Lord: Start with the Pioneer Knight

Chapter 63 Ice Attribute Magic Plant

Entering the castle and heading to the hall, he saw the busy half-elf girl Eunice and encouraged her.

"How's the situation in Orlando?" Verin sat on a chair and motioned for Baird to sit down and talk.

"The land reclamation situation is very good." Baird came to a chair, sat down, and replied, "With most of the military power in the territory, plus the slaves you sent back more than two months ago, there is sufficient manpower.

Now, in the southern area of ​​Anasta's private icy zone, all monsters covering 600 square kilometers have been eliminated according to the original plan. At the same time, Orlando and the others are working on establishing a buffer zone. "

Weilin looked at him with his chin propped up and asked with a smile, "How are you doing? Are you feeling stressed?"

"My Lord, it is impossible to say there is no pressure." Baird said with a wry smile.

"Hahaha, it's good to have pressure. This way you will make progress faster, and I will be able to relax in the future." Weilin looked at his chief manager's expression and rarely laughed out loud.

"Otherwise, the supplies returned from this transaction will be left to you and not given to Orlando and the others."

After hearing this, Baird stood up directly and said seriously: "My lord, you must not do it. I believe that with my ability, I will be able to defeat Orlando."

"Okay, then I'll give it fifty-fifty and leave it to the two of you."

Seeing that his master did not insist, Baird breathed a sigh of relief.

He did such a shameful thing despite winning the victory with the Lord's support.

Besides, if he agrees, how will his brothers view him.

"Is there anything else to report?"

"Yes." Baird took out a piece of parchment from his arms and handed it to Verin, then explained, "A magical plant was found at the junction of the icy area of ​​Lord Anasta's private land and the Lake of Prayer for Stars. It is of great value."

"Magic plant, are you sure?"

Verin took the parchment and looked at the recorded information on it carefully.

At the same time, Baird continued to explain: "This ice attribute magic plant only grows in small amounts in six places at the junction of the Ice Cold Zone and the Lake of Praying Stars. It is not distributed in other places. After research by my subordinates, it was found that The environment of these six locations is different from other places, which should be the necessary conditions for the growth of these magical plants. "

Looking at the various data recorded at the bottom of the parchment, Verin raised his head and asked: "Did this magical plant grow recently, or did it exist before, but it just mutated."

"There must be a mutation." Baird thought for a while and said with some uncertainty, "I asked people to compare hundreds of common plants around me and found that the blue dill grass and this plant are almost identical except for the color. "

"What's the effect? ​​Has it been tested?" Weilin asked further. This may open up the territory's commercial development.

"Quickly stops bleeding and has a similar effect to diluted water of life."

"Okay." Weilin couldn't help but wave his fist and said excitedly, "This thing will support our further development."

"My Lord, this magical plant was discovered at the border between the Ice Cold Zone and the Lake of Praying Stars. Sir Anastas, how should we deal with it?" Seeing that Verin had calmed down, Baird raised another important question.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of this matter." Weilin regained his composure and replied to Baird.

"Yes, that subordinate has resigned first."


After Baird left, Verin left his seat, turned to look at the newly replaced map on the wall, and stopped to watch.

Develop territory map

Qixing Lake, which exists as the main body of the territory, now has a small town, three villages, three lumber camps and a salt mine, with a population of about 3,000 people. There is only one marked pioneer town in the newly developed area, with a population of about 2,500 people. As for the specific surrounding conditions, he still needs to understand it himself.

The Lake of Praying Stars covers an area of ​​150 square kilometers, and at least 70% of the land is still undeveloped.

However, these are things Baird should worry about now, he just needs to determine the general direction.

"I'll rest for two days, then I'll go to Ms. Shia's place to discuss the magic plant, and then I'll go see how the kid in Orlando is doing."

For the next two days, Verin rested in his room in the castle, enjoying this relaxing moment.

As for the caravan leader Raimundo, he just took over the food from the caravan, sorted out the goods that needed to be traded, and planned a new route.

At the same time, three knight attendants who served as messengers carried letters from their lords to the three baronies in the province of Cardero.

On the morning of April 10th, Verin left his cozy nest. After breakfast, he took weapons, rode his beloved red scale horse, and took his knight squire Kyle with him.

"Yes, I have worked very hard and have reached the advanced apprenticeship stage."

"It is the Lord's gift that makes Kyle what he is today." Kyle said respectfully, half a body behind Verin.

Feeling that his first knight attendant was a little nervous, Verin couldn't help but said gently: "Don't be nervous. I usually leave you to Orlando and the others, and I don't know much about your situation. We just take advantage of this situation to have a good exchange."

"Lord, without your gift, I would still be an ordinary serf, living a mediocre life." Kyle's nervousness was relieved, and his tone remained respectful, "Master Orlando and Master Hebrew They treated me well, they didn’t hide anything from my teachings, and they didn’t look down on me because of my birth.”

"If you have any difficulties in cultivation, you can come to me for help."

Kyle was a little distracted when he heard his lord speak like this for the first time: "My lord, you..."

"As my first knight attendant, you are a special existence in my opinion." Weilin raised his upper body and turned his head to look at Kyle who was a little dazed.

Looking directly at the lord's eyes, Kyle felt different emotions in his heart, which made him have a deeper understanding of his mission.


"One day, I want to be the lord's guardian knight under the witness of the gods like other lords."

Weilin didn't know about the changes in his knight attendant's heart. He patted the red phosphorus horse and asked it to slow down and level with Kyle's figure.

"It's rare that there are only two of us today. Talk about some of your questions and I will answer your questions."

"Yes, lord."

Along the way, Weilin really satisfied his interest in being a teacher, and he was still not satisfied until he arrived at the border of the ice cold zone.

Looking at the ice elves appearing on the edge of the ice and snow, Kyle knew that the time had come, and silently fell behind one position and followed the lord.

In response, Weilin regained his majestic side and slowly approached the ice elf hundreds of meters away.

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