Only when people experience power and despair in person will they remember this feeling and try to stop themselves from falling into despair.

Placido is the Viscount of Watchtower. Because of Ronin's power and the disparity in strength between the two sides, it is understandable that he chose to surrender.

But from Ronin's point of view, if Placido is allowed to lead troops to fight in the future, will he surrender directly when facing a strong enemy?

Ronin is interested in the identity and strength of the other party's Meteor Knight, and also in the identity of the other party's Melis Wizard.

But as a lord, he doesn't want to see his subordinates rebel.

He hates fence-sitters.

So he needs to let the other party see his power and personally feel the unmatched gap, so that he can think carefully when he may have the intention of betrayal in the future.

On the wall, after seeing his level 6 magic cannon being eliminated by Redar's sword, Placido's face became more serious.

Obviously, the knight on the opposite side is very powerful, at least at the same level as him!

He could either jump off the wall and surrender, or hold on for a while and give up resistance when the fight was almost over.

He glanced at the battlefield. The knights, magicians, and soldiers showed no signs of squatting in the corner. As a lord, it seemed a bit inappropriate for him to be the first to squat in the corner.

The arrogance of the nobles prevented him from putting down his face immediately. He could only wave his sword and shout to fire again.

But this time, the dragon's fire breath and the attack of the magic cannon on the battlefield came at the same time, making it impossible for Placido to take care of both.

With the flames rising to the sky and the roaring sound close at hand, he felt that his eardrums were about to be broken, and the huge impact directly blew him away!

If it weren't for the Dou Qi armor and the black jade armor to offset the impact, he would still be hurt by the fire breath.

His situation was acceptable, but the other knights who controlled the magic cannon were miserable.

In addition to several people who were blown away on the spot and whose lives and deaths were unknown after falling off the wall, the rest all lay there in a mess. It was hard to say whether they could stand up, let alone operate the magic cannon.

"No fight!"

Placido felt desperate and powerless.

He knew that if Melissa had not contacted Ronin and expressed their wishes, Ronin's attack would have been more fierce, and he would not have given them a chance to breathe like now.

The long-range attack had come to an end. Rydar raised his sword high, "Charge!"

He leaped up and flew directly into the air. In the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of the Watchtower.

I saw Rydar punch out with a punch, which was the "heavy blow" that killed the Sun-level undead skeleton that day. The huge penetrating power and destructive power directly smashed the heavy steel door of the Watchtower.

Placido felt the impact and his pupils shrank violently.

"That knight just came in the air, right?"

He couldn't believe that in addition to Ronin, there was actually a Silver Moon Knight in West Wind Hill.

On his side, not to mention Silver Moon, he was the only Meteor Knight.


The air trembled, and Redar's figure appeared in front of Placido.

Placido's eyes flashed with panic. He didn't know Redar, but in front of him, he unconsciously felt powerless.

"Knight, pick up your sword." Redar said loudly, and rushed towards him.

Plasido gritted his teeth and used all his strength to meet him.

He was a long-known Meteor Knight, but after one blow, he felt as unshakable as a mountain!

At the same time, the huge impact force spread throughout his body, and his internal organs were bleeding!

He shot down from the city wall like a kite with a broken string, and hit the ground heavily, leaving deep marks on the ground.

"Too strong, not at the same level at all!"

At this time, a rain of arrows shot in from outside the castle, starting a new round of attacks.

After the rain of arrows, the knights rushed into the city, followed by cavalry and infantry.

Although Placido arranged the Knights to defend behind the city gate, Redar's punch just now broke the city gate and killed a large number of people.

Such a broken lineup is no match for Odoro and others.

The charge lasted only a short time, and the team led by Odoro completely suppressed the opponent, causing the defenders in the Watch City to begin to collapse, and then the army was defeated.

Finally, someone remembered the content of the letter yesterday and began to put down their weapons and run to the southwest corner.

After someone took the lead, more and more people began to run there, and soon a large area of ​​​​people squatted.

Carlos slowly descended, and his huge claws stepped on the city wall, relying on his weight to collapse a large part of the city wall.

Those who didn't have time to escape were directly scared and fell to the ground.

Ronin jumped to Placido, who was knocked to the ground by Redar and was struggling on the ground.

"I respect your courage, but in the face of absolute strength, such resistance can only lead to meaningless sacrifices. Now I give you two choices, either lay down your weapons and become my captive, or die under my sword."

After being strong, Ronin also gave the other party face as agreed, allowing the other party's family in Dragon City to have a glimmer of hope.

Plasido's eyes showed gratitude. He was really worried that Ronin would make him surrender in public. Fortunately, the other party still followed the plan in this matter.

