Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 508 Changes in Wubei Territory

With the end of the battle of Misty City, the two kingdoms fell into a short truce.

In order to reward the nobles who made outstanding contributions in this war, Bruno scheduled a celebration banquet at the end of the month. The location was not set in the Golden Feather Palace, but in the Misty Castle.

This place was a place he had fought in his youth but failed to capture, and it was also the biggest regret of his father, King Alduin IV Klinsmann, before his death.

Now that the city was captured by Alduin, as the contemporary king, it was naturally necessary for him to come here.

The celebration banquet is a reward banquet. I believe that the nobles who attacked Misty City will get rich rewards, and the most interesting one is naturally Rhonin.

Many people speculate that His Majesty the King will promote the young noble who has just become a marquis.

Just like what Broll and others said in Misty Castle that day, in their eyes, Rhonin is already the next duke of the Kingdom of Alduin.

After receiving the invitation to the celebration banquet, Ronin was also looking forward to it. Becoming a duke would bring him a great improvement, allowing him to get closer to becoming a legend, and also give him greater confidence in the next battle with alien races.

However, these are all speculations of outsiders. How to reward Ronin for his performance in this war depends on Bruno's ideas.

But Ronin will not wait for arrangements.

He asked Blanche to go back to Jinyu City. In name, it was a visit to her mother's home, but in fact, it brought him two expectations.

The first, of course, was to become a duke;

The second was to hope that the area from Watchtower to Moonlight Valley could be included in his territory and become part of the dukedom.

Although it was a bit like taking credit for oneself and easily arousing others' fear and disgust, Ronin did not want to do nothing and completely obey the arrangement of fate.

Besides, he was not just asking for it without paying.

At least in the next war, the Kingdom of Alduin could get huge benefits.

Moreover, Bruno could also put forward his ideas, and the two sides could discuss it.

Ronin asked Carlos to send Blanche to the Golden Feather Palace, and he returned to Wubei Territory with the help of the Wind Shadow Technique.

More than half of the 971st year of the Imperial Calendar has passed. During this period, Wubei Territory has undergone earth-shaking changes in many aspects.

The first thing that the people in the territory really felt was that there were more and more people in the territory. Even in the once remote Shanlin Town, there are now large and small caravans coming and going, purchasing paper produced here and selling it outside.

Although parchment still has a high status in Wushan Territory, many people have begun to use this convenient and easy-to-use "shanlin paper". If nothing else, the cost is much cheaper than parchment.

This also reduces the cost of books a lot, making the circulation of knowledge much cheaper than before.

In addition to the large population, the reputation of several major industries in Wubei Territory is also growing.

First of all, the coal mines attracted workers to come and dig coal, and also let many people see the special resources of coal mines. For example, in the nearby horse-herding city, Viscount Marvin discovered such a mine in the territory, and he also came to the swamp town to learn mining technology;

The second is the promotion of looms. With the introduction of new flax looms by craftsman Daen, the flax produced by Wubei Territory is no longer enough to support the consumption of textiles in the territory.

Therefore, it is necessary to constantly buy flax from the outside world for processing, which has also led to the current Sanfang Town becoming more and more like a textile factory.

New industries mean a lot of employment opportunities.

In the past two years, the food in Wubei Territory has become abundant, and the people have more ways to make money.

Even though Ronin is often not in the territory, the people are all grateful to this busy lord for bringing them an unexpected life.

In addition to the above two changes, Wubei Territory also has its own college.

Wubei College is divided into three campuses. The main campus teaches basic knowledge such as language and mathematics, and is open to all students of appropriate age; the other two campuses are open to knights and magicians respectively.

The magician campus is located in the mysterious valley with a teleportation array.

As the dean, the great magician Bellora wanted to move his laboratory into the cave to study the teleportation array in the valley and the array that bound Carlos.

Finally, the new city of Wubei City was established.

Roning didn't know much about the city's planning, but it didn't prevent talents in this field from joining the construction of the new city.

Now Wubei City has taken shape, especially the castle of Wubei Fortress. Although it has not been completed by one-third, it is very good in terms of scale and momentum.

Roning is not very interested in building a castle, but Wilson, Chahar and others have repeatedly said that this is the center of the territory and the starting point. It is really a loss of status without a decent castle.

"My lord, this is a letter from Zilei Territory and Jiliu Island."

The male servant Garen bowed and handed Roning a few letters.

Now Garen no longer looks immature and simple, and he is wearing expensive exquisite linen clothes.

But even so, he was still cautious in front of Ronin.

Ronin raised his eyebrows. Macken and Karada would use griffins to send messages when there was something urgent. Why is it popular to write letters now?

He opened the letter and saw that both of them introduced the development of the territory and the formation of the Knights at the beginning. These were secondary information.

The main reason they wrote the letter was to request to join the war.

They also wanted to participate in such a valuable war against the Mist Castle.

It's a pity that Luo Ning mainly only brought the Knights of Moonlight Valley, excluding Waiheke Island and Purple Thunder Territory.

As two people who want to make meritorious deeds, they are naturally eager to fight.

Luo Ning couldn't help but laugh. He didn't expect that the two of them wrote the letter for this reason.

This time he was in trouble.

The existence of Waiheke Island was originally used by him to target Screaming Island.

But now that the Fleming family has calmed down and is not causing trouble, it is not easy for him to go to the other party to cause trouble.

You can't just pretend to be a pirate and rob, right?

As for the Purple Thunder Territory, it was to defend against the actions of the Principality of Vera.

But Andrea, like Myron, did not continue to create any organization like the Black and Gold Brotherhood, but McCann was a little idle there.

"The next time we go to war against the Kingdom of Tricia, we can transfer McCann here."

Luo Ning looked at the map and said, "Well, let Wilson take people to Purple Thunder Territory to investigate whether it is possible to open a road to the coast through the northern part of Purple Thunder Territory and build a dock to connect Purple Thunder Territory to Waiheke Island. stand up."

Screaming Island goes south through the East China Sea to the Scarlet Front, which is in charge of the Principality of Vera.

In other words, Ronin's ship can circle the Principality of Vera along the coastline.

When the future steel ships are successfully manufactured, they will be a deterrent when launched.

"Gallon, tell Wilson my idea and ask him to organize manpower to investigate. Apply to Chahar for the missing funds."

"Okay sir!"

After Gallen left, Oumai, the official in charge of the territory's population, sent the latest demographic data of the Northern Territory.

When Ouma handed over the thick document, familiar words appeared in front of Luo Ning:

["Siege the City" achievement achieved, attribute points +8000, energy essence +16000]

Blanche said that more than 100,000 people have gathered in Wubei City, and now it seems that this is indeed the case.

"Tell me about the manpower situation in Wubeicheng."

Ronin said as he motioned for Bella to pour Oumai a cup of tea.

Simon's side has completed the transformation of the steam train and the laying of a section of test rail, and will soon begin a large-scale railway construction project.

Luo Ning needs a large number of high-quality labor who are willing to endure hardships, have strong hands-on skills and understand the arrangements. (End of chapter)

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