Chapter 180 180. Unexpected

How strong is Rulans?

As we all know, he was already a meteor knight thirty years ago at the age of forty-five.

At that time, Rulans was galloping on the battlefield with high spirits and great glory. The knights and nobles who followed him were all impressed by his strength.

But the Battle of Mist City thirty years ago changed everything.

Lulans was severely injured in that battle, and although he seemed to have recovered later, as soon as he used his fighting spirit, he would fall into a state of torment, injuring one thousand enemies and losing two thousand to himself.

Therefore, in the past thirty years, no one has seen Lulans' strength.

After hearing Jesus' remarks, everyone had different expressions.

Although I really wanted to see if Lulans still had the same style as before, most people could see the fishiness behind this matter.

Jesus seemed to be provoking, but in fact he was probably having a discussion with Orson.

After all, the outside world didn't know that Orson's strength had improved. How did Jesus know?

Just when everyone was looking forward to Lu Lansi's response, Luo Ning, who had been sitting in his chair without saying a word, stood up.

"Count Orson is right."

Luo Ning said: "It is enough for the Marquis to confer me the title of Viscount and designate Mountain Forest Town, the four savage tribes and Swamp Town as my territory."

This sentence immediately aroused the consternation of other nobles. They did not expect such words to come from Luo Ning's mouth.

In fact, Luo Ning didn't speak randomly, he had thought about it.

For him now, the three things he needs are the Viscount title, Swamp Town, and the territory of the four savage tribes to the north of Hillwood Town.

With these, he has a more solid foundation for development.

On the other hand, from the moment he became the lord of Shanlin Town, Luo Ning was ready to build walls high, accumulate grain widely, and slowly become king.

To take this route, he needs a relatively stable external environment.

If the external environment is to be relatively stable, Rulans' safety is the top priority.

As long as the old man lives peacefully, unless a huge change occurs, the current situation in Wushan Territory can still be barely maintained.

This situation is very important for his development.

Now Jesus is provoking Rulans and Orson to compete. Once Rulans agrees, what will happen?

Although Luo Ning didn't know what kind of disease Lu Lans had, he knew that Lu Lans couldn't take action at will, as doing so would aggravate the condition.

So even if Rulans defeated Orson, the price must be very high.

To take a step back, if he loses or even dies of serious injuries during the competition, then the Wushan Territory will face a more turbulent moment.

Luo Ning didn't want to see the turmoil in the Wushan Territory, and he didn't want to see Lu Lans' condition worsening because of his own affairs.

So he seized on what Orson disagreed with and decided not to create the newly divided "Ubei Territory" for the time being in order to avoid this dispute.

Anyway, except for Mountain Forest Town, Savage Tribe and Swamp Town, the rest of Wubei Territory is an uninhabited mountain forest.

When Luo Ning manages the existing territory, there will be many opportunities to swallow up the entire Wubei Territory.

"Haha, why did the Wushan family start to show weakness as soon as we talked about competition?"

Jesus said in a strange tone: "Is it true that Marquis Rullance can no longer use force in this life, as the outside world said?"

Luo Ning was very disgusted with this tone, but due to the gap in seniority and status, it was not easy for him to express his displeasure.

But Wiggins is different. As the son of Rulans, he is also very unhappy with Jesus.

"Count Jesus, please keep your mouth shut. If it weren't for the sake of the royal family and Blanche, I would have asked you to leave Wushan Castle!"

"Haha, Earl Broken Leg is still as domineering as ever." Jesus laughed.


Wiggins was so angry that he immediately broke off the armrests of his wheelchair and threw the piece of wood fiercely, "Get out of here!"

Jesus snorted coldly, waved one hand, and with the surge of fighting spirit, he knocked the wood away.


Rulans' crutch hit the floor hard and stopped Wiggins: "Pay attention to your etiquette."

Wiggins breathed heavily to express his displeasure, but he still restrained his anger.

"Uncle Jesus, please don't do this." Blanche said weakly.

Jesus did not answer, but continued: "I am just stating a fact."

"If Count Orson really wants to spar, I, Tolu, can accompany me."

"Kabir can do that too!"

"It's a pity that my father Melonika didn't come. Otherwise, he would definitely be willing to accompany me."

Tolu, Kabir, and Melonica are the leaders of the first, second, and third knights of Ushanbao. Except for Kabir, the remaining two are all real gold-level strength.

Even Kabir's combat power is comparable to that of the Golden Knight.

Orson smiled slightly and couldn't help but shook his head. His attitude seemed to be that he looked down on these three people.

"Although there is only one level difference between gold level and meteor level, there is a qualitative leap in combat power. You don't understand."

He looked at Rulans and said, "Don't worry, Lord Marquis. Count Jesus is just talking out of boredom. I'm not..."

"Come on, Orson."

Rulans interrupted Orson. He thought of what Ronin said when the Monsonland knight challenged Ronin last night.

He smiled slightly and said: "The Wushan family is never afraid of any challenge."

"Father!" Wiggins couldn't believe it.

The same was true for Luo Ning. He took the initiative to agree to Orson's proposal, but he didn't expect that Lu Lansi would take the initiative to agree.

Marvin, Kabir, Tolu and others also frowned. It was not easy to deal with it now. The Marquis personally agreed that there was nothing they could do to help.

Jesus smiled happily and said: "As expected of Marquis Rulans, I admire your courage!"

Rulans glanced at the other party, "Jesus, do you know why you became the Earl of Moonlight Valley?"

Jesus' smile was visibly stiff, and the expression on his face darkened, as if some pain point had been exposed by Rulans.

Orson was surprised at first, then had a flash of surprise, and finally turned into disbelieving doubts: "My Lord Marquis, are you really willing?"

"I haven't had any good exercise in thirty years. Let's do some good exercise before these bones fall apart."

He slowly raised the crutch in his hand and grasped it with his right hand. A bolt of lightning flashed from the crutch. With a cracking sound, it shed its wooden skin and turned into a long sword.


The electric fox flashed on the blade, exuding a faint pressure.

When Luo Ning saw this scene, he immediately thought of his own Flowing Flame Sword. It seemed that Lu Lansi's sword was also an enchanted extraordinary weapon.

"If you win this battle, then follow what Luo Ning just proposed."

Rulans pointed his sword at Orson, "If I win, then follow my proposal."

Orson was in a trance for a while. After more than thirty years, he was once again pointed at by Rulans with a sword like this. He actually felt great oppression and discomfort.

"No, Orson, you're different now!"

He roared in his heart: "Now you are the same as Rulans, a meteor knight, and your body is stronger than the other's. You can't fail again!"

He took a deep breath, calmed down his emotions, and his eyes were no longer afraid, "Okay, I agree with your proposal!"

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