But Zhao Zhen and his party said goodbye to Shi Xiu and Xue Yong, and everyone left the Snow Mountain Peak and hurried to the Golden Beach Water Village.

When Zhao Zhen and others arrived, Liu Tang and Song Wan were already waiting here, and Hao Shanfeng only left Zou Run and Zou Yuan to lead the soldiers.

This time, I discussed with Wu Yong that during the trip to Anling and Qudui, I would invite a few brothers who had come early to go. In addition to these three people, I would also bring along Tang Long, who had made great contributions, and Shi Qian, who was traveling around. In terms of merit, Yang Lin should have gone to the main world to be awarded the title a long time ago, but unfortunately he went to Yan'an Mansion this time.

Shi Qian will be back in just one or two days. After all, Dongchang Mansion where [Purple Bearded Uncle] is located is only more than 200 miles away from Liangshan. Before leaving, Wu Yong gave special instructions.

On the way, Zhao Zhen told several people that he would set off as soon as Shi Qian returned. Liu Tang said: "Master, my little brother has nothing else to do these days besides training soldiers and horses. Without the pain of running around in the rivers and lakes, I am still a little uncomfortable for a while. Now it would be best if I could go with the senior official to the main world to see something. ”

Hu Sanniang listened on the side and said: "Ms. sir, are you serious about the ghosts and ghosts you mentioned? I have been to mass graves since I was a child. I have never seen ghosts, zombies, etc., only basic ghosts and monsters." Read it in the book.”

Zhao Zhen said: "Don't say that Sanniang has never seen it, and I have never seen it. I just heard that this ghost is nothing. Isn't there a saying that people are afraid of ghosts three points, but ghosts are seven points afraid of people. When Yang Qi rushes , weaker ghosts can be burned to pieces immediately.”

"The people who are going with us this time are Liu Tang, Du Qian, Song Wan and other strong men with strong energy and blood. They also have magic weapons to exorcise ghosts. They don't care about the danger to their lives."

After hearing this, Hu Sanniang said: "Ms. sir, I also have a dagger made of soapwood, and I would like to go and see it too."

Zhao Zhen said: "It's okay, you haven't met my family in the main world yet, so you just want to meet them together."

After returning to Baishi Manor, Zhao Zhen called Pei Xuan and Tang Long again at night. At the banquet, Zhao Zhen explained the reasons in detail. After listening to this, everyone was not only not afraid, but also looked very interested.

Liu Tang said: "They all call me [red-haired ghost]. I don't want to see a real ghost one day. I wonder what this ghost looks like?"

Pei Xuandao: "The sage said: 'Respect ghosts and gods and keep them at a distance'. They all said that there are three realms of heaven, earth and human beings. Heaven is the immortals, the earth is the ghosts, and the human world is in the middle. Those who are successful in cultivating Taoism and have great merits cross the Golden Bridge and become immortals. Those who become immortals and become enlightened will be free and at ease from then on. Those who have good deeds will cross the Silver Bridge and gain the priesthood and enjoy the incense in the world."

"If you have meritorious deeds again, cross the Jade Bridge, you will enjoy wealth and honor in the next life. If you cross the Stone Bridge again with no merits and demerits, you will join the common people and enjoy the blessings of prosperity. If your deeds exceed your merits again, you will be poor and sick in the next life, and you will be a lower class person. The last thing is this Evil people who are full of evil will cross the bamboo bridge and enter the animal realm, turning into lice and the like."

"I only thought it was the words of various families to encourage people to do good. I never thought that there are real ghosts. So, doesn't it mean that there really is a heaven and one can live forever?"

Tang Long said: "I have been living in the world for a long time. I have seen many Taoist priests and monks practicing Taoism. I have never seen these people have any magic power. Most of them are tricks to fool people. I am afraid that practicing Taoism is not easy."

Liu Tang said: "Yes, I have never seen this ghost before. I don't care what happens after death, as long as I am happy in this life."

Song Wandao said: "Yes, who can say for sure about the afterlife? Happiness in this life is better than anything else. I look like this now, eating big chunks of meat, drinking heavily, wearing matching clothes, all under the care of high officials. If there is an afterlife, I still wish to Under the command of high officials.”

Du Qian also said: "Brother is absolutely right. I am not as happy as I am with Chai Daguan."

Everyone drank happily and dispersed at midnight.

Early on the next morning, Zhao Zhen sent the white clam bracelets of the Eighteen Realms to all the heroes who were going with him. Except for Pei Xuan, they all felt that it was a bit cumbersome to wear them on their hands and they could not use them during martial arts practice. .

