The kiss was a long one, but that was all they could do for now.

Firstly, the time and place did not allow for deeper contact.

Secondly, taking the last step before the marriage was officially announced would not be good for the reputation of both Ronin and Blanche.

Especially Blanche, as a princess, she was already criticized. If she did not behave properly, she would probably become a new laughing stock.


After a brief moment of tenderness, the two walked out of the lounge and rejoined the lively dinner.

The feast lasted for a long time, until the bells rang in the early morning, and people left the scene one after another.

"My Lord, you are back!"

Tom and David hurried over to greet him.

Roning asked, "Has the Golden Feather Palace arranged for someone to deliver the championship reward?"

"It has been delivered, sir."

Tom replied, "There are five large boxes in total. We counted them and found that each box has 10,000 gold coins. Now they have all been moved to your study."

"Did you count them?"

David looked helpless: "Yes, sir, you know, Tom and I are not well educated. Counting these boxes of gold coins is even more difficult than killing two wild boars in the mountains."

After hearing this, Roning laughed.

It does take some time to count 50,000 gold coins.

In addition, the two of them are not good at math, so they are likely to make mistakes. Once they make a mistake, they will have to start all over again.

"Okay, it's getting late. Go and rest if you have nothing to do."

Roning went straight to the study, and the five large boxes were neatly placed in the center of the room.

"The four big families did not bargain. The judgment made by His Majesty the King was quickly executed. It seems that Bruno's rule is relatively stable."

Although there are open and covert struggles, they are all between nobles. For the royal family, everyone is completely obedient and loyal, at least on the surface.

Ronin walked forward and opened the boxes one by one.

This scene reminded him of the experience of opening boxes in the shore city. That day he won 20,000 gold coins and completed the achievement of [Good Fortune].

And today he won 50,000 gold coins.

Based on the experience of one, three, and five in the past, I don't know if I can complete the achievement twice in a row this time.

As the five boxes were quickly opened, under the illumination of the magic lamps, the whole room was dyed with a golden light.

50,000 gold coins are equivalent to the income of a baron for more than ten years.

Such rewards are very rare in previous knight tournaments.

At the same time, a line of text popped up in Luo Ning's vision:

["Fortune and Prosperity" achievement achieved, attribute points +1000, energy and spirit +2000]

Then, the second line of text also popped up:

["Fortune and Prosperity" achievement achieved, attribute points +2000, energy and spirit +4000]

Luo Ning smiled, "Sure enough, two levels were completed at once!"

He took a look at the panel, and the new Fortune and Prosperity achievement required a one-time earning of 100,000 gold coins.

Today's 50,000 gold coins are equivalent to buying a lottery and winning the prize. It will be difficult to have such an opportunity in the future.

So these 100,000 gold coins are definitely not easy to earn.

"Unless I can rob the treasure house of a great noble."

Luo Ning thought while looking at the attribute panel.

After the bonus of these two levels of achievement rewards, his attribute points have reached 3003 points, and the energy and spirit have risen to an unprecedented 7560 points!

"With so much energy essence, once I become a Meteor Knight, can I upgrade Elron from a great wizard to an eighth-level wizard in one go?"

Any wizard, even a light-attributed wizard, has a power that cannot be ignored.

For Ronin, once Elron becomes a wizard, it means that it is possible to eliminate the negative effects of the Soul Devouring Surge on Lulans.

By then, the long-silent Wushan Territory will welcome the return of the meteor-level strongman of the past!

This will be of great benefit to both Wushan Territory and Ronin.

"However, 7560 energy essences may be a little less."

According to the current level progress, it takes 3500 points to become a seventh-level great wizard from a sixth-level wizard.

Then the energy essence required from the seventh to the eighth-level wizard is definitely more than 4500 points.

Therefore, if Ronin wants to upgrade Elron to a wizard in one go, he needs to accumulate more energy essences.

Fortunately, he still has some time to become a seventh-level extraordinary person, and he can still accumulate a lot by signing in monthly.

Moreover, after returning to Wubei Territory, Giant Stone City, and Chishan Town, he still has a series of achievements to achieve.

For example, the two items on the achievement panel are population prosperity and conquest.

As long as Rogner delivers the personnel that Wiggins and Kabir promised to provide to Wubei Territory, and as long as the new political officer Sailin does a good job of population statistics in Giant Stone City and Chishan Town, he can obtain a large number of attribute points and energy essence.

"But after this wave of achievements is completed intensively, the subsequent achievements will be more and more difficult to complete."

Becoming a marquis, earning 100,000 gold coins at a time, killing an eighth-level extraordinary unit...

These achievements either require very high strength or take time to operate. It is almost impossible to complete a large number of achievements within a few months like now.

However, he has already established himself among the strong.

Ronin collected his thoughts. Before he set out to destroy the White Whale Pirates and head to Rapids Island, he needed to consume all his attribute points.

After adding points, his knight level progressed to the gold level (2500/2500);

and with the consumption of the remaining attribute points, the magician level also reached the wizard (1699/3500).

Ronin closed his eyes and felt the changes brought about by the increase in strength.

Deep in the sea of ​​qi, the "wheel of the blade" that the golden knight needed to break was now only a very faint shadow, like a candle in the wind that could go out at any time.

For ordinary people, as long as this remaining shadow disappears, it means that the knight has broken the wheel of the blade and entered a new level - the meteor level.

After checking the changes in the sea of ​​qi, Ronin turned his attention to the mana space.

With the improvement of the magician level progress, Ronin's mana space has been further expanded.

At the same time, the "seal wheel" in the space was also impacted, and the brilliance was nearly half dimmed than before.

"To advance, I need 1801 attribute points. With the current three-fold increase in monthly sign-in, even without those achievements, I only need five months."

Five months, long or short.

"This time in Jinyu City, I have gained a lot."

Luo Ning opened his eyes and put the five boxes full of gold coins into the space ring with satisfaction.

In just over ten days, he not only seized a ship, made money, and negotiated a business, but also embraced a beauty, changed his reputation, and recruited two talents.

The word "quite fruitful" is not enough to describe the gains of this trip.

"Next, it's the White Whale Pirates and Rapids Island."

If all goes well, Luo Ning will get a new title and territory soon. (End of this chapter)

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