Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 417 Crescent Moon Continent

Sophia felt a pressure as soon as she arrived at Swamp Castle.

Not only her, but Simon and others also felt Ruoyouruowu's pressure.

Based on Simon's many years of experience, this pressure should come from a high-blooded monster.

But they didn't find anything unusual when they descended slowly from the sky.

So they subconsciously thought that Luo Ning was secretly ambushing the monsters to deal with them.

So Sophia took the initiative to introduce their strength so that Luo Ning could dispel such thoughts.

After all, they came to this continent to ask for help, not to make enemies, especially when they were new.

Luo Ning was stunned for a moment, then relieved. Unexpectedly, his defense was actually seen as hostility by others.

"I think you may have misunderstood."

He publicly explained: "This is my Warcraft living in the castle, and it is not deliberately targeted at you."

"Carlos, come out and say hello to everyone."

Following Luo Ning's call, the roar of a giant dragon sounded from behind.

Carlos flapped his wings, hovered in the air, and then suddenly landed next to Ronin.

The huge strong wind made Sophia and others squint their eyes, and their heartbeats slowed down by half a beat the moment they saw the giant dragon.

They just thought that what was lurking in the secret was a high-blooded monster, but they didn't expect that it would be a giant dragon!

Even in the Crescent Continent, becoming the master of a giant dragon is still very difficult.

How did the person in front of them, who was much younger than them, do it?

Sophia withdrew her gaze, looked at Ronin again, and said apologetically:

"It seems that I have misunderstood you. Please forgive me. After all, we are new here. Although our team is not bad at strength, it is always right to be careful."

After the two sides started talking, the atmosphere returned to a relaxed state, and Luo Ning invited several people into the hall.

"Ancient books say that there was a shocking battle in the Crescent Continent a long time ago. For example, in the Flame Canyon, the human Flame Expeditionary Army killed the Shadow Lord Elliott at the cost of annihilating the entire army."

Luo Ning was able to tell this history, and Sophia subconsciously thought that there really was such an ancient book.

"There is indeed such a thing!"

She had never experienced this long-lasting thing, but she had learned it from history books.

"That battle was an epic battle where the sun challenged the legend. The two heroes Redal and Nicholas led tens of thousands of soldiers who were not afraid of death and created a miracle!"

Ronin felt something in his heart, and he looked at Elrond, who was indeed shocked.

Now, their origins were finally confirmed.

"I wonder what will happen to the war in the Crescent Continent after the destruction of the Flame Expeditionary Army?"

Sophia sighed: "That was a war that lasted for hundreds of years..."

After her narration, Luo Ning had a general understanding of what happened a thousand years ago.

To put it simply, more than a thousand years ago, the Star Continent, now the Orlant Continent, had communication with the Crescent Continent.

But the emergence of the demon god Nightmare King triggered a war that lasted for hundreds of years.

This war involves all humans.

In order to defeat the Demon King, all the extraordinary people joined in, and the battle damage was even greater!

In this war, Great Sage Airian and Storm Demon King Baghdana fought on the west coast of the Crescent Continent, and the battle scope spread to a huge sea area.

Although the Great Sage of Airion finally killed the Storm Demon King, the latter's remains fell to the bottom of the sea, and the special nightmare air polluted the vast sea area, not only forming a strong storm area, but also exerting spiritual influence on those who passed by. Torture, ranging from severe injuries to death, to death on the spot.

If you want to get through, you must have a legendary magician to escort you all the way.

But in that battle, all the legendary ones were destroyed.

At this point, Star Continent and Crescent Continent have completely lost contact.

In view of this information, Luo Ning had a reasonable guess that it was that war that caused the epoch of this world to be so backward.

In addition, people here do not have the habit of recording history. It only takes two or three generations, let alone a thousand years, to forget such a divine war.

"Are you being escorted by a legendary strongman this time?"

Sophia shook her head, "No, we just used the magic orbs made by the sage. But even so, four friends were still buried in the Sea of ​​Storms."

The Sea of ​​Storms is truly terrifying, and even the sage’s protection cannot safely survive it.

"Why are you risking your life to come here?" Luo Ning asked in confusion.

And they all have sages making orbs, why don’t the sages give them a ride?

"The demon god's subordinates have made a comeback. Now we have barely formed a confrontation with them. It is impossible for the sages to leave for a long time. In addition, we have received information that Storm Lord Thres has found a way to restrain the power of the Sea of ​​Storms. Send A group of minions came over."

"So, in order to prevent them from destroying this land of hope, we can only try our best to cross the Sea of ​​Storms. As long as one person arrives alive and can send out the information so that you can be prepared."

Sophia began to reveal the purpose of her trip, "In addition, we also hope that the sages and legends here can go to the Crescent Continent as soon as possible to help us put an end to the war between humans and demons that has lasted for nearly two thousand years."

Sending information and looking for reinforcements is the purpose of Sophia and others.

The idea is good, but the reality is cruel.

Ronin shook his head secretly, "As far as I know, there are no legends or sages on the Orlant Continent, which is what you call the Star Continent. I'm afraid I'll disappoint you."

The most powerful magician is probably the Amethyst Count Berolla Silva, a ninth-level great magician.

The expressions of Sophia and others dimmed.

Although the lord in front of them is young, his strength is very high and his status is probably not ordinary.

Such people say that there are no legends or sages here, so it is probably true.

So they not only did not find reinforcements this time, but they couldn't even return to the Crescent Continent!

After all, the magic orb can only be used once. Without it, they will definitely die if they cross the Storm Sea again.

"In addition, there is something I must tell you."

Sophia and others came out of their respective lost moods, "Please speak."

"Perhaps, the minions of the demon god you mentioned have come to this land and started to act."

Ronin told what he saw and heard in this battle, mainly about Orson, Barrington and others becoming witch souls.

After hearing this, Sophia and the other five were stunned and shocked.

It was obvious that the Mephisto mentioned by Ronin was the servant of the Shadow Lord Salonas.

Enelue reminded worriedly: "Give them time, the Witch Soul Tribe is expanding very fast. Your Highness, we should find the king of the Kingdom of Oduin and persuade him to search the whole country."

"Such an order has been issued by His Majesty the King."

Ronin said: "But the Kingdom of Oduin is very large. If Mephisto really hides and does not show up, it will be difficult for us to find him."

At least so far, no place has reported any abnormalities.

Sophia frowned, "You are right, but in addition to the minions of the Shadow Lord, the minions of the Storm Lord Ceres and the Flame Lord Phoenix should also come. We still need to inform these things to the supreme ruler here, let him be on guard and seek cooperation with him."

At this point, she looked at Ronin, as if asking him if he could help introduce.

Ronin can certainly help.

It's just that he wanted these people to help him more than to assist His Majesty Bruno. (End of this chapter)

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