Zhao Zhen immediately found Ruan Xiaoer and said, "Erlang, do you dare to follow me and lead people into the water village opposite tonight?"

Ruan Xiaoer said: "The owner of the village wants to rob the camp?"

Zhao Zhen nodded and asked, "Did any spies escape today?"

Ruan Xiaoer said: "I have already inquired. Including the boat in front, a total of three speed boats came, and they were all captured. There was no fish that slipped through the net. There are brothers on the lake patrolling back and forth, and the water on the other side will not be allowed to flow for a short time." The thief found out the truth."

Zhao Zhen nodded and said: "Brother, the grass bandits on the opposite side must know about today's mist change. The clippers coming to investigate in the past few days are clear evidence. But now I am waiting in the dark, and the grass bandits on the opposite side do not know our existence yet. At times, defenses must be lax.

Furthermore, we have detained all the spies sent from the opposite side today. After tonight, if we don’t see the scouts turn around, we will definitely strengthen our defenses.

Now the enemy is overt and we are hidden. As long as we can instigate these spies and lead the way, we can take advantage of them tonight and trick them into opening the gate of the village. We can attack the water thieves camp in one battle. It will be better than a hard attack at dawn. Moreover, we and other ships will not be able to attack. The bigger the water thieves are, the more likely they are to be on the water. "

Ruan Xiaoer did not hesitate and said: "But it depends on the owner's instructions."

Zhao Zhen said: "In this case, in the middle of the night, I troubled one of your brothers to lead the team to continue the search to guard against the spies. We can't let anyone escape. The rest of them went to rest. Today, one of them followed Li Erdan and others to trick him into opening the city gate, and one of them transported Guanghui. The team will then cover up and kill them. If we succeed, we can occupy the stronghold there tonight and wait until daybreak. The rest of the troops will go to the other side to set up camp and gradually clear out the strongmen on the mountain."

Ruan Xiaoer nodded and went to arrange the ship's personnel. Zhao Zhen also ordered Guang Hui and others to take the opportunity to rest.

When he was young, Zhao Zhen was still in disarray. Although he lay down early, he could not fall asleep. He thought over various situations and looked for solutions.

Tonight, I don't know if it's because the fog has just been dispelled, but there are only a few stars in the sky, and it's hazy.

Ruan Xiaoer, Jiao Ting, and Guang Hui changed their clothes and each followed a speedboat, followed by Li Erdan and three others to lead the way. There were two water ghosts on each boat. Ruan Xiaoqi sailed to carry Zhao Zhen, and Han Bolong's two teams of men and horses were stationed in the distance.

For more than an hour, Ruan Xiaoqi stopped the boat far away, and Zhao Zhen looked at the opposite side anxiously. Just when Zhao Zhen thought that he had failed to deceive the door, he saw a red lantern rising from a distance and turning three times clockwise. . Ruan Xiaoqi spit out the straw stick in his mouth and growled: "Row a boat."

The paddles on both sides of the two-masted multi-oared boat paddled rapidly together, approaching the water village as if flying. When reaching the village gate, everything was quiet, and everyone's hearts were lifted. Zhao Ji gave the signal, the gate of the village slowly opened, and Ruan Xiaoqi took the rudder of the boat and sailed straight into the water village.

After the boat docked, everyone took their weapons and slowly got off the boat and lined up. At this time, no one noticed that the camp was lost.

Zhao Zhen asked Han Bolong to lead a team of people to guard the ships at the pier and close the water gate to prevent people from escaping from here. The others, under the leadership of Ying Ying, rushed straight to the place where the mangy-headed turtle was staying.

Jiao Ting was guarding Zhao Zhen, and Guang Hui was leading the way, holding two swords. The door was kicked open, and everyone shouted and rushed in together. Cries of death, screams, and cries suddenly rang out, and the whole camp suddenly became noisy.

After a while, Zhao Zhen saw Guang Hui covered in blood, holding a knife in one hand and grabbing an ugly head with wide eyes in the other. Zhao Zhen asked someone to identify it and confirmed that it was a mane-headed turtle head.

The messengers carried them with long poles and shouted together: "The officers and soldiers suppress the bandits, and the mangy-headed turtles will be the leaders. Those who don't want to die should put down their weapons, kneel down and surrender."

