The ransom system occupies an important position in the aristocratic war culture, which is one of the reasons why Karada treated Patrich with special favor after capturing him.

Ronin smiled slightly, sat down on the stool next to him, and looked at the once high and mighty Viscount of Crescent Island calmly.

Although Patrich looked embarrassed and unwilling at the moment, he was still aristocratic in his bones, and still retained a little majesty and arrogance.


Ronin's voice was a bit playful, "My dear Viscount, do you know that in my eyes, you are just a pirate who attempted to attack Rapids Island, and you are my prisoner."

Patrich froze, and then suddenly became alert, "Why, do you want to kill me directly?"

Ronin said the most threatening words with a smiling expression: "Many nobles have died in my hands over the years. There are barons in Swamp Town and earls in Moonlight Valley. It doesn't seem to matter if you have one more."

Patrich's eyes widened: "You killed Jesus? Are you crazy? You even dare to kill His Majesty the King's brother?"

"You have committed an unforgivable crime, so of course I can kill you."

Ronin restrained his expression, "Just like you, Patrich, with so many knights and magic cannons, trying to destroy my Rapids Island, this is also an unforgivable sin."

"No, no, no..."

Patrich began to panic. He began to think that the young man in front of him was an impulsive guy. Maybe he really didn't abide by the constraints of the nobles and killed him directly.

"You misunderstood, Baron. I just want to negotiate business with Rapid Island. I have no intention of attacking you."

"Negotiation of business? Are you going to negotiate business with me with strong ships and powerful guns?"

Ronin couldn't help but feel a little funny when he heard it. "Okay, Patridge, you probably don't know your situation yet, right?"

"You disguised yourself as a pirate to attack my territory. Even if I really killed you, the Fleming family would not stand up for you and ask me for an explanation. They don't want to publicly admit their intention to attack me."

He spread his hands: "So I won't pay any price for your death."

Patridge suddenly calmed down. He knew that Ronin was right.

Putting aside the arrogance in his heart, he had to face the young noble in front of him again.

The other party had a giant dragon that could gallop across the sea and made him powerless to resist. At the same time, it was said that the other party's own strength was not weak.

"Since you said you wanted to kill me, but you didn't do anything to me. So, what do you want from me? Or, what do you want me to do for you?"

The other party did not continue to say threatening words, but instead had such a change, which made Ronin quite satisfied.

"It's very simple. I need you to switch to me."

Karada and Reese beside him were a little surprised to hear this.

Patrich is a retainer of the Earl of Screaming Island. Is it really okay for Roning to dig into his corner like this?

And even if the other party agrees, is it really credible?

Patrich looked straight into Roning's eyes: "Do you want to defeat the Fleming family and replace it as the overlord of the sea?"

Overlord of the sea?

Roning did not express his opinion, but it must be said that the other party's pattern is small and he thinks too simply.

The Fleming family is indeed an enemy on his way forward, but not the final enemy.

Now Roning has stood at the top of the extraordinary people on the Orlant Continent. The enemies he will face in the future are the Holy Storm Organization and even the demons of the Crescent Continent.

Facing these people, individual strength is indeed the key, but the strength of the force is equally important.

Roning needs a group of powerful subordinates.

Patrich is quite strong, and he is only in his fifties, and there is still room for improvement. He is a good talent.

Seeing that Ronin did not answer, Patrich asked again: "Even if I am really willing to be loyal to you, do you really believe that I will not rebel?"

Ronin was very confident about this.

"You can rebel, but you should have experienced the power of my dragon. As long as you rebel, not to mention you, your family, and your castle, will all be reduced to ashes under the flames of the dragon."

"Your dragon is indeed very strong, but I was just caught by mistake. If it happens again, as long as I am vigilant, I can avoid its claws! Moreover, as long as we are prepared, relying on magic cannons, magic arrows and spell scrolls, we can completely achieve the feat of slaying the dragon!"

Ronin spread his hands: "Maybe, but I don't think Crescent Island has such strength."

Patrich's firm look suddenly eased.

Well, Ronin is right, the Fleming family has the ability to slay dragons, but Crescent Island does not.

"What can I get by being loyal to you?" he asked.

"It's simple. You can survive."

Ronin didn't intend to give him anything. "You have to know that you don't have any bargaining chips to negotiate with me now. On the contrary, even if you surrender to me, your family still has to pay 30,000 gold coins, plus five warships!"

Patric was stunned. He didn't expect that even if he chose to compromise, he would still have to pay the ransom.

But he didn't dare to refute, because he really didn't have any bargaining chips to support the negotiation.

"Paying the ransom means that you will continue to be a vassal of the Fleming family."

Patric knew that Ronin was asking him to be a spy.

The spirit of knights and nobles made him not want to do such a thing, but between life and death, after a series of struggles in his heart, he finally chose to compromise.

"Okay, Lord Ronin, I am willing to surrender to you!"

Ronin laughed and nodded with satisfaction. "Very good, Patrich, one day in the future, you will be glad for your decision today."

He stood up and ordered: "Karada, you write a letter of surrender in Patrich's tone and press his handprint."

Although this thing is useless, it can at least make Screaming Island no longer trust Crescent Island, and it still has a little deterrent effect on Patrich's psychology.

"In addition, write another letter and send it to Crescent Island, asking them to bring the ransom. The 30,000 gold coins will be regarded as support for the construction of Rapids Island."

Karada laughed. He didn't expect that the 30,000 gold coins he just promised would come from Crescent Island.

"I understand, sir, I'll do it now!"

He turned around and left the room immediately.

Ronin took out a powerful healing scroll from the space ring.

"This is a powerful healing spell from the arm of a great wizard. It can greatly help your injuries. It's a reward for you."

As Ronin's magic power was injected into the scroll, a soft light shot out and enveloped Patrich's whole body.

Bathed in the light of the powerful healing spell, Patrich suddenly felt indescribably comfortable. The pain that had tortured him these days subsided quickly.

He closed his eyes and could feel his bones healing and his injuries recovering.

"It's worthy of being a rare powerful healing scroll!"

When the treatment was over, he leaned against the head of the bed, "How do you want me to help you deal with the Fleming family?"

"It's not the time yet."

Ronin motioned to Reese to take out a pen and paper to record: "However, you can tell me the specific situation of Screaming Island in advance."

"In addition, I haven't seen Alfonso show up in these years. I want to know if he has made a breakthrough?"

Patrich still hesitated for a moment. After all, this was information that betrayed the lord.

But soon, he changed his mindset.

"Count Alfonso is indeed in seclusion and practicing hard, but unfortunately, he is still a great magician and has not made any breakthroughs."

"Not even a magician?" Ronin asked in surprise.

Patrich shook his head, "He has begun to decline, and I'm afraid he will never be able to advance in this life."

At this moment, the combat power of Screaming Island in Ronin's mind plummeted.

Perhaps dealing with Screaming Island in the future will not be as troublesome as he imagined. (End of this chapter)

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