Starting in January, the entire Wubei Territory began preparing for spring plowing.

If by the beginning of April, after these few months of busy work, of the 100,000 acres of land that has been reclaimed in Wubei Territory, in addition to more than 30,000 acres of vegetables, flax and other crops, the remaining 70,000 acres have all been planted. Barley and wheat are two food crops.

After sowing is completed, it should have entered a period of relative slack.

However, Luo Ning had already made a plan, and the people were unable to take time off.

Wilson, the political affairs chief, organized reclamation teams in Shanlin Town, Swamp Town, Black Earth Village and other places on a village basis, and began the work of reclamation of new land in full swing.

Now, in addition to being equipped with curved shaft plows and iron farm tools, Luo Ning also pulled a lot of black buffalo from Marsh Town and distributed them to the village chief.

With these things, compared with previous years, the difficulty of reclaiming new farmland this year has been reduced, and the speed has naturally increased a lot.

On this basis, Luo Ning also formulated a reward and punishment plan:

As of early July, every family in the top three villages with cultivated land will receive a reward, and the village chief and team leader responsible for reclamation will receive more rewards.

These rewards include allocating land, giving food subsidies, allowing house expansion, giving monetary rewards to individual capable people, and even making exceptions to allow slaves with good performance to directly get rid of slave status, etc.

There are rewards and there are punishments.

For villages that rank last in reclamation data, and the gap between them and the previous ones is more than 3,000 acres, the village chief and team leader must resign, and at the same time, each household's tax revenue will be increased as appropriate.

With sweet dates in one hand and a big stick in the other, under the two motivations, each village has entered into the reclamation business in full swing. From time to time, "spies" are even sent to each other to check the reclamation status of each village, and there seems to be a competitive mood.

Heavy work inevitably consumes more food.

But Luo Ning is not panicking. He still has three thousand gold coins in his hand, and there is no problem even if he buys two more three hundred thousand kilograms of grain.

Everyone in Wubei Territory, from lords to slaves, is very busy, but the external environment is very comfortable.

Nothing special happened in the territory, and the border of Wushan Territory was surprisingly quiet. I wonder if the Polish Thieves Group and the Black Gold Brotherhood were also busy with spring plowing, so there was no trouble?

In two months, Luo Ning's magician training progress has exceeded 1,000. In only three weeks, he will become a silver knight and chief magician.

Fortunately, there is such an attribute panel that can add points. Otherwise, Luo Ning would have to invest a lot of time in training every day and would not have much energy to travel between several territories.

He has merged Qingzhu Village, Ziguo Village and Huitu Village into "Sanfang Town";

Black Earth Village originally had more than a thousand residents, and later 600 slaves were assigned to it. The population was close to 2,000, so Luo Ning changed the name of the place to Black Earth Town.

"Sir, this land has been planted with mulberry seedlings."

In the mulberry field of Ziguo Village, Horn was accompanying Luo Ning to inspect the mulberry field.

Luo Ning was a little sad. At first, only ten acres of land were planned to plant mulberry trees, but now it seems that there is less.

But there was nothing he could do. How did he know that he would take over Swamp Town and become the Lord of Wubei Territory in such a short period of time?

"What's the survival rate?"

Luo Ning squatted in front of a ridge and observed the small mulberry seedling in front of him. Although it was only a cutting of about 20 centimeters, the three leaves on it were very viable. It was obvious that the small mulberry seedling had successfully survived.

"I have checked and found that although there are many that have not survived, according to the layering and cutting methods you mentioned, we have made sufficient preparations. We have dug out all the ones that have not survived and replaced them with new seedlings. Now this Basically all the mulberry seedlings in the ten acres of land have survived."

Horn expressed some emotion that propagating mulberry trees by cutting and layering is much more convenient than using mulberry seeds.

"very good!"


Luo Ning smiled and said: "Next, pay attention to watering the little mulberry seedlings, and then apply fertilizer again after thirty days."

"Don't worry, sir. Regarding the fertilizer, I have already asked people to compost it according to Chahar's method. If it is not enough, I will transport some fertilizer from Swamp Town."

As one of the only three intermediate knights in Wubei Territory, Horn's combat effectiveness is lower than that of Kurami and Bablin.

Rather than improving his strength, he seems to be more willing to devote himself to the breeding industry.

"This is the first year of sericulture. Although it is mainly about trying and accumulating experience, it is also very important. You must choose people who are thoughtful, obedient and patient."

Luo Ning warned: "I will ask Leah to bring her apprentices to settle here later. The loom manufacturing site will also be moved to Ziguo Village. You have people prepare the houses."

Ziguo Village is the future sericulture base. By arranging textile, loom manufacturing and other industries here, there will be no need to move cocoons around.

Naturally, the tasks of cotton cutting, silk reeling, and weaving were left to Ms. Leah. After all, she not only had experience, but also successfully knitted a silk scarf, which Luo Ning gave to Lulans as a gift.

As long as the silkworm cocoon is taken out, even if the loom of Master Daen cannot be put into operation, under the leadership of Leah, silk can still be woven, but it will be slower, more laborious, and rougher.

After inspecting the mulberry land, Luo Ning and Horn turned back.

On the way, he continued to teach the other party his experience in sericulture.

For example, the indoor temperature and light need to be controlled. During the first and second instar stages, mulberry leaves need to be cut into pieces and fed. The mulberry leaves must be wiped clean of moisture, regularly checked for diseased silkworms, and the silkworm houses regularly cleaned to remove silkworm feces, etc.

After all, he had actually done this before, and he was much more confident and detailed when talking about it.

In the past two months, Luo Ning began to explore papermaking.

The bark fiber that is already being soaked in Shanlin Town is estimated to have almost softened. After returning this time, he can continue to try the following steps of crushing, stirring, etc. I believe it will not be difficult to make paper.

When there is enough paper, Luo Ning can write a book on sericulture and keep his experience.

Even if he later leaves Wubei Territory for something, Horn and others can learn from him.

Along the country road, the two returned to the village.

Luo Ning was preparing to ride the Cloud Pony back to Shanlin Town while it was still dark, but he did not expect the sound of rapid horse hooves coming from outside the village.

He and Horn couldn't help but look over.

"It's Tom who is following the commander in the sweep."

Tom has good potential. He has learned a lot from following McCann or Rydal for a long time.

After the incident in Swamp Town came to an end, Redal pulled him into his suppression team and shuttled through the mountains and forests every day.

Luo Ning frowned slightly, looking at the other person who seemed a little embarrassed and panicked.

"grown ups!"

Tom tightened the reins, stopped in front of Luo Ning, dismounted hastily, knelt down on one knee and reported: "Sir, the commander is injured!"

Luo Ning's heart skipped a beat, his face changed, and Horn next to him also showed an expression of disbelief.

In today's Hillwood Town, Redal, a silver-level knight, is considered the top combat power.

He was just performing a mopping up mission, but he was actually injured?

Could it be that during the sweep, we encountered a powerful monster?

Luo Ning only thought of this possibility, but felt it was unreasonable.

Because Redal is responsible for the mountains and forests to the north, not the Wushan Warcraft Mountains to the west of the ironwood workshop that McCann's team is responsible for.

Comparatively speaking, Team McCann is more likely to encounter powerful monsters.

"What's going on?" Luo Ning asked in a deep voice. (End of chapter)

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