Lord: Start with the Pioneer Knight

Chapter 325 Iron Tower City - Pre-War Planning

Iron Tower City was built two hundred years ago. After the expansion of successive Iron Tower Viscounts, the entire mountain was hollowed out and irrigated with molten iron to form this permanent military fortress.

In the underground palace, a dwarf stroked his white beard, held a wine glass, and drank wheat wine in big gulps.

"Father, all the people in the territory are fully armed. There are more than 20,000 people. With the 3,000 troops in our hands, and the 500 Horned Sheep Knights and 1,000 Hammer Warriors in the hands of General Kota, we should be able to defend the Iron Tower City." A young dwarf stood beside the Iron Tower Viscount and reported nervously.

"What do you mean by should?" The Iron Tower Viscount angrily smashed the wine glass on his youngest son's face and shouted loudly.

Aidan Iron Tower touched the wine on his face, stood there without saying a word, and let his father vent his emotions.

His two brothers, three sisters and six nephews died in the war two months ago. The loss of his best heir and almost all his grandchildren made his father's character more and more irritable and paranoid.

Half an hour later, Viscount Iron Tower was tired of scolding, so he asked the servant to bring another glass of wine, drank it all in one gulp, and his face was full of pain.

"Aidan, you and General Kota will leave Iron Tower City tonight."

The young dwarf raised his head and looked at his father in disbelief.

"Passing on the surname of Iron Tower, this is my last request to you. I don't ask you to carry forward the family, but only ask you to pass on the family."

"Father, in fact, you..."

"Shut up." Viscount Iron Tower stared at his youngest son and said in a deep voice, "A warrior never retreats, I have the honor of sticking to it."

"Go out now and invite General Kota over."

Aidan opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything.

His father was such a paranoid person, even in front of His Majesty the King, he would probably not change his persistence.

Not long after, a high-level silver dwarf came to the underground palace.

"Lord Eric."

Viscount Iron Tower opened his eyes, looked at the young dwarf in front of him, touched the wine on his beard, and sat up straight.

"General Kota, I beg you for something."

"Please speak."

Kota respected this viscount who adhered to the warrior's way very much. Otherwise, he would have gathered the defeated soldiers and came to Iron Tower City to assist the other side in defense after being separated from the troops.

"Iron Tower City is located on the border, I know it can't be defended."

"Lord Eric, you don't have to..."

"General Kota, please let me finish."

Faced with the other party's request, Kota did not speak again, sitting quietly aside, listening to the story of Viscount Iron Tower.

"The human army has pushed the front line to the Duke of Hador. Although I believe that under the leadership of His Majesty, we can beat back the army of the Kingdom of Elia, it is only a matter of time before the Iron Tower City falls."

"As a general, you should not face the inevitable end here, but should play a greater role on the battlefield, so I beg you to take my son Aidan and leave the Iron Tower City, and leave the Xigas Province before the human clearing troops arrive."

"If possible, I hope you will take care of my son in the future."

After that, Viscount Iron Tower asked the servants to bring up the three iron boxes and handed them to Kota in person.

Kota did not open them. With his beard, he knew that there were valuable resources that could enhance his own strength.

"Dwarf Mountain God, as long as I, Kota, live one day, I will take care of Aidan one day."

"Thank you."

After saying this, Viscount Iron Tower instantly aged a lot.

The old man in front of him was determined to die and was unwilling to live in the world.

All the outstanding descendants died on the battlefield, leaving only a smart but cowardly young son. It is not known whether it is a blessing or a curse.

That night, Kota led his 1,500 troops, plus 500 dwarf warriors led by Aidan, the son of Viscount Iron Tower, a total of 2,000 troops, and left Iron Tower City through the underground passage at night, heading west, preparing to bypass the Gray Wasteland and go to the West Hill Province.

The next afternoon, Weilin received intelligence about the news of Iron Tower City.

There are dwarves who are fearless of death, but there are also dwarves who are greedy for life and afraid of death.

Through the confessions of three different dwarf soldiers, a brief intelligence was placed on the table for others to read.

There were originally more than 50,000 dwarves in Iron Tower Territory. After two rounds of conscription by the Ironforge Dwarf Mountain Kingdom, there are still more than 30,000 dwarves left.

When the 26th Corps advanced forward, some were killed casually. Now there should be more than 20,000 dwarves hiding in the Iron Tower Mountain.

According to the confession of the dwarf soldiers, most of the descendants of this Viscount of the Iron Tower died in the war three months ago. They hate humans very much. The remaining dwarves, regardless of gender, age or young, distributed weapons and prepared to rely on the Iron Tower City to fight to the end.

"Everyone, tell me how to fight." Weilin put down the intelligence in his hand and asked others.

"The Iron Tower City is a hollowed-out mountain, which is irrigated with molten iron. There are dwarf runes engraved in important places. The tunnels inside are connected in all directions. It is easy for our army to attack, but it is difficult to completely wipe them out. The connected passages and dark environment are very unfriendly to our soldiers."

"I suggest breaking the city first, and then using four battalions of troops to surround the Iron Tower City, and the other troops continue to sweep around." Moncas waited for a while, and when no one spoke, he expressed his ideas, leaving some room for others to supplement.

"This method is feasible, but I think this city must have a passage to the outside world. Before the siege, the underground passage between the Iron Tower City and the outside world must be destroyed to prevent them from coming out to cause trouble." Viscount Algernon suggested.

"Captain, I have something to add." Alcott looked at Verin and said, "In the mountain cities of the dwarves, there are usually special caves where edible mushrooms are grown, which serve as food when besieged. However, all of this is inseparable from water. Cutting off the water source can add a layer of insurance to the siege plan."

"It's feasible." Verin wrote down Alcott's cousin's idea.

Combining the opinions of several people, an action plan against the Iron Tower City was freshly prepared.

"First, we will capture the outer perimeter of the Iron Tower City and drive these dwarves into the tunnels. Then we will cut off the water supply and destroy the tunnels leading to the outside world. Then we will leave four battalions to besiege the city, and the other troops will sweep other places."

"As for the main force of the siege, it will be the troops of Viscount Moncas and Viscount Orcott, and the magic cannon troops will provide support. At the same time, please ask Lord Gref to help with the siege."

"I know everyone wants to get rich, and I do too, but if we don't eliminate the resistance of the dwarves, we can't get rich."

"So, this war is fought for our own interests, I hope you understand."

"Yes, Commander." Everyone answered in unison.

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