Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 185 Possibility of treatment

After Luo Ning came out of Lu Lansi's residence, he was surrounded by the nobles outside. ̳x̳.̳c̳o̳m̳

"How's grandpa doing?" McKinney asked with concern.

Luo Ning looked around. There were many nobles here, such as Kabir, Marvin, Toru, the eldest son of the Levi family, etc.

They were all more concerned about Lulans' safety, but they were not summoned and could only wait here for news about Luo Ning.

"Don't worry, everyone, there is nothing wrong with the Marquis."

Luo Ning looked relaxed and did not tell the specific situation of Rulans, "It's just that after the battle, he needs to rest for a few days to recover. If there is no urgent matter, there is no need to disturb him."

After hearing what Luo Ning said, everyone felt a little relieved.

"Sir Tolu, I have something to trouble you about."

Tolu's expression turned serious, and he subconsciously thought that this was Rulans' explanation: "Please tell me."

"While the Marquis is resting, the safety in the castle is very important."

Lulans didn't explain this matter. Maybe the other party thought that there were contracted monsters in the castle back yard, and the safety here was not a problem, but Luo Ning still felt that it was better to be cautious.

"The gold-level assassin hasn't been caught yet, and we don't know his specific situation, so please pay more attention to the security of Wushan Fort in the near future, especially the security near the residence of Lord Marquis."

"I see."

Toru nodded solemnly, "I will personally guard this place in the near future."

As the leader of the First Knights stationed at Wushan Castle, Tolu is definitely someone Rulans can trust.

Kabir said on the side: "McKinney and I will stay in Wushanbao for a while, and I will also be responsible for the safety of the Marquis."

Kabir is Wiggins' son-in-law, so it's normal to stay here for a while.

Luo Ning said a few words to the other nobles, then walked outside, calling out to Viscount Marvin as he walked.

"What does the Marquis want to tell me?" Marvin couldn't help but be curious.

Luo Ning smiled and said, "That's not true. I need your help with something, uncle."

"Oh? You said."

Luo Ning took out the appointment letter, "The Marquis has made me the Viscount of the Wubei Territory, and I will take over the Thain Territory. In order to prevent the knights in the Thain Territory from getting the news and transferring their assets in advance, I would like to ask You send a squad of knights to guard the entrance and exit of Swamp Town."

Reisen must have knights and family members in Thain Territory, and he may also have spies and messengers in Wushanbao. Once the news reaches Swamp Town, there is no guarantee that these people will be allowed to flee with their assets.

The messenger channel between Shanlin Town and Wushan Castle has not yet been built, so Luo Ning cannot get in touch with Redal, so he can only ask Viscount Marvin for help.

"It's easy to talk about."

Marvin guaranteed, "I will now ask Rogner to use the messenger bird to inform the knight team in Wrangler City about this matter."

Luo Ning said gratefully: "Thank you Uncle Marvin. Please let me know the cost of this support and I will pay according to the price."

A nobleman asks another nobleman to send troops for assistance. This kind of thing definitely requires sacrifice.

Marvin was Lulans's vassal, not Luo Ning's. Theoretically speaking, the other party did not have to obey Luo Ning's orders, nor was he obligated to help Luo Ning.

"What's the price for such a small thing?"

Marvin hurriedly waved his hand, "My team of knights usually have nothing to do. Let them go to Swamp Town just to get some fresh air and practice their skills. What's more, I haven't given you a gift to celebrate your becoming Viscount, so I will treat this as a gift. Bar."

Well, the Iron Heel family is always so enthusiastic, and they give gifts for various reasons that others cannot refuse.

Everyone else also smiled and congratulated Luo Ning on his successful promotion, and they also discussed giving gifts.

Luo Ning responded to them all with a smile on his face and declined their offer of gifts.

However, he also said that Shanlin Town and Thain are in dire need of development. What they lack is labor force and various talents. If these resources can be sent to them, Luo Ning would very much welcome them.

After communicating with the nobles, Ronin arrived outside Miloslav's small courtyard.

