Lord: Start with the Pioneer Knight

Chapter 318: The 135th Legion

As the war approached, 80% of the kingdom's troops gathered at the northern border.

In early June, the order to assemble came.

The nobles of Kadlo Province first gathered in the provincial capital for a three-month training, and then reorganized for the second time according to the organization of the kingdom's army.

Seven days later, when Weilin led his army to the provincial capital, there were no less than 30,000 troops gathered here.

Unlike previous wars, this time the war between the two countries, the participating nobles took out all the most elite forces in their hands.

The larger the scale of the war, the more opportunities to gain military merits, and the more nobles are worth making friends with.

As soon as Weilin arrived at the training camp outside the provincial capital, Viscount Moncas came to visit with several nobles.

"Viscount Moncas, what are you doing?"

"Is it convenient to go in and chat?" Moncas said to Weilin with a smile.

Weilin lifted the curtain and said enthusiastically: "Please come in."

After entering the tent, several people sat down quietly, waiting for Moncas to discuss things with Weilin, and they listened on the side.

At this time, Weilin barely remembered that the three nobles following Viscount Moncas were all viscounts, but they had only met a few times and were not very familiar with each other.

"Welin, my army suffered heavy losses in this exploratory operation. I am afraid that I am unable to take on the position of Chairman of the Noble Council of Cardero Province. I hope you can take over the banner." Moncas removed the superficial disguise and pleaded with Weilin.

Whether this middle-aged man was expressing his true feelings or another layer of disguise, Weilin could not tell.

However, taking over the banner of the leader of the nobles of Cardero Province would still be of great benefit to himself.

The kingdom's reorganization of the noble army generally puts the noble armies of the same province together, and if there is a shortage of people, the noble armies will be drawn from the nearest provinces to fill the gap.

If he replaces Viscount Moncas and becomes the Chairman of the Noble Council of Cardero Province, it is very likely to take over the position of the legion commander of this legion formed by the noble army of Cardero Province.

Faced with Weilin's silence, Viscount Moncas was not anxious. He sat quietly and let the other party think slowly.

Since the founding of the Kingdom of Ilia, there has been a rule that the strongest noble in the province serves as the chairman of the Noble Council. This is a decree written into the Noble Code.

Moncas's own strength has been damaged, and he still occupies this position. Before the second reorganization, he will definitely be held accountable by the kingdom's military and deprived of the position of chairman of the Noble Council of Kadlo Province.

Rather than being questioned and losing face in public in the future, it is better to hand it over now, so that the other party can remember his goodness.

"Sir Moncas, I will take over the position of chairman of the Noble Council." Weilin's face was firm, as if he had made some major decision.

Everyone is an old fox, and naturally caters to Weilin's attitude.

The other viscounts who followed Moncas sent their blessings and expressed their congratulations.

That night, the news that Weilin took over the position of the chairman of the noble council of Kadlo Province spread throughout the training camp. The viscounts and powerful barons kept silent, and the weak barons did not dare to speak out. Everyone tacitly accepted this fact.

On June 15, the training camp gathered more than 60,000 troops, just the number of a full-strength army in the kingdom.

Among them, nine viscounts sent troops accounting for 35,000, and the other 54 barons sent only 25,000 troops.

All soldiers met the minimum requirements of the noble army and were all professionals.

In order to meet the requirements of the army, some barons sent their own collateral children and some direct children into the army.

Compared with being deprived of the title, the lives of family children are not so important.

Although the kingdom called on the nobles to send troops, the noble dared not to "voluntarily" send troops unless he wanted to be punished later.

His cousin Brian also sent an army of 300 people, meeting the minimum requirements for the baron to send troops, but there was no general leading the army.

Seeing this, Weilin asked Cassius to transfer some officers from the Qixing Camp to his cousin Brian's army.

Anyway, now he has become the chairman of the noble council of Kadero Province, and if nothing unexpected happens, he will also be the leader of a legion. At that time, he can use some permissions to incorporate the 300 soldiers of his cousin Brian into his own army.

From June 15th to September 15th, this three-month training gave the loose noble army a new look. The biggest change was the baron's army, and its combat effectiveness was at least improved by one level.

On September 16th, there were only thirteen nobles in the central tent who were qualified to enter this tent, and the others could only wait outside for the news of the reorganization.

The two young men in charge of the reorganization were officers from the military, with high-level silver strength, and would stay in the reorganized legion, serving as staff officers and liaison officers respectively.

"My lords, according to the order of the Kingdom's military, the 60,000 noble troops of the Cardro Province are reorganized into the 135th Legion, which is composed of two armies, each of which is composed of six battalions, and each battalion has 5,000 people. Viscount Qixing Weilin Axe is the commander of the legion and concurrently the commander of the 319th Army."

"Moncas Lowick is the deputy commander of the 135th Legion and concurrently the commander of the 320th Army."

"Olkott Axe is the deputy commander of the 319th Army of the 135th Legion."

"Algernon Barritt is the deputy commander of the 320th Army of the 135th Legion."


Nine viscounts, two served as army commanders, two were nominal deputy army commanders, and the remaining five served as battalion commanders of their respective troops, and also served in some positions in the legion headquarters.

As long as they were viscounts, they were more or less in the legion headquarters, and those barons naturally did not have such honors.

"Rovi Budbol is the staff officer of the 135th Legion."

"Zachary Axe is the liaison officer of the 135th Legion."

Hearing the last person's name, Weilin looked over with some curiosity, and found that the other party was also looking at him.

The two looked at each other and smiled at each other.

I really didn't expect that I could meet my own people here.

The three-month training was completely closed, and it was impossible to obtain information from the outside world. Unexpectedly, one of the two officers sent by the kingdom's military was actually a member of the Axe family.

Thinking of this, Weilin couldn't help but think of his old father. Could it be that he used some connections in it?

"According to the order signed by His Majesty the King, the 135th Corps will be under the command of the 27th Corps."

"The commander of the 27th Corps is Bulborn Silves, the deputy commander is Madmonchi Colombo, and the staff officer is Balmond Axe. It is under the command of the 131st Corps, the 132nd Corps, the 133rd Corps, the 134th Corps and our 135th Corps."

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