Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 149 149McKinney’s Attitude

Chapter 150 McKinney’s Attitude

Ronin stayed at Rulans' place for a long time.

During this period, he told some things that happened in Shanlin Town, such as how to eliminate the Storm Wolf, how to defeat Leisen, etc.

At the same time, he also understood some recent events in Wushanbao.

The last time Luoning came, Rulans had asked him if he wanted to attack the Black and Gold Brotherhood.

The advice he gave at that time was that it was not appropriate to take action before spring plowing, and since the assassination of Wiggins occurred on the land of the Earl of Hyde, Orson should explain this matter to Wushanbao instead of Wushanbao sending troops.

I don't know if Lulans originally planned to do this, or if Luo Ning's suggestion had an effect, Wushanbao passed instructions to Orson and asked the other party to take action to avenge Wiggins.

Now in the past nearly two months, Orson's side is said to have won two wars, but they have not killed the main figures of the Black and Gold Brotherhood. It seems that they have not achieved any great results.

After coming out of Rulans, Ronin, accompanied by McKinney, went to visit Wiggins.

Now in Wushan Castle, Lu Lansi is recuperating in the back courtyard. Almost all guests come to visit him, and he rarely shows up on his own initiative;

Wiggins lost another leg and was unable to move, so it fell to the castle mistress Diane and Breton to receive guests at Wushan Castle.

Fortunately, with so many years of experience, and with the assistance of Hallwater and others, the reception was carried out in an orderly manner.

"Hi, Brother Luo Ning!"

Brayton came up to say hello enthusiastically. Today he was wearing a well-fitting tuxedo with a golden mountain pattern embroidered on his shoulders, which was the crest of the Osan family.

"I've heard from Hallwart that you're back. It's a pity that I can't leave here and didn't go to see you."

"It is more important to receive guests and not to let Wushanbao lose etiquette."

Ronin thought of what Brayton said to him that day. The young man in front of him still seemed innocent at the moment, "You performed great today!"

Brayton smiled, then nodded slightly to McKinney and called her sister.

On the contrary, McKinney's attitude towards Brayton was not very good, and he just gave a mild hum.

"Where is father?" Luo Ning asked.

"Father is in the study. Viscount Marvin came over just now and they chatted for a while."

Ronin nodded, said goodbye to Brayton, and walked towards the study.

"Luoning, why are you so polite to Brayton?"

McKinney's tone was not good, and he was obviously not satisfied with Ronin's attitude towards Brayton just now.

"Is there something wrong?" Luo Ning asked with a smile.

McKinney looked around and saw that there was no one in the corridor, so he leaned into Ronin's ear and whispered: "I heard Kabir said that Selena's suicide was a conspiracy, and they used despicable means to frame you, and The person who benefits is Brayton!”

Luo Ning had no memory of how Selena committed suicide. To be precise, he couldn't remember exactly what happened that day. He would never believe that there was no conspiracy.

It's just that Luo Ning was unable to break the situation he faced when he first crossed over, so it was a done deal.

Ronin did not want to reveal his inner thoughts, but said casually: "Brayton may not know the truth behind this matter, he is only a child."

McKinney glared, "You're still as childish as ever!"

Ronin spread his hands and joked: "Then what do you want me to do to Brayton? Go up and slap him twice?"

"Take back the inheritance, it should be yours!"

McKinney said seriously: "Don't worry, we will support you!"

Luo Ning was stunned.

McKinney said "we", obviously not just her, there should be Kabir, and even more people.

Perhaps, this group of people don't want to see Brayton take over after the death of Rulans and Wiggins.

As long as Luo Ning takes the lead, someone will definitely stand up to support.

"It's still a long time, sister!"

Luo Ning smiled and said: "Our grandfather is in good health. Although my father lost a leg, if there are no accidents, he can live for at least twenty or thirty years. Maybe then Brayton and I will both die unexpectedly?"

He shrugged, "What's the point of fighting over this?"

"You really...can't speak?"

"How can anyone curse themselves to die early at such a young age?"

After hearing this, McKinney reached out and grabbed Ronin's ears, just like when he was a child and taught him a lesson.

The two talked for a while and then went to the study to meet Wiggins.

Compared with last time, although Wiggins was still in a wheelchair, his mental state was much better and his smile returned during the conversation.

According to McKinney, Wiggins' bad temper became much less violent after breaking his leg, and the atmosphere was much more harmonious during conversations.

Luo Ning was also deeply touched.

In the beginning, Wiggins was ready to kill him at every turn, but now he looks really pleasing to the eye.

People say that when you lose something, you gain something else. Could it be that Wiggins lost a leg and gained a relatively "quiet" character?

After coming out of Wiggins' study, McKinney went to communicate with her friend.

Luo Ning didn't know many nobles, and his former friends weren't very good either. He didn't bother to visit, so he thought of going back to his residence to rest.

But as soon as he left the hall, he was stopped.

"Hi, Ronin!"

A fat boy called Luo Ning's name enthusiastically, "When did you arrive?"

Luo Ning looked at the person in confusion. He didn't recognize him until the person came closer.

It was Malik from the Green family in Lake Town. When Luo Ning went to Hillwood Town, he saved his life on the way.

He remembered that Malik was not fat at that time, but he had gained a lot of weight after four or five months. He was also wearing thick clothes, so he couldn't recognize him from a distance.

"Just arrived."

Luo Ning smiled and greeted: "Why are you alone?"

"My parents took Marina to meet Viscount Dennis. I was bored and wandered around alone."

As he spoke, he looked Luo Ning up and down, "I haven't seen you for half a year, and your condition is much better than before. But aren't you cold when you only wear these few clothes?"

Luo Ning looked at himself. He was only wearing two pieces of underwear and a coat outside. He didn't feel cold at all.

He couldn't help but think of his middle school days, when there were always classmates who would not bother to wear one or two extra layers of clothes even if their teeth chattered because of the so-called "demeanor rather than warmth".

He couldn't help but joked: "Malik, why can't you withstand the cold at such a young age? You must know that wearing less can make more girls think you are strong and make them fall in love with you."

"Ah, really? Is there such a thing?"

Malik believed it, after all, Luo Ning was very good at pursuing girls.

He was thinking, should he take off this goose down jacket and replace it with something light and slim?

Luo Ning laughed, he just said it casually, but he didn't expect that the other party actually listened.

He couldn't help but change the subject, "Last time you and your sister were assassinated, did your father find any clues about the murderer behind the scenes?"

Luo Ning now holds the confession from the Shadow Assassin, which mentions that it was Malik's brother and sister that Leisen found someone to assassinate.

Malik was pulled back from his thoughts.

"No, there is no investigation result into the count's assassination, let alone us!"

He shook his head and said in annoyance: "Those people hiding behind the scenes should be damned. It makes my sister and I need at least four or five knights to follow us whenever we go out. It's so unfree!"

"That's because your father cares about your safety. You should understand his mood."

Herman has already experienced the pain of losing a son and a daughter. Now that he is middle-aged, if something goes wrong with his children, the Green family will have no heirs. Naturally, he will not allow this to happen.

Come to think of it, Gehrman would definitely hate the murderer.

Once Luo Ning reveals that Leisen did all this, it stands to reason that he will get support from Gehrman.

"Does it need to be disclosed in advance?"

Revealing it in advance is nothing more than establishing a good relationship. When Luo Ning raises a need, the other party will help and say a few words.

But thinking of the other party's attitude when he went to Hushang Town, Luo Ning gave up the idea.

"Perhaps, I should say hello to Grandpa in advance." Luo Ning thought to himself.


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