Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 44 44 Interview with the Administrative Officer

Chapter 44 Interview with the Administrative Officer

With the addition of more than twenty servants, Shanlim Castle began normal operations.

Luo Ning's daily life was temporarily freed from the rush and anxiety, and he began to spend more time practicing swordsmanship and magic.

Early the next morning, under the service of maid Bella, Luo Ning put on the formal clothes brought from Wushan Fort.

The maid Bella acted very reserved, not even daring to raise her head.

Although she had been trained by Chahar, this was her first time practicing on a lord, so she was a little confused.

Luo Ning didn't show anything strange on the surface, but he still felt strange in his heart when a woman was dressing her so intimately.

He wanted to do it himself, but it was a pity that he was not very good at doing this kind of palace collar clothing.

"Don't worry Bella, you can just relax."

Luo Ning reminded: "We have plenty of time."

"Yes, yes, sir!"

Bella responded in a low voice, her face turned red, her fingers became a little unruly when working with the palace collar, and her body seemed to be getting weaker and weaker due to nervousness.

Fortunately, the clothes were almost worn, and after smoothing out a few clothes corners, the maid Bella could finally breathe.

She completed her first service successfully.

Luo Ning lowered his head and looked at his outfit. With his gorgeous service and tall figure, he looked quite handsome.

"Well done Bella!"

The maid blushed and lowered her head, "Thank you for the compliment, sir. Bella can do better next time!"

"I look forward to it."

Luo Ning said and walked out of the locker room.

Outside, the valet Galen was waiting there: "Sir, Chahar has already brought the people who came to apply for political affairs officers to the lobby of the fort."

"Then let's go there."

Luo Ning asked as he walked, "How many people are here in total?"

Gallon replied, "Three in total."

"Only three?"

Hearing this number, Luo Ning didn't know what to say for a while.

Galen explained: "At dawn, more than a dozen people came outside the castle, and they all wanted to be your administrative officers. However, after the screening by Chahar's housekeeper, some of the less capable ones were eliminated, and in the end only Three.”

After leaving the inner fort, Luo Ning came to the outer fort hall, which was a relatively open wooden room usually only used by Chahar or McCann.

For example, it was here that the housekeeper taught the newlyweds etiquette last night.

Luo Ning entered the room, and Chahar greeted him, "Sir, these are the three people I selected after preliminary screening."

When the three people saw Luo Ning coming, they immediately bowed and said hello to the lord.

Looking at their salutes, Luo Ning could tell that these three people were free men and not serfs. After all, the latter had to kneel down when they saw their lord.

"We're glad you guys responded to Hillwood's recruitment."

Luo Ning walked up to sit down and went directly to the topic: "But I only need one political officer, so I need to choose one from the three of you."

The three of them were a little nervous, but they were all ready to run.

"Let's start with you."

Luo Ning pointed to the middle-aged man on the far left, "The remaining two will go out first, one by one."

The man named to stay became nervous. He knew that the real exam had begun.

"Now there is a dispute between two territorial residents over a fat duck. They both say that the duck is theirs, and both sides gathered a few friends, and a small conflict broke out between a dozen people."

Luo Ning asked the question he had thought about, "If you were the administrative officer of Shanlin Town, how would you handle this matter?"


The man was stunned. He didn't seem to expect that Luo Ning would ask such a question. His mind was buzzing for a while, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

He kept shouting in his heart to quickly wake up and answer the question, but he just didn't know how to answer it.

As the silence lengthened, his palms, forehead, and back were covered in sweat, and his breathing became rapid.

After waiting for dozens of seconds without getting a response, Luo Ning couldn't help but ask again: "Tell me, how would you handle it?"

"I, I, I don't know..."

The man sat down on the ground, his voice trembling. ♡

Luo Ning was speechless.

Even if this person can't answer, he doesn't have to sit on the ground in fear. Is his psychological quality so poor?

"Next." He waved his hand.

Chahar quickly ran over and pulled up the applicant who was lying on the ground, and helped him out of the hall.

Faced with the same problem, the second person behaved calmly.

"Sir, you are the lord of Shanlin Town. Everything here belongs to you, including the property of the people, and even themselves. So I think it is unreasonable for them to snatch the ownership of a duck, because this This duck is yours!"

The man replied sonorously: "So, I will capture the duck they snatched and send it to the castle, so that I can resolve their dispute and properly resolve this matter."

Luo Ning rubbed his chin and thought for a while, "What you said makes some sense. Let's go down and wait for the notification. Chahar, let the third person in."

