Chapter 172 172. Quarrel

When Luo Ning first made the identification, he said that there was a shadow of Rayson in the assassination of Blanche at the Colosseum, but he did not provide strong evidence.

But when Tolu showed up wearing clothes embroidered with gold skulls, he connected Leisen with Blanche's assassination.

The outside world knows very little about the specific members of the killer organization Skull and Bones, and even Wushanbao has not determined where this organization is based.

But Leisen was able to get the Skull and Bones Society to issue a mission to assassinate Luo Ning, which is enough to show that he has a clear connection channel with the Skull and Bones Society, and it does not even rule out that he himself is a member of the Skull and Bones Society.

As the only person present who knew that he had close contact with the Skull and Bones, Rayson certainly could not escape the suspicion of participating in the assassination of Blanche.

Luo Ning glanced at Leisen, who had an extremely ugly face, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "Leisen, do you have anything to quibble about now?"

"We invaded the resources that should belong to Wushanbao and assassinated the Green family's Marina and Malik siblings. They tried to kill me many times and were inseparable from the assassination of my father and the assassination of Her Royal Highness. .”

Luo Ning's eyes were sharp, "This is a capital crime!"

"No, you are slandering!"

Leisen roared angrily: "Your testimony is false! This Tom is also false! The assassination of Earl Wiggins and Her Royal Highness Princess has nothing to do with me!"

"These are all false, I don't admit it!"

Ronin didn't speak, but a figure jumped out on the terrace again. It was Sir Broll, the deputy leader of the Royal Griffin Knights.

Brower fell directly behind Leisen and said in a cold voice: "Whether you admit it or not, as long as there is suspicion, you will be the target of my investigation."

Brower has been worried in the past few hours that this assassination has not found any valuable suspects. If this result persists, he does not know how to report to the superiors after returning.

Now, a suspect has finally been exposed. How could he let him go?

Brower didn't waste any time and reached out to grab the opponent.

Leisen was immediately furious and punched with his backhand. The surging fighting spirit condensed into a huge fist shadow and hit the opponent.

"Don't overestimate your capabilities!"

Brower snorted coldly, his right hand turned into a claw and directly scratched Leisen's fist. He grabbed the opponent's fist unstoppably and squeezed it hard.

Click, click!

Leisen's fist was directly twisted and deformed, and in his heart-rending scream, his right hand was directly destroyed.

Luo Ning was slightly surprised. Broll's response just now didn't have much momentum. He only saw that the fighting spirit on the opponent seemed to explode for a moment, and then he easily broke Leisen's attack. The fighting spirit armor was not even activated during the whole process. .

"He is indeed the deputy leader of the Griffin Knights. I wonder what level of knight he is?"

At this time, Wiggins, who had been unable to bear it for a long time, also spoke, "Tolu, take Leisen down for interrogation and see how many things this beast has done to betray Ushanbao!"

Tolu put away the evidence and gave his son Galil a look, who immediately came out with the knights and firmly controlled Leisen.

"Count Orson, I was wronged, I was wronged!"

"Please also ask Count Orson to seek justice for me!"

Leisen was completely frightened and could no longer maintain the image of a nobleman, so he began to roar loudly for help.

Many nobles in the crowd turned their attention to Orson, who didn't have any strange expression, just frowned slightly.

After all, he still said loudly: "Sir Toru, please be slow!"

Orson walked to Rulans' side and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, Marquis, among the evidence submitted by Ronin, this is the only testimony that proves the connection between Rayson and the Skull and Bones Society. However, the authenticity of the testimony still needs to wait until the assassin is found." It can only be determined after being escorted to Wushanpu for trial.”

He paused and continued: "So I suggest that before the assassin is brought, we still need to treat Leisen with noble etiquette."

"Father-in-law, I see there is nothing to wait for."

Before Lulans could speak, Wiggins spoke first, "I know Luo Ning's character. If he doesn't have the guts to forge evidence, then Leisen must be the traitor of Wushanbao!"

Orson didn't speak, but he already scolded Wiggins several times in his heart.

Your son's performance is countless times better than yours, but you are still saying that the other person has no courage, and that you know the other person's character. This is simply not knowing anything about it.

From Orson's point of view, he believed that this testimony was forged by Luo Ning.

"Orson, whether Rayson participated in the assassination of Wiggins and Blanche does need to be tried."

Lulans spoke slowly, his eyes falling on Luo Ning in the square, "But the other party has tried to kill Luo Ning many times. This is a confirmed fact. For this crime alone, I can deprive him of his noble title. and territory.”

Having said this, he looked at Orson, "So now we no longer need to use noble etiquette to treat such traitors."

"Sir, is it too hasty to decide like this?"

Orson's tone was not as respectful as before, "We all know Luo Ning's past character, and my little granddaughter died because of him. With his evil past, it can be resolved with a testimony and a witness. It would be too childish to overthrow a noble!"

Blanche on the side heard that Luo Ning was slandered and couldn't help but said:

"Everyone can grow and change, Count Orson. If it weren't for Ronin's protection yesterday, I would have died under the sword of the Skull and Bones Society. For such a brave and powerful knight, I don't think he would frame a A nobleman."

"Blanche, uncle, I want to remind you."

Jesus came over at some point. He did not show any dignity to the princess, but actually said in a teaching tone in front of everyone:

"Sometimes, don't judge a person's quality based on just one thing. Luo Ning saved you, but that doesn't mean he won't frame others."

Blanche frowned slightly and her face was tense. She was relatively lonely and didn't know how to refute this uncle.

"Watch your words Jesus."

Brower stepped back onto the terrace, "You have no right to speak to Her Royal Highness in such a tone!"

"Please also pay attention to your attitude Broll, you are loyal to the royal family, and my last name is also 'Alduin'!"

"I'm sorry, my allegiance is always to His Majesty Breton, not to you, the Earl of Moonlight Valley!"

Seeing that the quarrel seemed to be getting more and more intense, Lulans, who was sitting on the chair, stood up and said, "Okay, everyone, please calm down."

He looked at Orson and said, "Speaking of which, Wushanbao has handed over the task of annihilating the Skull and Bones Society to Black Python City. Orson, not only have you not made any achievements in the past two months, you have even allowed the members of the Skull and Bones Society time to communicate with you." You have the energy to go to Wushan City to cause trouble, you are responsible for this matter."


Orson was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the responsibility would fall on him. The key was that he couldn't refute it yet.

Rulans withdrew his gaze and looked down again, "Tolu, take Raisen to the prison, as well as the knights and servants who came with him, imprison and interrogate them all, and give me an answer tomorrow morning."

"Yes, sir!"

Toru bowed and obeyed, then quickly left with his people, and began to arrest the entourage of Thain Territory.

"It's a good thing to catch the traitor. Don't let this incident discredit Yaxing."

Lulans turned around and said to the nobles behind him: "Let us return to the banquet hall and continue this unfinished event!"

Rulans didn't know whether others were happy or not, but he was very happy.

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