Perhaps because of his old age, this great earth magician hardly attended the banquets at Wushan Castle. He would talk to Rulans on weekdays when nothing happened, and spend the rest of his time in his own courtyard.

"Lord Viscount, please come in." The assistant who reported the news invited Luo Ning into the small courtyard.

There are many small courtyards in Wushanbao for receiving foreign guests, and the layout of each one is very similar.

Luo Ning was led by his assistant to Miroslav's study. At this time, the other party seemed to be reading some book.

"I've met Mr. Great Mage."

Luo Ning saluted respectfully. It was a hard-won opportunity to meet such a big shot alone.

"Sit down, Ronin."

Miroslav pointed to the chair next to him, "What do you want from me?"

The other party spoke very directly, without any courtesy at all.

Luo Ning didn't hesitate, "Sir, I came here to ask if there is any way to treat my grandfather's injury."

Soul-Eating Surge is magic, and Luo Ning's understanding of magic is certainly not as clear as the great mage in front of him.

Miroslav shook his head, put down the book in his hand, and said slowly:

"Rulans asked me to do this a long time ago. I have consulted various magic books and consulted Bellora, but there is no practical and effective way."

Belora Silva is the founder of the Silva Magic Chamber of Commerce. It is rumored that he is an eighth-level mage, above Miroslav.

Such people definitely possess the top magic knowledge on the continent, and there is nothing they can do about it. It seems really difficult.

Luo Ning continued to ask: "I heard from grandpa that he was injured by the dark attribute magic 'Soul-eating Surge'. Is there any light attribute magic that can specifically dispel the effect of this magic?"

"The name Soul-Eating Surge was chosen by me and Bellora together. No one knows the real name of this magic."

Miroslav sighed, "The person who injured Rulans was not a magician with dark attributes, but a magician from the Kingdom of Tricia who used a spell scroll that he got from somewhere."

"That magician..."

"Killed by your grandfather."

Miroslav continued: "I know you have a light attribute magician under you. Indeed, many of the two magics of light attribute and dark attribute have restraining effects, but this 'Soul-Eating Surge', Bellora and I estimate It’s an eighth-level magic, can your subordinate become an eighth-level magician?”

It is almost impossible for low-level magic to dispel the effects of high-level magic, so Miroslav said that if you want to dispel the soul-eating surge, you need at least an eighth-level light attribute mage.

He sighed, "Even if he has that potential, it will be decades later. My son, your grandfather can't wait for that time."

Lulansi could only live for seven or eight years without any illness or disaster. How could he wait so long?

But after hearing these words, Luo Ning's eyes lit up with hope, "If there was an eighth-level light attribute magician, would grandpa be saved?"


Miroslav nodded, but shook his head, "That also requires the magician to master the magic of dispelling the soul-eating surge, but I am not sure that there is such a light attribute magic.

Moreover, I am not trying to discourage you. As far as I know, neither the Kingdom of Alduin nor the Kingdom of Tricia seems to have an eighth-level light attribute magician. "

Luo Ning didn't care about this. If there was no such magician, he could cultivate one.

He stood up and bowed deeply towards Miroslav, "Please help me, Mr. Archmage, to pay attention to the magic that can dispel the soul-eating surge. No matter how much it costs, Ronin will definitely buy it in the future!"

Miroslav stared at Ronin seriously, and then smiled faintly, "I didn't expect that when Rulans was about to die, he would suddenly have such a proud grandson like you. He could rest in peace even if he died."

"I don't want him to die, sir."

Miroslav nodded, "Okay, I will help you pay attention to this magic. You should also prepare money. Maybe one day you will find it. I hope we can pay and deliver the goods."

Unlike Marvin Ironhoof, he didn't need to show favor to Luo Ning. Even if it was Rulans, it was his brother who settled the matter, and this was certainly true for Luo Ning.

"Thank you sir!"

For Luo Ning, there is nothing wrong with this. Others don't owe him anything. On the contrary, he is asking for things from others. (End of chapter)

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