Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 25 25Unexpected Hospitality

Chapter 25 Unexpected Hospitality

Under the leadership of Andrea and others, Luo Ning walked into the lake castle. ░▒▓█►─══─◄█▓▒░

Noble castles in this world are generally divided into three structures: inner, outer, and fortress.

The outer fort focuses on defense. It contains strong walls, gates, fortifications, traps, etc. Many houses where servants of noble families live are also built between the outer fort and the inner fort.

After passing through the inner city gate, you enter the inner castle. This is where the nobles usually live. The environment is naturally more than one level higher than that of the outer castle.

Usually, the houses where noble men live do not have much defense. Some nobles even like to live in houses made of pure wood.

Therefore, once there is an enemy attack or the castle is attacked, the nobles will hide in the fortress.

In addition, some important occasions are also held in the fortress.

When Luo Ning just crossed over, the place where the Wushan family and the Hyde family were talking was the Wushan Fortress.

It is said that not only the finest stones were used to build the Wushan Fortress, but there was even a defensive magic circle set up in the Wushan Fortress. Once activated, even several golden knights would be difficult to break through in a short period of time.

The scale of Hushang Castle is naturally not comparable to that of Wushan Castle, but it should be ranked high among all baron castles because the aquaculture business in Hushang Town is good and has brought considerable assets to the Green family.

"Lord Luo Ning, please wait a moment. Because we are not prepared, it may take some time for Baron Hermann to come over."

Andrea ordered the servants to serve fruits and juice and then exited the fortress.

Luo Ning sat on the chair and looked at the surrounding environment.

The furnishings of this fortress hall are full of a strong aristocratic atmosphere. A tall stone fireplace stands on the left side of the hall. When winter comes, the fire will surely warm the entire hall.

Luo Ning glanced at his chair. Although it was made of wood, it was carved with flowers, and even the front end of the armrest was plated with gold?

"This shouldn't be gold, right?"

He picked it but didn't pick it off.

The harder I try, the harder it will be.

Luo Ning put away his little movements and looked at the high seat in the hall. The chair seemed to be made of pure iron, with complex lines and patterns, but he only recognized a fish in the middle of the pattern.

In addition, a complete bear skin is spread behind the seat. Look at the huge and terrifying bear skin head. It must have been a powerful monster in life.

At this time, Luo Ning remembered some past events of the Baron's family in Lake Town.

Probably in the winter of eighteen years ago, Luton Green, the last Baron of Lake Town, took his wife, son, daughter-in-law, grandson and granddaughter out for hunting.

This is an entertainment activity that many nobles engage in, and some even enjoy it endlessly.

But no one expected that on that day, a huge level five monster, a jungle bear, would appear in the forest farm that was not supposed to be too dangerous!

Although there was a squad of knights to protect them, and Baron Luton himself was a senior knight, in that battle, the Jungle Bear almost wiped out the entire Baron family in Lake Town.

In the end, only Gehrman, who was still his son at the time, survived, and he is now the lord of Lake Town.

Although this incident had a great impact on the Green family, fortunately Herman's prestige in the family was not low and he was very talented in spiritual practice. The situation of the Green family gradually improved.

It's just that his fate was unfortunate. Ten years ago, in the knight's tournament, Hermann faced off against Baron Lehsen of Thain. In that battle, Baron Lehsen cut off Hernán's left arm.

The relationship between the two families, who were already not on good terms, worsened.

The broken-armed Hermann was depressed for a period of time, but was unexpectedly promoted to the Bronze Knight, so he got the title of "One-armed Lone Wolf".

"This should be the level five monster, the Jungle Bear, right?"

Luo Ning stood up and stepped forward to observe.

But at this moment, a female voice came from the door.

"Nice to meet you, Baron of Hillwood Town!"

Luo Ning turned around and looked over, only to see a lady in a formal dress slowly walking into the hall. She bowed slightly to Luo Ning, "Flavia Labor salutes you, thank you for your help, Only the blood of the Green family is lucky enough to survive!"

