Lord: Start with a copy of Water Margin

Chapter 246 Village (600 monthly tickets)

The three of them talked all night long. During the night, Zhao Zhen and the other three sat together, feasting on the pig's head that had been showing off for two hours.

After having enough wine and food, Ruan Xiaowu and Ruan Xiaoqi returned to the military camp to rest. Zhao Zhen went to Ji Xuan's room to rest.

Because Zhao Zhen was going back to the fantasy world tomorrow, Ji Xuan was naturally particularly enthusiastic. Wearing a light gauze, she looks faintly in the light. Her shoulders look like they have been cut into pieces, and her waist looks as if they were plain.

There has been a saying since ancient times: wine confuses sex and color fascinates people. Zhao Zhen had already had five drinks, but when he saw Ji Xuan dressed like this, he couldn't hold it back. He pulled her into his arms, took off his clothes and belt in front of the bed, and shared a pillow and fun.

The next day, after breakfast, Zhao Zhen returned to the fantasy world with rice and seeds.

Zhao Zhen ordered Zhao Yuanli to put the grain into the warehouse, and put the pearl rice seeds and rouge rice seeds in a warehouse and guard them carefully.

Half of the seeds of white jade cucumbers and green-shelled peas were sent to Kushu Village for Lizheng Tangsen to plant in the spiritual field.

Due to the unification of Liangshan and the occupation of Dulonggang and Heihumiao towns, after the land was determined, there was no shortage of spiritual fields. From now on, the remaining two acres of spiritual fields in Kushutun will be used as vegetable gardens.

Even Baishi Manor moved more than two acres of mirror persimmon land to use it as a vegetable garden in the future. Zhao Zhen has planting skills.

After arranging the trivial matters, Zhao Zhen called Zhao Ji and invited Xiao Rang, Pei Xuan, and Zhu Wu to come to the village to discuss matters.

After seeing the ceremony, the three of them sat down and Zhao Zhen asked, "Brother Xiao Rang, can everything in the county be straightened out now?"

Xiao Rang said: "Don't worry, owner, everything is fine in the county. During the spring plowing season, the farmers have started to cultivate the fields, and a lot of cattle and mules have been rented out. Brother Tao Zongwang's [Craftsmanship Camp] is building a village in Dulonggang, and each family Many villagers have stepped forward to help, and the materials are complete. Four villages have been built now, and the other three will be completed in three to five days. "

Zhao Zhen said: "Have you chosen each village leader?"

Xiao Rang said: "I am about to discuss it with the senior official."

Zhao Zhen said: "What do you two brothers have in mind?"

Pei Xuandao said: "Zhujiazhuang, Lijiazhuang, and Hujiazhuang are three villages with thousands of people. Zhong Liming, Li Ling, and Hu Taigong are the right ones respectively. The remaining seven villages have to re-elect people."

"Brother Xiao Rang and I have discussed selecting a few scribes in the county government to serve as deputy lizheng, and let the villagers recommend lizheng. The two of them will cooperate with each other. These scribes can also be used as eyes and ears."

After hearing this, Zhao Zhen said: "There will not be enough scribes in the county."

Xiao Rang said: "Selecting a few people from the county school will be a way out in the future. If Li Zheng does a good job, he can also be transferred to serve in the sixth house of the county."

Zhao Zhen heard this and thought it was good. As long as people have hope, they will naturally have motivation. At that moment, the names of each village and the candidates for their scribes were decided. Zhao Zhen used his seal and asked Zhao Ji to go to Xixi Village to post a notice and notify seven people. Let him take over for one day, and tomorrow he will go to his respective village to take office, get familiar with the households, fields, etc. in each village, and assist Tao Zongwang in building the village.

As for the selection of Li Zheng, after the construction of the seven villages, Xiao Rang will supervise the selection of Li Zheng who is famous and close to Liangshan.

Pei Xuandao said: "Official, this idea seems to me very good. Every village in the county has at least one person who is the principal. How about we also choose one person to be the deputy principal? The two of them will supervise each other and deceive the superiors in the future. There will be less things to do.”

Zhao Zhen listened and nodded repeatedly.

Xiao Rang said: "These villages are all favored by high-ranking officials and are much more loyal than Dulonggang. There is no need to allocate personnel from scribes and let each village recommend one. This also shows the kindness of high-ranking officials."

Pei Xuan said: "It's feasible."

Zhao Zhen also said after hearing this: "That's fine. From now on, it will be a rule for the two of them to work together. But how to determine the salary? Have you two brothers thought about it?"

Xiao Rang said: "I'm about to tell the senior officials that the two of us plan to divide the villages into four levels, small villages with less than 100 households, medium villages with less than 300 households, large villages with less than 500 households, and large villages with more than 500 households. For Lifang.”

