In eight hours, the Gray Mist Spring Outpost has begun to take shape.

The total area of ​​the gray mist surrounding the spring is only three square kilometers. If there is no strong soul level person in charge, it means that the gray mist space outpost covers a maximum area of ​​only three square kilometers.

So far, Weilin only has two Soul Level Extraordinaries under his command, one is his personal attendant, and the other is the chief mage of the Star Prayer Leader.

Therefore, for the development of gray fog space, in the first few decades, we can only be relatively conservative and should not be too radical.

After the guardian knights grow up, they may be able to build a fortress directly in the gray fog space and expand the hunting area.

"Dark, fantasy."

"Sir." The two men stepped forward and saluted.

"From now on, the two of you will be in charge of this place. One will be in charge of the pink spring lake bottom space, and the other will be in charge of the gray fog space outpost. They will be rotated every three months. The specific order will be decided by you."

"Get as many gray crystals as you can, and put your own safety first."

"Yes, sir." An Yuhuan replied, accepting the appointment.

After finishing the arrangements for the gray mist space, Weilin returned to the Praying Star Territory and began to deal with matters.

In early March of the Glorious Calendar 9746, negotiations between the Silver Dragon Kingdom of Berk and the Kingdom of Ilia were completed and the "Zeferus-Qixing Trade Agreement" was signed.

The agreement stipulates:

Article 1: The teleportation array follows the rules of reciprocating the teleportation array, that is, the praying star leader teleports once to the Zeferus area, and the Zeferus area teleports once to the praying star leader, alternating. In special circumstances, emergency teleportation, the person using the teleportation array needs to pay double the teleportation fee of 300 people to both parties as a special fee for teleportation array transmission.

Article 2: The cost of a single person is two thousand gold coins, and the cost of a mount is three hundred gold coins. The goods are divided into seven levels according to the price range. The first level requires a transmission fee of two thousand gold coins per ton... The seventh level needs to pay five per ton. One hundred gold coins transfer fee.


The entire trade agreement has a total of forty-six articles, covering all aspects.

With the signing of the "Zeferus-Qi Xing Commercial Agreement", the teleportation array was scheduled to be officially put into operation on March 25th.

For the purpose of local management, Weilin divided 200 square kilometers at the junction of Wanfeng Town, Missian Town and Beide Town to establish a commercial and trade zone, which was temporarily managed by Beide.

Fourteen days before the teleportation array was put into operation, Weilin was buried in various matters every day.

Received visits from noble heirs from various provinces and was busy with business negotiations.

Arrange for the mage operations team sent from the royal capital to sign a restriction on the scope of power with the other party.

Deploy personnel to join the teleportation array tax team, and jointly monitor the teleportation array's income with the royal family, seven dukes and families.

Planned road construction, participated in the meeting of nobles of Cardero Province, brought the small nobles in the province into the trade capital, and provided convenience to his two uncles and cousins.

Wei Lin never imagined that one day he would be so busy.

Even during the pioneering period, I was not so busy.

There are too many things that I can only handle by myself and cannot ask my subordinates to help.

"Lord, this afternoon, two earl heirs visited, at two o'clock in the afternoon and five o'clock in the afternoon." Kyle opened his notebook and reported with some helplessness.

"Okay, send these documents to Baird first, and let him complete the follow-up trade negotiations with these nobles." Verin collapsed on the ground, feeling very exhausted. "These two nobles are from that province, and Who recommended it?”

"Count Emberch, from the Dani Province, has a letter of recommendation from Count Hurricane."

"Earl Samuel, from Tonks Province, has a personal letter from Earl Bloodmoon."

Weilin felt dizzy for a moment, but facing these nobles holding letters from their elders, he had no choice but to meet them.

"Forget it, I'll feel relaxed now that I've been busy for a while."

After some self-hypnosis, Weilin stood up, put on his coat, and left the study.

March 23rd.


In the Star-Moon Castle Hall, Verin held a banquet for Feneus.

"Weilin, you look a little tired." Feneus came to Weilin's side, looked at him, and asked with concern.

Seeing this, Weilin responded with a smile: "I've been a little busy lately, but I've taken care of everything. Thank you Brother Feneus for your concern."

"However, I didn't expect that Brother Feneus would become the next heir to the King of Silver Dragon Berk Kingdom in less than two years."

"If I have a choice, I don't want to be the heir." Feneus had a smile on his face, but his tone was quite helpless, "However, since I have been appointed as the next king, I must shoulder this responsibility. I am responsible for my tribe, my people, and the land of Silver Dragon Burke Kingdom.”

"Be responsible, Brother Feneus." Verin looked at the silver-haired elf in front of him and praised him.

Feneus smiled and said: "Hahaha, don't talk about this. I heard that there was a fish disaster here recently. How is the situation?"

"The fish disaster lasted only a short time. Although my territory was inland, I still participated in the fish disaster."

Next, Verin recounted the incident to Feneus in a light-hearted tone.

"It seems that the shortest fish disaster in the West Napus subcontinent has been born."

"Indeed, the fish disaster that lasted only three months is really rare, as if it was suddenly interrupted."

"Let's not make random guesses about this, so as not to cause trouble." Feneus reminded.

When Weilin heard this, he nodded to express his understanding.

At nine o'clock, the private banquet ended.

The next morning, when it was almost time to leave, Weilin took out fifty bottles of glowing wine and gave them to Fineus.

After sending him away, Weilin looked at the three silver dragon scales emitting magic energy in his hand, and felt a little amused.

"Put these three silver dragon scales in the underground treasure house."

Kyle took the three silver dragon scales from his master, silently estimated them in his heart, and reminded: "Master, these three silver dragon scales can withstand my three full-strength attacks. Are you sure you don't carry them with you?"

"I still have the token given by Ms. Anastasia on me. These three silver dragon scales can be used as souvenirs. There is no need to use them as shields."

"I understand." Kyle nodded and replied.

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