Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 354 Heat Treatment Technology

In the next two days, Roning, accompanied by Macken and Serin, completed his inspection of the Giant Stone City.

During this process, Roning saw with his own eyes the diverse stone mines in the Giant Stone City. If large-scale infrastructure is to be built in the future, this will undoubtedly be an excellent stone mine base.

In addition to inspecting the resources, Roning also met with the people of the Giant Stone City.

Since the last turmoil, many people are still worried. After all, the lord is not coming, and they donโ€™t know what the future of the Giant Stone City will be like.

And Roningโ€™s official appearance is a shot in the arm for them, letting them know that their lord has come here and is paying attention to this place.

Two days later, Roning left the Giant Stone City and came to Chishan Town.

Although the defense and government affairs of this town are led by Macken and Serin, matters involving the iron mines in Chishan Town are handled by the craftsman-level blacksmith Feng Si.

For more than three months, the iron mines in Chishan Town have been mined day and night, and in the depths of the iron mine, the blacksmith Kales and others transferred from Wubei Territory have built a blast furnace for iron smelting.

"Sir, after many experiments, we can now directly cast ordinary farm tools."


Feng Si took Roning to visit their production base.

At this time, the blast furnace was smelting iron ore, and some workers poured red molten iron into a clay mold, cooling it to form the shape of a hoe.

To be honest, Feng Si was stunned when he first came into contact with this production method.

When he learned that this method came from the lord, he had an unprecedented admiration for Roning in his heart.

However, when using the hoe cast in this way, he also found the disadvantages.

"Sir, your method is indeed fast and convenient, but the hardness of the cast hoe is relatively low, and it is easy to crack or even break during use."

The forged hoe is hard and has a long service life, but the forging takes too long and the cost is too high;

The cast hoe has a relatively short service life and is easy to break, but the production time is short and the cost is relatively low.

In Feng Si's opinion, these two methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. It is impossible to say which one is better or worse. The key is to choose.

Roning listened to Feng Si's report and nodded.

"Casting does have disadvantages in this regard, but the severity of the disadvantage can be reduced by other methods."


Feng Si's eyes lit up, flashing with the desire for ironmaking technology.

Roning smiled and said, "That's heat treatment."

He walked to the shelf beside him, picked up a cast hoe, and threw it into the boiler.

"By using heat treatment methods such as quenching and tempering, the stress generated during the casting process can be eliminated, the grains can be refined, and its hardness and strength can be improved."

Feng Si looked puzzled. Although he was a craftsman, he had never heard of these new words that Roning said.

Roning asked Kales to bring a bucket of water, and after the hoe in the boiler was burned red for a while, he took it out and quickly put it into the bucket full of water.

With a crackling sound, a large amount of water mist rose immediately.

"Heating it to a suitable temperature and keeping it for a while, and then cooling it quickly, this is quenching. This method can greatly improve hardness, wear resistance, etc."

After Roning did this, he threw the quenched hoe into the boiler again, heated it, took it out and gradually cooled it.

"This is tempering, which can eliminate the stress generated during quenching, prevent deformation and cracking, and adjust the hardness and strength again."

Feng Si, Kales and others thought they had some skills, but when they heard these words Roning said, they felt like three-year-old children learning words and words, and they couldn't understand them at all.

"I just demonstrated the effect. The actual quenching and tempering require very high temperature control, and it takes constant experience to master it."

Roning said to Feng Si and others: "How to adjust the strength of ironware through heat treatment is up to you."

Everyone nodded solemnly. They thought that blast furnace ironmaking was all the lord knew, but they didn't expect that the lord knew more.

However, facing Roning's instructions, they were all eager to try, after all, everyone wanted to be the first to try it.

Next, Roning stayed in Chishan Town for two days. On the one hand, he checked the mining records of the iron mine during this period, and on the other hand, he also needed to understand the situation in Chishan Town.

During this period, Philip and Thorstein, the lords of Kasir Town and Surrey Town, learned about Roning's visit through merchants in Chishan Town.

As vassals of Wushan Castle and friendly neighbors of Roning, a genius, they naturally extended an invitation.

Roning did not refuse. After all, they were neighbors, and it was necessary to maintain a good relationship.

He chose Kasir Town as the venue for the party and met the two barons.

Under Philip's warm hospitality, the three of them ate and drank to their heart's content.

During the meal, Philip and Thorstein both asked to buy production tools from Ronin.

Kasir Town was fine, but the town of Surrey, which had been abandoned for many years, had a relatively large demand for agricultural tools.

Ronin would naturally not refuse such a business that came to his door.

He sold iron ore at a relatively low price, and of course if the two wanted to buy finished products, Ronin could also provide them.

When they learned that Ronin's finished products were 30% lower than the market price, they both rushed to see the finished products. If possible, they would definitely buy a large batch.

This is the benefit of blast furnace ironmaking and casting, which reduces production costs a lot.

Ronin can take advantage of this advantage to impact the existing market at a lower price and snatch their business.

However, he did not agree to deliver immediately, but set the time before the beginning of next spring.

During this period, Fengs and others can study heat treatment technology to improve the strength of cast agricultural tools to meet the needs of daily farming.

In fact, Philip and Thorstein also have their own calculations.

They originally just wanted to buy iron ore or agricultural tools at a friendly price, but they didn't expect Ronin's finished product price to be so low.

The two discussed privately and agreed:

If Ronin's low-priced products are indeed of good quality, they can import a large batch of goods and then sell them to various places at a price slightly lower than the market price.

Although this means that Kasir Town and Surrey Town have the potential to become channel dealers for Chishan Town, they don't mind as long as they can make money.

Luo Ning saw that the two had such plans, and he didn't mind this behavior either.

For him, as long as he made enough money, it was completely acceptable to give others a little benefit.

Once Philip and Thorstein tasted the sweetness, they could not only open up the market for him, but also actively protect his interests.

And Luo Ning also saved a lot of costs for selling outside.

Win-win cooperation is also a way to make money. (End of this chapter)

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