Lord: Start with the Pioneer Knight

Chapter 703: Harvest of military merits, attack on Badak City

In the middle army, Weilin looked at the scene thousands of meters away, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

It was really rare to see Kyle being defeated.

"My lord, the enemy army was defeated." Miller, the captain of the guard, said softly.

Weilin retracted his gaze and ordered the Thousand Castle Army, which was the rear army, to press forward.

More than 30,000 people, with excitement, led by officers, charged towards the Badak Plain.

The departure of Dobick, the commander of the Eighth Legion of the Western Expedition Army of the Kingdom of Geman, caused tens of thousands of troops to lose their morale and have no intention of fighting again. Under the leadership of officers and generals of various departments, they retreated to the rear.

Due to the propaganda of the Church of the God of Beasts, the soldiers who could not escape either chose to commit suicide or fight to the death, and only a very small number chose to surrender.

Watching the strange situation on the battlefield, Weilin pondered for a while and ordered: "Pass the order down, those who surrender will not be killed."

"Yes, sir."

Miller pounded his chest and saluted, walked down the command platform, summoned more than a hundred temple knights, and ordered them to go to various armies to convey military orders.

On the battlefield, Greg led more than 3,000 soldiers from the fourth battalion to drive more than 10,000 fleeing soldiers to attack Badak City.

Because of Doric, most of the troops went out of the city to fight in the field. Badak City had only 5,000 people to defend it, and with the adventurers in the city, there were only more than 9,000 people.

As for other troops, most of them were scattered in small towns and fortresses. They could not be taken care of in a short time, and they could not be relied on for a long time.

"Lord Earl, do you want to let them into the city?" A seven-seal warrior said.

Count Badak looked at the expressions of the fleeing soldiers, and then looked at the enemy troops a hundred meters away from the fleeing soldiers, and he was difficult to decide.

There were only 5,000 troops in the city, and they were all old, weak, sick and disabled. Only 2,000 could be called combat soldiers. He was confident that he could defend one wall, but if he defended all four walls, Badak City would surely fall in less than half a day.


"Lord Earl." A six-seal warrior came to Count Badak and answered loudly.

"Take your troops to gather the fleeing soldiers."

"Yes, sir."


"Master, please give your orders." A Seven Seal warrior stepped forward, his face was old, his temples were gray, and he looked depressed.

"Listen to my orders later. I will ask you to close the city gate, and you will lower the gate."


Looking at the wide-open city gate, the fleeing soldiers rushed to the city gate with joy.

On the city wall, Count Badak silently calculated the number of people entering the city. When there were still more than 3,000 people outside the city, he decisively issued an order: "Close the city gate."

The white-haired old general heard this and shouted loudly: "Lower the gate."

Dozens of soldiers heard this, drew their swords, and chopped the iron chains with force.

As the eight iron chains broke, the gate weighing thousands of tons fell.

More than a hundred fleeing soldiers squeezed at the entrance of the city gate were smashed into meat paste, and blood flowed out along the stone slabs.

Seeing that his plan failed and the divine defense barrier of Badak City rose again, Greg had to wave his hand to stop the army from moving forward and slowly retreat.

As for the more than 3,000 people who were abandoned, seeing the enemy retreat and seeing that there was no sign of the city gate opening, they walked in groups of three or two and ran to the rear.

On the city wall, Count Badak watched the scene below and finally gave up the idea of ​​shooting these fleeing soldiers.

On the battlefield, Weilin ordered the Thousand Fortress Army to clean up the battlefield and asked the priest to treat the wounded.

Late at night, in the tent, Weilin looked at the 23 heads on the open ground, 13 or 16 heads of the Seven Seal Professionals, 5 heads of the Eight Seal Professionals, 2 heads of the Nine Seal Professionals, and 3 heads of beasts, a total of 69 war merits.

"How do you feel about this battle?" Weilin turned his head to look at Kyle and asked with a smile.

Seeing this, Kyle bowed his head and replied: "I have been a little arrogant recently and underestimated the local strongmen. I will never make similar mistakes next time."

"Don't take it to heart. Everything has its pros and cons." Weilin heard this and comforted him, "A low-level strongman of the Holy Seal escaped, but it can let the Kingdom of Geman know the reputation of our army. This is also a good thing."

"If you are still angry in your heart, the siege in five days will be handed over to you to command."

"I understand, my lord."

"Okay, go down and have a good rest."


After Kyle left, Weilin called a few guards and asked them to take down the heads and seal them.

So far, although he has not carefully counted the total number of military merits he has obtained, it must be three hundred, and he is getting closer and closer to the position of earl.

"Behind the Kingdom of Geman is the Angoya Empire. In this expedition war, I will definitely become the earl of the kingdom."

In the camp, with the efforts of the priests, the seriously injured saved their lives and the lightly injured were basically healed.

Except for the troops on duty in the camp, all the troops gathered together to listen to the preaching of the pastor of the Church of Life and soothe their restless hearts.

On the right side of the camp, more than 2,000 soldiers of the Eighth Legion of the Western Expedition Army of the Kingdom of Geman were detained here.

In this war, 250,000 enemies were defeated and 60,000 enemy soldiers were killed in battle, but only 2,000 prisoners were captured. Thousands of them fled to Badak City, and the remaining more than 100,000 troops fled to the wilderness and were eventually absorbed by the castles and local towns in the rear.

Five days later, Kyle led the Thousand Castle Army and the Black Rock Army with 50,000 troops to the city of Badak City.

After five days of forced conscription, the integration of the defeated soldiers, and the withdrawal of the garrisons of the surrounding towns, Badak City had more than 26,000 garrisons in the city.

On the city wall, Count Badak personally went to the front line, looking at the neat and high-spirited army below, and felt a little heavy in his heart.

"The whole army is ready for war, and those who retreat will be killed."

Earl Badako's five hundred bodyguard knights are scattered on the city wall, with their assigned subordinates, acting as a supervisory team to prevent the soldiers from fleeing without a fight, and at the same time serving as a reserve team to attack at the most critical moment.

Kyle flew into the air, summoned the two sub-guns of Putlock's Gun, instilled his own magic power into them, and began to accumulate power, preparing to break through the magical defense barrier of Badako City.

Faced with the terrifying momentum, Count Badako, a Nine-Seal Warrior, felt the boundless aura of destruction. His whole heart sank to the bottom, and he felt a little desperate. He couldn't help but start praying to the God of Beasts, hoping that the magical shield could Block the opponent's attack.

Instilling most of the magic energy in his body into the two secondary spears of Putlock's gun, Kyle let go of the spear and let it float in the air.

The next moment, two spears flew out and hit the magical shield.

The terrifying power spreads around, scattering the clouds in the sky and triggering large-scale weather changes.

Under the confrontation between Putlock's gun and the magical shield, the entire city of Badako began to shake, a large number of houses collapsed, and countless civilians were crushed under the buildings.

"Sir, the shield is about to break."

Hearing his subordinates' words, Earl Badako looked up, his face changed drastically, and before he had time to think, he loudly ordered: "Leave the city wall, everyone leave the city wall."

Upon hearing the military order, thousands of soldiers on the city wall had no time to think and scrambled to escape from the city wall. The strong people jumped directly from the city wall, while the soldiers below the wall could only evacuate along the stairs.

Three minutes later, the magical shield shattered, and the two sub-guns of Putlock's gun, carrying terrifying power, collided with the city wall.

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