Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 298 Analysis of Pros and Cons

Chapter 299 Analysis of pros and cons

The wharf Luoning wanted to build was naturally aimed at a commercial port or transportation hub that could accommodate a large number of ships, rather than a small ferry-style wharf.

The amount of wood, stone, labor, etc. required to build such a dock is a very large number.

Although he was confident that he could complete the construction by relying on the Wubei Territory's own strength, the time span should be very long, ranging from a few years to ten or even decades.

Moreover, after completion, a large number of experienced port management personnel will be needed for operation and maintenance.

Previously, he only wanted to find experienced craftsmen and first find a suitable location for building a port in Wubei Territory.

Now, after hearing about the plight of the Dennis family, he immediately thought that maybe he could cooperate with the Dennis family in building the port.

After all, the Dennis family has been running Point City for more than a year or two. They have been dealing with the seaport for at least three generations.

If we can cooperate with the Dennis family, which owns the port, the construction and operation of the northern port will be greatly reduced.

"I encountered an assassination on the way here."

Ronin changed the topic from the matter of Sharp Point City and the Earl of Screaming Island, "The targets of the assassination are Hamet's lover and his son."


Vittorino didn't understand why he suddenly mentioned this matter, he could only show curiosity.

"what happened?"

Next, Luo Ning briefly told the story of the incident.

Vittorino thought that the other party was speaking for Hammett, and even promised that he would search the entire city for members of the Wolf Slayer Mercenary Group in the future and put them on trial.

Of course, Luo Ning was not here for this matter, and it was Hammett who had to deal with it himself.

"When I passed through Stranglethorn Valley, I asked Baron Hamet to do me a favor."

He said: "I hope he can help me recruit some craftsmen in Point City who can build the port."

Vittorino nodded slowly. At first glance, this matter didn't seem to be important. Recruiting workers was a very common thing.

But soon, he was stunned for a moment and asked in surprise: "Wubei Territory is going to build a port?"

Luo Ning spread his hands: "Why not?"

"Ubei Territory has foreign trade needs. If I want to transport goods to both sides of the Screaming Sea for sale, then I need to come here by land around Wushan. This road is too long."

"But if I have my own port, I can completely pull the goods from the seaport to the north, and then go south from the Screaming Sea. Not only can I quickly reach the royal capital, but it can even extend to your territory, Sharp Point City."

This is actually just part of the route.

Vittorino was secretly surprised and had to admit that the route planned by Luo Ning was very valuable.

Moreover, Wubei Territory is backed by Wushanbao. If there is family support, there is a high probability that this place can develop.

If there is another seaport of its own, the trade between Wubei Territory and the outside world will be more convenient in the future.

But this will inevitably affect the business of Dennis Port.

Just imagine, if Muma City, Brilliant City and many knight estates sell the land in the royal capital, they all need to go through Jianjiao City.

As a result, Dennis Port's income will be reduced.

But Vittorino knew that if Luo Ning insisted on building a port, even if he secretly ordered the craftsmen in Zianjiao City not to provide any help or support, the port in Wubei Territory would still be able to build a city.

If that doesn't work, just go to the Earl of Screaming Island. He is very keen on helping to build the port.

Instead, consider investing now and share in some of the gains later.

"Count Ronin wants to discuss cooperation with me?" Vittorino asked with a smile.


Ronin gave a very positive tone: "Although Baron Hammett has lived in Angle City all year round and is familiar with Port Dennis, he cannot compare with the Dennis family."

Vittorino nodded, but did not agree immediately.

"In addition to the trade between the two sides of the Screaming Sea, there are also ships that go around the Wubo Territory and go south from the north to the Principality of Vera for trade. However, there are no anchoring ports along the way. If the seaport of the Wubo Territory is built, , it can be expected that it will be a lively port.”

He first affirmed the value of Wubei territorial port, and then changed the subject.

"But if the port in Wubei Territory is built, then the cities in the north of Wushan Territory will definitely choose to start from your port instead of going to the opposite side through Dennis Port in Point City like now. This will definitely affect me. Dennis family interests."

Vittorino looked at Ronin, still smiling.

"You asked me to risk harming the interests of the Dennis family to help you build a port. This is a very difficult matter, my Lord Earl."

Luo Ning understood what the other party meant.

The construction of the port has not yet been completed, and the other party is already considering raising the price.

"My dear Lord Viscount, if you really think so, then I can only say that your vision is not far-sighted enough."

Luo Ning said seriously: "You hope Wushan Castle can come forward to help Sharp Point City sign a peace agreement with the Earl of Screaming Island so that it will no longer block ships in Dennis Port.

However, this kind of agreement on paper is not a long-term thing after all. Not only is it not very binding, but Dennis Port may still need to pay more fees to the other party. "

Peace has a price, and Luo Ning estimates that even if the agreement is signed, Port Dennis will pay expenses such as escort fees.

Vittorino was noncommittal.

For him, if the merchant ships from Port Dennis can go north without hindrance, his business will increase, and it is acceptable to pay some protection fees.

Luo Ning said: "If we want to completely solve this problem and allow Jianjiao City and the Earl of Screaming Island to trade equally, we must put pressure on him at sea."

Vittorino narrowed his eyes and frowned.

"I don't need to be a threat to his fleet."

Luo Ning said: "Since he can blockade the ships in Dennis Port, I can also block their ships that go around the Wubei Territory and go south to the Principality of Vera. If he intercepts you once, I will intercept him three times."

"Dennis Port's trade is small, so it can afford one or two losses. But as his trading partner just said, he is present in many ports. If he comes a few times, whether he can afford the loss or not is one thing. It will affect his reputation. And security is another matter.”

Vittorino's index finger kept tapping his thigh, which was obviously a subconscious action when thinking about the problem.

If the port of Wubo Territory is built and a fleet is built, it can completely set up a line of defense in the north, just like the island chain formed by the Earl of Screaming Island based on the offshore islands.

Of course, it was impossible for Luo Ning to use the official fleet to intercept the ships on Screaming Island, but he could use his identity as a pirate.

After all, there are pirates on the sea, which is a very normal thing.

As for where pirates come from, who knows?

"Once the traffic of Dennis Port is unimpeded, even if the cities in the north of Wushan Territory such as Muma City do not pass through your port, many cities to the west and south of Angle City will definitely reconsider choosing Dennis Port."

Luo Ning further said: "If nothing else, let's talk about my Chishan Town. I transport iron ore from there to Wubei Ling every year. The carriage's capacity is limited, and the single transportation volume is not large. But if it can be transported by cargo ship Going from Dennis Port to Wubei Ling, you can make money and I can save time and effort.”

There is no such large-capacity transport vehicle as a truck in this world.

Even if it is pulled by Warcraft, its transportation volume cannot be compared with that of a cargo ship, and it is also limited by the geographical conditions along the way.

Maritime transportation is different. The transportation volume is large, the cost is low, and the coverage is wide. It can be said that as long as safety is ensured, this kind of transportation is very beneficial to Luoning.

"Viscount Vittorino, do you still think that the port in the Northern Territory has harmed the interests of the Dennis family?"

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