Ronin opened his attribute panel after Wilson and others left. ♦♤♗

[Level]: 4-Bronze Knight (344/800); 4-Great Magician (0/1200)

[Attribute points]: 564

【Energy Essence】:1941

It's January 15th now, and the first two heart-warming gift packs this month brought him 40 and 50 attribute points and energy essence respectively.

Coupled with the check-ins at other times and the newly obtained achievement rewards, his current attribute points and energy essence have once again increased to a very impressive number.

"More than five hundred attribute points are enough for me to reach the full knight level!"

He didn't waste any time and directly consumed all the attribute points.

[Level]: 4-Bronze Knight (800/800); 4-Great Magician (108/1200)

In an instant, the mysterious energy that was generated for no reason entered Luo Ning's body and was completely absorbed by his internal organs.

Luo Ning only felt that his heartbeat was beating powerfully, and the blood flowed more rapidly in his body, as if he could release endless power as long as he was willing.

At the same time, the improvement of mental power also made Luo Ning's five senses more acute.

He could clearly feel the touch of the wind blowing across his skin, hear the chirping of birds in the distance, and everything around him seemed to become clearer.

Luo Ning stood up, picked up the Flowing Flame Sword and went to the yard outside the house. He used level 4 fighting skills and magic without any scruples, quickly diluting the pleasure brought by the rapid improvement.

Chahar, who was waiting in the distance with a kettle and a towel, found that he had been completely unable to assess the strength level of the lord.

After a while, Luo Ning stopped practicing, and while wiping his sweat, he said to Chahar: "Go and inform Redal that I have something to ask him for."

The energy essence has been accumulated to nearly 2,000 points, and it is time to use it up.

Considering that his own strength was low and there were many dangers around him, Luo Ning put all his energy and soul into McCann, allowing him to skip the bronze level and directly become a Silver Knight.

But things are a little different now.

Luo Ning's own strength has improved. As a peak bronze knight and a great magician, it is not common for him to be defenseless against enemies, whether they are Warcraft or assassins.

At least in his own territory, he can move freely without anyone's protection.

As a result, Luo Ning's dependence on McCann has been reduced a lot.

On the contrary, as the territory develops later, Redal's importance will become higher and higher.

In addition, the commander has made great contributions in conquering the black-collar tribe. Even if the energy essence is used as a reward, it is time for Luo Ning to give some to Redal.

In addition to Redal, there must also be a plan to improve Elrond's abilities.

After all, whether Rulans can be cured is closely related to the level of this light attribute magician.

"Sir, you are looking for me."

That night, Redal came to Luoning's room.

"How was your inspection of Swamp Town these two days?" Luo Ning asked.

The security problem in Marsh Town is more serious than that in Hillwood Town. On the one hand, there are many people here and the residences are very concentrated. On the other hand, the lord has just changed. Some people may think that the new lord is easy to talk to, so they deliberately bully their neighbors and cause trouble in the past few days.

Luo Ning noticed this problem and asked McCann to lead the cavalry and infantry to take charge of the security here, and arrest all those who quarreled and fought.

In addition to security issues, there are also existential threats.

The swamp is not peaceful. Dangerous beasts and monsters may exist. The hunter team formed by Redal is responsible for such problems.

"In the past two days, I have led the knights to search the dangerous areas reported by the residents."

Rui Dalhui reported: "No danger was found in three of the places, but a three-meter-long crocodile was found in the other place, and we have killed it and brought it back."

Luo Ning raised his eyebrows. The three-meter-long crocodile was not big, but it was still a threat to the territorial residents who farmed and fished in the swamp.

"Is it a monster?"

"No, just an ordinary beast."

Redal shook his head and added: "Jenny knocked it out with two water arrows."

Jenny is a water-attribute magician, and the environment in Swamp Town is very good to her, allowing her to meditate and refine mana much faster.

If Luo Ning builds a new city elsewhere in the future, Jenny can take over Swamp Town.

"Sir, after we finish clearing Swamp Town in a few days, I am going to lead the knights to split up."