Flavia Labor, the second wife of Baron Hermann.

Behind her, Malik, who had changed into a formal dress, also bowed.

Luo Ning felt a little strange. Shouldn't it be Baron Hermann who appeared in the hall? How could it be this mother and son?

Although he was confused, Luo Ning still had the courtesy he should have.

"Greetings to you, Lady Flavia."

Flavia motioned for Ronin to sit down, and then she and Malik sat on the chairs opposite.

"I'm sorry, Lord Luo Ning. My father's chest injury has not healed yet and he cannot move freely, so he cannot come to the Lake Castle to personally thank you for helping me and my sister."

Luo Ning pretended to be surprised, then smiled slightly, "The Baron's injury is serious!"

Outside the castle, Andrea told siblings Malik and Marina that Baron Hermann's injury was almost healed. Judging from the relaxed manner in which he spoke at that time, it was estimated that normal actions would be no problem.

But now Malik said that Herman's injury was not healed and he could not move freely, which is interesting.

The first thing Luo Ning ruled out was any drama about the Green family competing for the position of baron. After all, Herman was the Bronze Knight and was responsible for the Green family's combat power. His death was a loss to the Green family.

Moreover, Hermann only had one son, Malik, who was still young and could not possibly seize the title of baron.

That could only mean that Baron Hermann didn't want to come out to see him.

Luo Ning couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, showing an imperceptible bitter smile. The other party seemed to be doing this because he didn't want to have anything to do with him.

Why is this happening?

Luo Ning thought for a moment. The other party was so deliberately avoiding suspicion because he was obviously afraid that the outside world would mistakenly think that the Green family wanted to make friends with him.

Being friendly with a person who has been disinherited will make people mistakenly think that the Green family's ambition is to support the new owner?

After all, after the old Marquis dies, there is no telling what the situation in Wushan Territory will become.

Therefore, Luo Ning guessed that the reason why Hermann did not show up was to show the Hyde family.

"Lord Luo Ning, thank you very much for this incident!"

Mrs. Flavia's grateful voice interrupted Ronin's thoughts.

"Gehrman told me that the roads in Shanlin Town are remote, the land is barren, and the resources are scarce. He specifically asked me to prepare a batch of materials and money for you, which can not only help you build Shanlin Town, but also express a little gratitude to you from Fort on the Lake! "

Luo Ning broke away from his thoughts and couldn't help laughing when he heard this sentence.

"Express my gratitude to Baron Hermann for me. I believe that with his support, the construction of Hillwood Town will be faster than imagined!"

It doesn't matter if we meet or not, it's just a loss of face and people will laugh at me if the news spreads.

This is not the point, the point is to get something.

Isn't this why he sent Malik and his brother home specially?

Flavia and Malik looked at each other, and were both surprised that Ronin didn't show any displeasure. After all, it was said that Ronin, like his father, had a bad temper and often used swear words.

But that doesn't appear to be the case at this time.

Flavia sat up slightly and said, "Considering the poverty of Shanlin Town, we will provide you with a total of 3,000 kilograms of grain."

"In addition, Malik said that your team does not have enough horses. We will give you three additional carriages, plus five ordinary horses, and two ordinary war horses."

"In addition, to express our gratitude and in case you need it, we have also prepared 200 gold coins!"

The more Luo Ning listened, the more comfortable he felt.

Although Herman did not show up, their gratitude was still very sufficient.

3,000 kilograms of grain is not bad, the total of ten horses should be 200 gold coins, plus 200 gold coins, the harvest from a trip to Hushang Town exceeds 400 gold coins, which is very profitable!

He couldn't help but stand up and bowed to Madam Flavia, "Thank you Madam for your generosity, and please also convey my most sincere gratitude to Baron Hermann!"

He added: "If possible, please exchange some of the gold coins for copper coins. After all, you know that in a poor place like Shanlin Town, gold and silver coins may not be very affordable."

Mrs. Flavia and Malik also stood up, "You are very thoughtful."


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