Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 528: Counterattack in Public Opinion

The Wushan Family Manor in the suburbs of Jinyu City.

Carolina walked around the room anxiously.

She had written a letter overnight about the death of King Bruno and the rumors in Jinyu City that Ronin was the murderer and sent it to Wushan Castle.

Her intuition told her that a storm against the Wushan Family was about to come.

She was glad that she had not been targeted yet, but she was deeply worried about the turmoil that would follow.

As a person whose ancestors had been loyal to the Wushan Family for three generations, her family and children all lived in Wushan City.

If the Wushan Family was gone, the fate of her family members would definitely be very miserable.

The nobles outside were not as kind to the conquered land and people as Ronin was.


The sudden sound in the room made her tremble all over. She turned her head in fear to look at the source of the sound, but found that Ronin was sitting there without knowing when.

"You... Duke, why are you here?"

Carolina approached quickly and said anxiously: "Sorry, sir, it's not that I don't welcome you, but the king is very dangerous now, you'd better leave as soon as possible!"

"I know, but I want to know more about His Majesty the King?"

Ronin asked: "I heard that he was seriously injured by an assassin and was on the verge of death."

After finding Blanche and Elrond, he also tried to find Bruno, but he didn't find him.

"My lord, your news is behind. His Majesty Bruno is not on the verge of death, but has died!"

Ronin listened and sighed.

Although he had guessed that Bruno was in danger, he still felt very sorry when he heard the exact news.

Recalling his many contacts with Bruno, the impression left by the other party on him was mostly positive.

Although the other party was an ordinary professional knight, as a king, Bruno was absolutely competent.

Ronin remembered the conversation between the two sides in the Misty Castle. At that time, Bruno was ambitious to unify the Orlant continent. The other party probably didn't expect that the god of death would come to the door so quickly.

"What a pity!" Ronin sighed.

Carolina said solemnly: "Sir, now is not the time to mourn for His Majesty. You may not know that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has already determined that you are the assassin who assassinated His Majesty, and this matter has spread in the capital, Niujiao Bay and other places!"

Ronin nodded slowly.

Garrett has always regarded him as an enemy. After Bruno's death, he will definitely unite multiple forces to deal with him. This trick of diverting trouble is bound to happen.

Without Bruno's restraint, Garrett's behavior is really reckless.

"Do you know who supports Garrett now?"

Ronin asked: "Based on my understanding of him, he can't do such a meticulous thing."

"The knights of Viscount Luther Cox privately told me that Ferensburg, Screaming Island, the Principality of Vera and Viscount Niujiao Bay support His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's statement. Most of the others are silent, and only the Minister of Justice Texas publicly questioned it."


A serious, old-looking figure appeared in Ronin's mind, and he remembered the name.

And, interestingly, this matter was revealed by Finance Minister Viscount Luther.

In other words, there are currently three ministers who do not agree with Garrett's approach.

This is only on the surface, and there may be more people who disagree in private.

It seems that Garrett's popularity is not very good.

"My lord, there is another very important thing."

Carolina reported: "Crown Prince Garrett has reached a cooperation with the aliens. Your dragon was trapped by a dozen winged people, and your wife and Elron Mage were also imprisoned in the Golden Feather Palace."

Ronin nodded.

He had already learned about this matter from Carlos. Garrett, who cooperated with the aliens, had already met his death.

Of course, Ronin even suspected that the other party had even joined the Holy Storm Organization, otherwise, he would not be so crazy.

"Carolina, I need you to do something for me."

"My Lord, you said that as long as I can do it, I will do my best!"

Ronin came to the desk, picked up a pen and paper and wrote down some things about Garrett and him.

The above content mainly includes three parts:

1. It outlines Garrett's cooperation with the Wuhun tribe, which led to the tragic death of more than 200,000 innocent people in Moonlight Valley;

2. It outlines Garrett's violation and false transmission of the order of His Majesty King Bruno, replacing Earl Gushan as the commander of the Battle of Misty City, and also outlines that due to his command errors, many knights such as Viscount Willis of Heiyu Bay were killed;

3. It briefly describes Garrett's cooperation with aliens, murdering his biological father, dragging the kingdom into the abyss and slandering the Duke of Conqueror.

"Find someone to copy as much of the content on the paper as possible, and I plan to spread these papers all over the Golden Feather City and Niujiao Bay."

Ronin's reputation has been destroyed by Garrett, and he can't go to a self-defense meeting.

In this case, let's hurt each other.

Carolina took the paper handed over by Ronin, and a gleam of determination flashed in her eyes.

She knew that this was not just a simple task, but a life-and-death battle for the reputation of the Wushan family and Duke Ronin.

"My lord, I will copy as many as possible and strive to have at least a few hundred copies tomorrow morning!"

Ronin nodded, "Thank you for your hard work."

With Ronin's current strength and influence, he already had a group of admirers in the kingdom.

This time, Garet's false accusation made him bear the crime of murdering the king. Even if the people once admired him, it was not easy for them to speak for a traitor.

However, as Ronin spread the contents of the paper, this gave his supporters arguments and reasons to defend him.

At the same time, based on Ronin's strong strength, the doubts about Garet were more powerful.

And doing so was actually a kind of momentum, paving the way for Ronin to turn the table.

After all, Garet murdered the king and colluded with aliens. Isn't it reasonable to overthrow the rule of such a person?

Carolina acted quickly. She found all the clerks and people who could write in the manor and began to copy.

Ronin began to meditate, recovering his mental strength and magic power to meet the direct conflict tomorrow.

Soon, the sun rose at dawn and the night fell.

In a few hours, Ronin not only restored his status to full, but also consumed all the 1,400 attribute points accumulated recently.

The progress of the Legendary Knight (26032/40000). Ronin is now at his strongest strength. Even if Thranduil and others are present, he is not afraid.

"This battle is a battle to establish prestige and also a battle to deter all villains!"

"One punch is enough to prevent a hundred punches from coming." This is actually the truth.

Only when those who are watching realize the absolute gap will they not easily join Garrett's camp.

In this way, the external pressure faced by Wushan Territory and Moonlight Valley can be alleviated, and there will be less war and killing, and a certain amount of strength can be retained to deal with the aliens in the south. (End of this chapter)

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