A team of nearly five hundred people, plus five to six hundred strong men from Xinghua Village, suddenly poured into the forest. From time to time there were dogs barking and noises.

This went on for five consecutive days, with people and dogs exhausted.

In exchange, there were two third-level green anacondas, five second-level green anacondas, thirty-four first-level green anacondas, and more than 400 non-level green anacondas in the camp. The two snake wine bell doctors who followed Bai Zhang also captured their own first-order green anaconda.

They hunted more than 200 wild boars, large and small, and thousands of deer, rabbits, pheasants, etc. in the mountains. This was because they did not focus on these wild beasts. The body of the escaped female insect was even found in a mountain stream at Yuhuangding. The little black tiger was also guarding the mother tiger's body, making hungry calls of "Aww, Aww".

Although there were twists and turns in the process, fortunately there were many heroes on duty. More than 30 strong soldiers were injured, all with minor injuries from bumps and bites. Bai Zhang and Bai Zhi treated them in time, and there were no casualties.

Because there were too many snakes to hunt, the next day they sent Cao Zheng and all the guys from the peeling office over, and they found a tent in Xinghua Village, where they peeled the snakes, cut the flesh and bones, and sorted them into different categories. In addition to the advanced python meat that is eaten by the sergeants every day, the rest is left to the villagers of Xinghua Village to pickle, smoke, or expose it to the sun to make dried meat. For those who do not join the ranks, part of it is given as remuneration to farmers in villages in Liangshan County who help dry meat and tan fur.

With such a large amount of slaughter, especially so many high-level pythons, the two swordsman soldiers Zhao Jin gave to Zhao Zhen finally advanced. Now they are both first-level soldiers, and they look more agile than before. Slaughter The efficiency has improved a lot.

Not only Xinghua Village, but also all the villages in Liangshan County are busy. In the past few days, the smell of meat is wafting from every household, and every household in the village is beaming with joy.

Wu Yong and Xiao Rang, who were staying at the camp, also took advantage of these days to lead their troops to the temple that Bai Sheng had seen. After they went there, they discovered that in addition to this temple, there was also a twenty-year-old man hidden under the mountain. The small village of Yuhu is unfortunately also abandoned. The stone tablet at the entrance of the village reads Ma Miao Village.

After the two came back, they told Zhao Zhen about this place.

This temple is a Tianqi temple. It is dedicated to Huang Feihu, the great emperor of Tianqi Rensheng in Dongyue Taishan, who is in charge of the good and bad fortunes of heaven and earth. The temple is made of hard-mountain masonry, with small gray tiles covering the roof, and the courtyard walls are made of pebbles.

Climbing up the steps from the Ma Miao Village ruins, we first saw a mountain gate, three rooms wide and one room deep. The door pillows of the mountain gate were huge. Xiao Rang even measured them. Each block was five feet one inch long and two feet six inches wide. , two feet four inches tall. It looks like it weighs at least a thousand kilograms.

There are two generals, Heng and Ha, standing guard on the left and right of the mountain gate. Push the door and go in. There are side halls on the east and west, five rooms wide and two rooms deep, enshrining the statues of the Four Great Vajras and Yama Jun in the Ten Halls.

The main hall is three rooms wide and two rooms deep. Four beams and 16 red columns support the hall. In the center is a seated statue of Huang Feihu.

Although it is unknown how long it has been abandoned and a thick layer of dust has fallen inside the temple, the temple is still strong. There are no less than thirty acres of abandoned fields on one side, with many medicinal materials scattered in them. The two of them didn't take a closer look, hurriedly locked the temple door and returned to the camp.

Hearing what Xiao Rang said, the surrounding area of ​​Ma Miao Village was flat and could produce three to four hundred acres of fertile land. Xiao Rang deliberately dug in the field with a knife. It was all good fertile land, and there was a stream passing by not far away. After the snake problem in the snow-capped mountains was cleared, twenty households were transferred from nearby areas to rebuild Ma Miao Village.

Zhao Zhen heard this and did not object. This is also the focus of Liangshan County's management in the future, to develop the entire Shuibo Liangshan.

Today is the last day to eliminate the green anaconda. Early in the morning, Zhao Zhen and others went to the Xiaopingshan cave.

There are many large and small stones stacked at the entrance of the cave, and the gaps between the stones are clearly visible. Although big snakes cannot pass through, smaller green anacondas should come out from here.

Yuantong, the abbot of Liantai Temple, also came here today. Seeing everyone exploring the cave, he stepped forward and said, "Master, at first we plugged these gaps with pebbles and filled them with mud. After many years, the gaps have expanded a lot. Fortunately, Master Come here, there is no chance that the giant man-eating snake will come out and cause trouble again in a while."

Zhao Zhen said: "Master, don't worry, we will open the cave entrance today and completely eradicate this group of green anacondas."

With that said, he arranged for the sergeants to slowly carry the stones at the entrance of the cave. Zhao Zhen also asked the artillery battalion to set up the mountain-splitting cannons and reach the entrance of the cave. They also sprinkled sulfur at the entrance of the cave and piled up horses to defend themselves.

As time went by, the rocks at the entrance of the cave were gradually cleared. The cave was still quiet.

The sergeant lit a torch and threw more than ten of them into the cave. By the light of the fire, everyone looked outside and saw many snake sloughs hanging on the stalactites, but no sign of the giant snake.