Redall reported: "Joffrey will lead a group of people back to Shanlin Town to clear out the area from Ironwood Workshop to Wushan, while I will lead the remaining people north from the Black Collar Tribe."

Ronin nodded.

Both Horn Knight and Joffrey mentioned that many people from the former savage tribe died in the woods further north. Is there any danger there, or is there any other situation that requires Ronin's people to go there? Probing.

Now that Wubei Territory is Luo Ning's territory, it's time to take a good trip.

"Okay, you can be responsible for these things. If the prey you kill is a monster, you can leave it to me. If it is an ordinary beast, you can divide it between yourselves."

Although ordinary beast leather and the like can be sold for some money, the price is limited, and Luo Ning is not short of some gold coins.

"It's my lord."

Redal responded with a smile, "I really want to use that crocodile skin to make a small leather armor."

Luo Ning smiled and said nothing.

Although his three subordinates were all summoned, they were all living people with their own personalities. They were not NPCs. It was normal to have their own ideas.

"You can ask Chahar to help handle this kind of thing, or you can entrust Tom's mother, Ms. Leah, to deal with it."

Luo Ning said with a smile: "Anyway, you all get a salary every month. If you have money, are you afraid that you can't find anyone to work for you?"

"That's what my lord said."

Redal smiled and said: "I just hope that there will be more caravans from outside the territory, so that it will be more convenient for us to buy things."

"There will definitely be caravans."

Swamp Town is not as remote as Mountain Forest Town, so merchants will definitely be willing to come here.

"And we will also set up a caravan. If you have anything special you want to buy in the future, you can also entrust our caravan to purchase it for you, or you can take a leave and go to Muma City to buy it yourself."

The two communicated again, and Luo Ning found that Redal did know a lot about commanding and managing the territory, and it was worth his investment.

He looked at the opponent's cultivation progress, and it was now 2 and +1 every day.

"I have another thing coming to you this time."

Luo Ning changed the topic from training archers.

Redal stopped talking and looked at the lord, thinking that the other party had something planned.

Unexpectedly, a mysterious energy descended on him, making all the fighting spirit and blood in his body active, like water that was boiling more and more.

"This is?"

In such a long time since summoning, Redal has never experienced the pleasure of adding points. This is his first time.

"I will first upgrade your strength to the silver level."

While explaining, Luo Ning invested 771 points of energy essence into Redal, allowing him to directly cross the Bronze Peak and be successfully promoted to the Silver Knight.


As the level increases, Redal's body surface appears with mysterious silver lines, which is the symbol of the knight's promotion to silver.


Redall clenched his fists and cracked his knuckles, "My skin and internal organs have been incredibly strengthened between my breaths!"

He had heard from McCann and Elrond that the lord had such a magical ability. It was the first time he experienced it today, and it still felt unbelievable.

Luo Ning asked with satisfaction: "Ruidal, do you have the confidence to leapfrog and challenge the gold level?"

At the beginning, Ruidal defeated the bronze-level Leisen with the strength of a high-level knight, and he was still a higher level.

After listening to these words, Redal closed his eyes and thought for a moment. With this breakthrough, he naturally awakened a memory, which was helpful for his combat effectiveness and daily training.

When he opened his eyes again, he shook his head, "In the current state, it will be difficult, unless the opponent is not good at fighting."

Luo Ning nodded slightly.

Golden knights generally have been struggling for decades. There are naturally some who are not good at fighting, but there are not many. Most of them have two brushes.

It is indeed quite difficult for Ruidal, a knight who has just joined Silver, to challenge them by leapfrogging.

"It doesn't matter, time is on our side."

Ronin was not upset about this.

If he really wanted Redal to win the gold, he could just invest all the remaining 1170 energy essences in it.

It's just that the current Wubei Territory's need for the Golden Knight is not that urgent.

After all, it is already a very rare thing for a viscounty with a population of less than 20,000 to have two Silver Knights at the same time. (End of chapter)

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