He threw his weapon on the ground and lowered his head: "I lost!"

Luo Ning gave Odoro a look, and the latter immediately understood, took out two large iron chains, and tied the other party tightly, without any trace of showmanship.

Is this considered a combination of kindness and power in some sense?

"Ruidal, I leave this to you."

Luo Ning said: "I'll go to the Ashen Valley to have a look."

"Go with ease, sir." Redal said.

Luo Ning nodded, stepped on the dragon's back and left Watchfort.

According to Ronin, Melonica deliberately slowed down the attack time.

The Flame Fortress seemed to be aware of this. Their lord actually led the knights to rush out of the fortress and take the initiative to attack.

Following the exchange of magic energy cannons from both sides, there followed the charge of the knights and the close combat of the infantry.

The brutality of the fighting was much more intense than that of Watch Keep.

Fortunately, Melonica mastered the secret skill and was relatively strong, so there were no accidents.

When Luo Ning arrived on the dragon, even though he could not breathe fire, the presence of him and the dragon exerted an invisible pressure on the battle situation, greatly boosting the momentum of the Wushan leader.

Luo Ning took two random shots, knocked down several golden knights, and brought the battle to an end.

At the same time, several other fronts also achieved unexpected victories.

Earl Ural established an outpost camp on the plain between Red Pine Castle and Misty City. On weekdays, two knights were stationed here, but today it increased to three.

But even so, they were still defeated by the team led by Garrett and Gushan.


Garrett smiled happily, sweeping away the unhappiness of the past few days.

"They don't even add troops to support the outpost camp. It seems that the Kingdom of Tricia has really changed."

Gu Shan frowned at the side, "It's a little strange. If it were me, I would pull all the outside teams back to Misty City to hold on, instead of leaving them outside without support and being defeated by the enemy one by one."

"Nothing surprising."

Garrett's tone was full of confidence, "Our operation was completed within two days, giving them a head start and leaving them with no time to react and make corresponding adjustments."

"In addition, Ural, as a great nobleman of the Kingdom of Tricia, must have been affected by this change of kings. He may even be away from Misty City, so this is why such a mindless arrangement came about."

Gushan shook his head. The border is so tense. Will Earl Ural leave?

Anyway, Gu Shan thinks it’s unlikely.

"There is no information from Misty City. It should be that our people are under control."

"That doesn't mean anything."

As soon as the battle starts here, the news will soon be transmitted back to the Golden Feather Palace. By then Bruno will know that Garrett changed the order and acted without authorization.

Considering that his father would probably send someone to take him back by force, Garrett could only make a desperate move and capture the Misty City as quickly as possible.

When he washes away the shame caused by the defeat to the Alduin family more than thirty years ago, his father will not say anything more at that time.

"Gushan, let the griffin knight go to several other battlefields to check the situation."

Garrett smiled and said: "If my guess is correct, we should all win a big victory. Let the knights tell them that we will rush to the Misty City tomorrow morning and attack the city in the afternoon!"

Gushan was startled, "Your Highness, we should reorganize for a day or two before convening the nobles to discuss an attack plan. Moreover, as Luo Ning is the military adviser for this operation, we should also ask for his opinions and respect his ideas. "

When Garret heard the name Ronin, he felt a little unhappy, but he didn't say it clearly.

"Gushan, if we stop for a day or two as you said, what if reinforcements from the Kingdom of Tricia arrive?"

He said coldly: "And I am the commander-in-chief of this operation. My father asked you and Luo Ning to serve as deputy commanders and advisors. They are just to provide opinions. The final decision is still made by me. I hope you understand this!"

"I'm not questioning your identity as commander, Your Highness, I just think it's too hasty."

"Procrastination will only make us more passive!"

Garrett interrupted the other party, "Now that we have won all fronts, and there are still two Sun Knights and a dragon, we should go straight to their base camp! I am the commander-in-chief and also the crown prince. If there are really adverse consequences, I will Just take responsibility!”


Gushan wanted to say a few more words, but after seeing the unquestionable look in his eyes, he thought about it and decided not to.

The other party was right. If something happened, they couldn't be blamed.

Moreover, the Kingdom of Alduin will belong to Garret in the future.

If Gu Shan offends the opponent by being too tough, he is not as confident as Luo Ning.

"Well, you are right, we do have an advantage in terms of strength."

Garrett's expression softened. He didn't want to get into trouble with too many people.

"Just understand. When we take over Misty City, your contribution will be greater than mine. That's the vast border, and you will have a share!"

"I'm looking forward to this day too!"

Gushan grinned and smiled, then turned around and carried out Garret's arrangement. (End of chapter)

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