"In small villages, there are always five per month, in middle villages, there are five, in large villages, there are two, and in villages, there are two. There are township heads for more than 2,000 households. Township assistants, township elders, township cadres, and traveling payers are not permanent and are set up according to needs."

"The township head does not live permanently in a certain place. He takes turns to work in each village. His position is one level lower than that of the county chief, and above the Jingcheng and scribes. After the scribe is appointed to the post of Lizheng, he can be promoted to Jingcheng, and Jingcheng is appointed as the township official. After you grow up, you can be promoted to the custody department."

After hearing this, Zhao Zhen thought carefully about it. Acting in this way can indeed improve the county government's control over each village. It's just that the salary is not enough for a family. He opened his mouth and asked, "Brother Xiao Rang, your idea is certainly a good one, but is your salary too low?"

Xiao Rang said: "Official, this salary was proposed by Brother Pei Xuan. This is indeed a salary."

Pei Xuan continued: "In addition, there are six to ten acres of farmland in Lizheng, which are cultivated by farmers and soldiers from each village. Take a small village as an example, after excluding taxes, the balance of at least six stones of rice and wheat a year, calculated in one year The salary is at least 24 guan, enough to support a family. "

After hearing this, Zhao Zhen nodded repeatedly and said: "The two brothers thought carefully, just follow what the two brothers said."

Xiao Rang and Pei Xuan were both happy after hearing this. After all, as scholars, no one wants to be able to govern.

After he was happy, Zhao Zhen said: "It's a pity that there are few scholars in the county. You two brothers can pay more attention to them. All knowledgeable students, especially those with merit and fame, will be promoted as appropriate."

After hearing this, the two of them raised their hands in agreement.

Zhao Zhen turned to Zhu Wu and asked, "Brother Zhu Wu, how is the army doing?"

Zhu Wudao: "Officials, good men from all over the army have never slacked off in training their soldiers. Instructor Zhang, assisted by Zou Run, Zou Yuan, Shi Xiu and others, recruited sergeants, as well as Huiyanfeng, Dengyunshan, and Shao My fellow Huashan and Dulonggang Sanzhuang men have completed their formation training and are now strengthening military discipline training, and then we can let all the heroes go to recruit troops."

Zhao Zhen nodded and asked: "Three brothers, is there anything else you need me to make a decision on?"

Xiao Rang said: "I have something else to do here. The day before yesterday, a man who called himself [Golden Retriever] Duan Jingzhu came to join the high official. Now he is staying temporarily in the east cross courtyard of the high official's former residence in Xixi Village. This person is Zhuozhou Han'er , was born with a first-class appearance, skinny as a stick, red hair and yellow beard, would a high official want to see him? "

Zhao Zhen said: "If a good man comes to surrender, it is natural to meet him. Since this man is from Zhuozhou, I wonder if he is acquainted with Shi Xiu and Shi Qian?"

Xiao Rang said: "Brother Shi Xiu is at the camp in Wanzi City and has not yet met Duan Jingzhu. However, brother Shi Qian has hit it off with Duan Jingzhu. He has been accompanied by brother Shi Qian for the past two days."

Zhao Zhen was happy after hearing this and asked Zhang Qi to invite Duan Jing to live in the village.

"My lord, there is one more thing. Li You, the manager of the ranch, is here to report that after the beginning of spring, the temperament of the livestock is unstable, and he wants to recruit some herders from Shangwang Village."

Zhao Zhen said: "Liu Shi, the master of Shangwang Village, is willing to let him go?"

Xiao Rang said: "Sir, I asked Liu Shi that there are a lot less prey on Xigouzhao Mountain now, and just grazing black goats is not enough to support so many farmers, but he is willing."

Zhao Zhen said: "In this case, brothers go and coordinate. Not only Li You, but also the ranch managed by Chao Cuo. Shangwang Village has the most hunters and is good at using bows and arrows. We can recruit a group of archers. Brother Zhu Wu , you should go too and see if it’s feasible.”

The two of them listened and agreed.

Zhu Wu opened his mouth and said: "Officials, Brother Bai Sheng disguised himself as a merchant and went to Jingyang Town to monitor Zhu Yongqing's movements. Yesterday, a message was sent through Brother Li San that the general manager Yun Tianbiao has returned from Dongping Mansion."

Zhao Zhen said: "Yun Tianbiao is back, but there are variables when I think about it. I don't know what is going on with Xuetuo. Let Bai Sheng monitor carefully, and wait until Zhu Yongqing is alone, then we can take action. Jingyang Town is an important town, and there is no order. Yun Tianbiao dare not mobilize the imperial army. I won’t dare to fight him even if I wait here. There will be no friction in the future. Let Brother Chao Gai pay more attention to him.”

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