Zhao Zhen said: "Brother, if you feel it is a burden, you can return it to me after the trip to Anling. This rosary is only used to prevent ghosts from getting close. To kill ghosts, you still have to rely on brothers to drive out the blood and wave the weapon. ”

As a first-level bracelet, its effect is compared to that of the second-level bracelet. It only has a Buddha's light that calms the mind and suppresses demons and ghosts. According to Zhao Zhen, it also has an early warning effect.

After lunch, Shi Qian and Duan Jingzhu brought Huangfu Duan and his family to surrender.

Zhao Zhen saw that Huangfu Duan had an unusual appearance, with heavy green eyes and a beard that extended over his belly, and said: "I have heard of the name of brother Huangfu Duan many times and specially invited him to serve in our county. He has always been busy and is not allowed to come in person. Brother, I respect you."

Huangfu Duan listened and said quickly: "High officials are very polite. I have heard the names of high officials many times in Dongchang Mansion. It's a pity that the relationship is shallow and no one recommends me, so I don't dare to enter without permission. I saw you a few days ago. After the two brothers Duan Jingzhu and Shi Qian invited each other and read the letters from the high officials, the villain did not hesitate to pack up his belongings and come with his family. "

Zhao Yuanli came forward with a plate of wine and meat. Zhao Zhen took three glasses and sat down again. Zhao Zhen asked: "Brother is good at looking at horses. He also knows the symptoms of cold and heat in the head and mouth, and uses needles to prescribe medicine. He has the talent to be a great scholar. How can he not be a guest here?"

Huangfu Duan smiled bitterly and said: "The high-ranking officials are ridiculous. I am just a medical worker. I can't compare with the doctors sitting in the hall. How can I dare to pretend to be the guest of a distinguished person? At the same time, the villain looks like a foreigner, so I shouldn't take him seriously. Dong Dong In the Chang Mansion, only the governor Zhang Qing and his two lieutenants Gong Wang and Zhongjian Ding Desun were on good terms with the younger brother. "

"Brother Zhang Qing intends to promote the villain, but unfortunately he is just a military commander and cannot arrange for the villain, so he has been wasting his time until now. I heard that the senior officials wanted my younger brother to take up the post of training department. Although he was interested, he did not dare to take up the post shamelessly. I would be satisfied if I came here to seek a position as a veterinarian."

Zhao Zhen said: "Brothers are so talented, there is no need to be humble. Although there is only one person in the training department, I have discussed with brother Xiao Rang, the county magistrate, to set up human and animal training departments, each in charge of his own department. From now on, brother will be in charge of the county's veterinarians and medical treatment Livestock, selected and improved breeds.”

"It's just that there are no full-time veterinarians in the county, and brothers need to train them themselves. If brothers have trustworthy ones, they can also be recruited from the county, and ordinary livestock brothers can appoint them. I will naturally have a salary here."

Huangfu said: "Don't worry, senior official, I will take care of it. I have brought three disciples here with me this time. They can handle minor illnesses and disasters."

Zhao Zhen was overjoyed after hearing this and said: "I have a lot of cattle and sheep in the pasture here. From now on, I will trouble my brothers."

Huangfu Duan agreed upon hearing the words. Zhao Zhen was about to arrange a residence for Huangfu Duan in Baishi Manor. Huangfu Duan said: "Officials, you don't need to be in the manor. In addition to pastures, there must be people in the county who want to treat livestock. The villain lives here." It’s good to be near the ranch.”

Zhao Zhen said: "I have several pastures here. In the future, I plan to put the land for horse herding on Xiaoping Mountain in the water. Shangwang Village and Liangcun each have a pasture. Brothers can take care of both. There is Kushu Tun. Just leave one person behind to take care of the horses on a daily basis. Please keep an eye on the horses in the cavalry. In this way, brothers will be stationed in Taohua Village. Where is the best scenery and can look after everything? What do you think?"

Huangfu said: "Everyone listens to the arrangements of the high officials, and the small people can do whatever they want."

Zhao Zhen said: "In this case, when the county's appointment documents, seals, cards, etc. are complete, we will ask the county magistrate [Holy Hand Scholar] Xiao Rang to send the brothers to take office. In addition to the residence, another medicine shop and clinic will be built for the brothers' use. I sent two apprentices from every farm, and asked my brother to stay in the village for the past few days. I asked the village manager Zhao Ji to show him around, and I will take care of him after I return. "

Huangfu Duan responded one by one.

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