The sergeant hooked a piece of snake slough with a long hooked pole and slowly dragged it out of the cave. He unfolded it and saw that it was longer than the snake slough sent by Yuantong.

Everyone waited for half an hour, but still no big snake came out. Lu Zhishen said: "Master, please go down to Sajia to explore the way."

Zhao Zhen hesitated and said: "Master, look at this snake shed. This snake must be quite big. I don't know how many there are. How can I let Master go down alone?"

Chao Gai and Jiao Ting heard this and said, "I will go with the master."

Wu Yong said: "The three brothers are highly skilled in martial arts and take care of each other. Naturally, they are not afraid of big snakes. If we ask Brother Shi Qian to go with us, if there is any change, come out in advance so that we can prepare early."

The four of them each took a torch and went down with their weapons. Everyone was waiting anxiously outside the cave. A quarter of an hour later, Shi Qian came out of the cave and said to Zhao Zhen: "Master, in addition to snake sloughs, there are also other things in the cave. There are four or five snake corpses with only snake bones left. They are seven or eight feet long. Everywhere in the cave has been polished very smooth. There is no trace of the big snake in the upper cave. Chao Gai and his three brothers are now guarding the entrance to the second floor. Let me ask. Do you want to go down?"

After hearing this, Zhao Zhen turned around and asked the circular passage: "Master, can you go down to the second floor?"

Yuantong replied: "Sir, when the snakes were infested, we only picked up a few snake sloughs on the first floor and did not dare to go down."

Zhao Zhen asked Shi Qian, "Brother, what's going on below?"

Shi Qian said: "There are many snake sloughs at the bottom of the cave. It is cold and damp. The rock wall in the deepest part of the cave is actually frozen. If a high official wants to go down, it is best to wear two more clothes."

After hearing this, Bai Zhang said to Zhao Zhen: "Master, I heard from brother Shi Qian that this big snake has no choice but to hibernate. I will quietly go down to investigate. If this is true, it will be much easier to get rid of the giant snake."

Zhao Zhen heard this and felt it made sense. At that moment, Zhao Zhen and other heroes held torches and went down quietly.

When they arrived at the entrance to the second floor, they saw Lu Zhishen and three others putting torches on the ground. The three of them were holding weapons and surrounding the hole, ready to stand ready.

When he saw Zhao Zhen and was about to speak, Zhao Zhen waved his hand in a silent gesture.

When he arrived at the entrance of the cave, Bai Zhang volunteered to go down. Seeing Zhao Zhen's hesitation, Bai Zhang whispered: "Brother-in-law, no one here is as familiar with snakes as me. Brother-in-law, don't worry, the temperature here is so low, I think the snake has already Hibernating, even if it has not hibernated, this snake will definitely move slowly. "

Bai Zhang insisted on going down despite Zhao Zhen's objections, and Shi Qian also asked for orders to go with him.

Only then did Zhao Zhen let go, and the two of them took torches and walked down cautiously.

After a while, the two slowly retreated, and when they saw Zhao Zhen, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Zhang said: "Brother-in-law, there is a pool in the middle below. It is steaming and looks like a hot spring. The temperature is much higher than here. The two giant snakes are not hibernating. They are lying in the pool. They are probably eight or nine feet long. The venue is very small.”

After hearing this, Zhao Zhen didn't know what to do for a while.

Lu Zhishen said: "The terrain is so small, I'm afraid we won't be able to use it. To get rid of these two giant snakes, we still have to force this snake out."

Bai Zhang said: "This is easy to do. Just light the dead branches and leaves, add wet branches, grass, sulfur, etc., make people fan in, and then throw some realgar down."

After hearing this, Zhao Zhen asked people to prepare what they needed, and asked people to take out all the snake sloughs and snake bones in the cave.

After a while, things to make fire and smoke were prepared, and a few boulders were moved to narrow the entrance of the cave, leaving only a width about the size of a bucket. After everyone lit it, a few sergeants started fanning themselves with a few newly made cattail fans made of wooden boards.

The burning sulfur emits a pungent smell, accompanied by thick smoke that pours into the lower cave. The sergeant fanning the wind changed five or six times, and in nearly half an hour, a giant snake suddenly sprang out of the cave entrance. Not only was the flame at the entrance of the cave extinguished, but the boulders at the entrance were also pushed outward a little.

Seeing the giant snake rushing out of the cave with half its body, all the heroes who had been preparing at the side suddenly surrounded it.

The head of the green water python was rushing towards Lu Zhishen. When Lu Zhishen saw it, he shouted loudly, waved the iron-milled Zen staff with both hands, and hit the green water python hard seven inches away.

With just one blow, the neck bone of this giant snake was shattered.

The giant python twitched wildly and jumped out of the hole. Everyone quickly stepped back to avoid the madness before the giant python died.

Immediately afterwards, a second giant python sprang out from the entrance of the cave. All the heroes were unable to move forward for a while because they avoided the first giant python.

Everyone was anxious when the first giant python was twitching randomly and threw its tail on the second giant python. The two giant pythons started fighting on their own.

While the two giant pythons were twisted together, Chao Gai saw the right opportunity and struck the second giant python seven inches away with two swords, cutting off the snake's head.

At this point, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. After dragging the two giant pythons out of the cave and looking at the still shaking snake bodies, everyone cheered, especially the villagers of Xinghua Village, who hugged each other and cried with excitement.

world log

If a household in Xinghua Village returns home, its luck will be +10.

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