soon as possible.

Next, Ronin made some explanations, mainly about the principles of getting along with other nobles on the island, and that officials in charge of taxation and government affairs would be transferred from Wubei Territory to Screaming Island and Crescent Island to assist the Governor in handling government affairs, etc.

After doing all this, Ronin took Elrond and Carlos away from Screaming Island.

Karada looked at the black dot of the Duke disappearing in the sky, with admiration and worship in his heart.

Who would have thought that the opponent who fought back and forth with him at the beginning has now become an existence that he needs to look up to.

"Congratulations, Governor!"

After Ronin left, Partridge's nervous mood was relieved, and he smiled and walked up to congratulate.

"I will list all the islands in the sea in order of value tonight and submit them to you tomorrow morning."

"That's hard work!"

Karada said politely, "I hope everyone can cooperate with each other and restore order to the Screaming Sea as soon as possible. After all, the war is far from over, and the Duke's goal is the Kingdom of Tricia."

"If we delay here for too long, it may be difficult to see our shadow on the main battlefield by then."

Patrice deeply agrees.

The Screaming Sea is just a small fight. If he wants to restore his former status, he needs to fight again like he did when he was young. The battlefield of the Kingdom of Tricia cannot be without his presence.

Karada also thinks so. (End of this chapter)

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