Faced with the same problem, the third person behaved relatively calmly.

After a brief thought, the man gave his answer, "Sir, if I were a political officer, I would resolve this matter in several steps."

Luo Ning motioned for the other party to continue.

"The first step is to notify the castle guards and arrest all the troublemakers."

"In the second step, I will try to put them on trial to determine who this duck really belongs to."

"In the third step, I will punish this group of people. The person who pretends to be a person will be sentenced to a felony, whipped and fined, and his accomplices will be punished with coolies and fines."

"As for the other party, I will impose a penalty ranging from a warning or coolies to a fine depending on the cause and severity of the conflict."

After the call was finished, even Chahar, who was standing aside, cast an admiring look at the other party. Unsurprisingly, this was the administrative officer.

Luo Ning was obviously very satisfied with this answer.

"Tell me how you will judge them and determine the ownership of this duck."

The man pondered again and said: "The pretender is obviously a pariah, and we do not need mercy for such people. I will use verbal warnings and whipping warnings in exchange for the other party's honest explanation."

Luo Ning was not very satisfied with this answer, "In this case, the real owner of the duck may be accidentally injured."

"But I cleared his name."

The man said very firmly: "I believe he will be grateful to me in the end."

Luo Ning shook his head, "I agree with your previous answer, but I don't agree with your trial method. If the duck's owner is forced to admit because he is afraid of your threat, it means you have indulged the pretender."

Upon hearing such a comment, the applicant's face paled. Being denied by Lord Baron, there should be no chance, right?

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, sir."

He bowed slightly and said, "Maybe there is a better way, but please forgive me for not thinking of it."

"Then I'll have time to think about it later."

Luo Ning raised the corners of his mouth slightly and stood up slowly, "Tell me your name."

The people below were stunned for a moment, then showed surprise.

One second he thought he was eliminated, but he didn't expect that the next second he would pass.

"My lord, this is Wilson!"

"Congratulations Wilson, from now on you will be the administrative officer of Hillwood Town. I will give you a salary of 10 copper coins per day. I hope you will serve me well."

Although not all of the other party's answers were in line with Luo Ning's ideas, being able to answer the first few steps showed that he had certain logic and organization.

And in front of two people...

Needless to say, the first one is that my psychological quality is too poor. If something big happens, I may not have any opinion;

Secondly, the other party's answer seems to be taking advantage of a loophole. What's more, will Luo Ning snatch someone else's duck because of this matter? That would only weaken his positive image.

So when there were only three people to choose from, Luo Ning chose the third one

"Thank you for your approval, sir!"

Wilson knelt down on one knee and said excitedly: "Wilson will do his best to help you manage Shanlin Town!"

Wilson couldn't even imagine getting a salary of 10 copper coins a day in this remote place.

Applying for a job as a political officer this time was the most important choice in his life.

Luo Ning raised his hand and motioned for the other party to stand up.

"Then, the first task I give you is to conduct a census of Shanlin Town."

Luo Ning began to assign the first task, "I want you to count each person's gender, age, occupation, and specialties as a family unit, and register them in the register."

"Also, craftsman, you need to pay special attention to me!"

Understanding the population structure of Shanlin Town can not only help Luoning carry out subsequent construction, but it is also a key step in completing the achievement of "population prosperity".

To complete this achievement, the population of the territory needs to reach 3,000 and must be registered.

Even if there are not so many people in Shanlin Town now, a census is imperative.


Chahar hesitated beside him.

"If you have anything to say, just say it Chahar."

The new butler expressed his worries, "Sir, there are only 83 pieces of parchment in the castle. Isn't it a waste to use them to register the information of the subjects?"

Parchment paper is not cheap. A page of 40 lines of parchment costs about 10 copper coins.

If you buy it in large quantities, it will cost a lot of money.

As the new steward, Chahar can think of the issue of parchment consumption immediately, which can be regarded as officially entering the role of steward, which is good.

"Your concerns are justified."

Luo Ning nodded slightly, but he had to do the population registration.

"There are not many people in the town. Even if we count them all, they probably won't consume much. And I will go to Muma City in two days, and I will just do some shopping then."

The parchment thing made Luo Ning think of a technology - papermaking.

Only by producing cheap paper can information be disseminated more conveniently, which will enrich the various "design" talents in the territory.

In addition to liquor, it seems that papermaking technology can also be applied to Shanlin Town.

"But we can't rush this matter. We can figure out the production method first, and then promote it when the time is right."

Things that are invented must also be protected by the ability.


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