Sixty or seventy people shouted in unison, and the whole camp was completely boiling. Zhao Zhen asked people to block the gates around the camp. A group of people guarded the yard where the mangy-headed turtle was, watching the warehouse nearby, and a group of people guarded the granary. The other houses were not Search eagerly.

Sure enough, even though they saw the mangy-headed turtle beheading them, these strong men did not give up their resistance. They actually organized nearly thirty people to attack the village gate. Guang Hui was here. He countercharged and flew his two swords, directly killing the group of people and leaving at least half of them on the field.

After this breakout, there was no movement from the grass bandits in the water village. Until dawn, no one dared to attack the village gate again.

At dawn, Zhao Zhen asked people to make rice. Before the rice was ready, Ruan Xiaowu escorted Bao Xu and his team to arrive. With this new force, Zhao Zhen asked everyone to shout again, asking everyone in the village to come out and surrender.

The group was leaderless, and Kaneze had let Guanghui kill him last night. Some people couldn't stand it, so they opened the door and threw down their weapons. One, two, and slowly everyone came out.

Zhao Zhenrang found an open space and took care of it. He asked Li Erdan to identify them one by one and register them on the list. He dragged out all the dead. There were two missing among them, and they were both leprous and confidants.

After searching the entire water village, there was no trace. Zhao Zhenrang interrogated the prisoners and found out that the two men were sent to Shouhou and Scarface last night, and the mangy-headed turtle planned to form an alliance.

Just as he was talking, Zhao Zhen was startled by a shout from outside the village. He quickly ran towards the gate of the village and saw groups of sergeants chasing him to the north.

Guanghui's eyes widened with anger, and he looked like a mad tiger. He wielded his two swords and slashed forward like chopping melons and vegetables. He was invincible to those who stood in his way, and no one could be his combined enemy.

After quickly killing the bandits, Guang Hui was covered in blood, as if he had been soaked in a pool of blood. Two swords were inserted into his waist, and he was holding a human head in one hand. When he saw Zhao Zhen, he threw down his head and saluted: "Master of the village, these two birds, Scarface and Skinny Monkey, are in the hands of the Sa family. They have been sent away by the Sa family. Here is the head on the neck."

Zhao Zhen was overjoyed and praised: "Brother Guanghui is really brave." From then on, everyone called Guanghui Xue Toutuo.

After hearing Guanghui's words, Zhao Zhen immediately raised the flag of recognition, recruited the rebels, and ordered the three Ruans to patrol the surroundings in their boats to prevent any boats from escaping. Zhao Zhen brought a team of troops with Guanghui as the vanguard and Jiao Ting as the guard, and headed straight for Wanzi City occupied by Scarface.

There were no defenses at the three dangerous passes on the road, and many flags and weapons were scattered. There was no defense on the city of Wanzi. The bandits who escaped back were already scared and only cared about collecting their valuables. Several groups of people confronted each other at the warehouse, and a group of Scarface's confidants stopped the fleeing soldiers from looting. When they heard that the officers and soldiers had entered the city, they dispersed.

Zhao Zhen stayed behind in person and asked Guanghui to lead a team to seize the stockade occupied by the skinny monkey in the back mountain. Occupy the granary and warehouse, and don't let the fleeing soldiers rob them. All the tribes raised the flag of recognition and recruited the rebels.

At noon, the three camps were stabilized and the information was summarized. In addition to the captured people from the three camps of the bald turtle, scarred face and skinny monkey, there were many other bandits who saw that the surrounding waters were blocked and had no way to escape. They came to surrender.

They were all recorded in the book, and 67 people were killed. Most of them were killed by Guanghui's counterattacks during the sneak attack on the water fort and outside the water fort. The rest were all terrified when they saw Guanghui. For a while, Guanghui's name of the bloody monk spread throughout the entire Liangshan Marsh with the fleeing soldiers.

337 people were captured, and countless swords, guns, sticks and clubs were confiscated. The rest have not been counted yet. There are still small groups of bandits scattered in the mountains and forests. Zhao Zhen arranged for the captives to lead the team and gradually clean them up.

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