To be on the safe side, Zhao Zhen summoned Shi Qian, the flea on the drum, the leader of the secret visit, Bai Sheng, the rat in the day, and Zhu Fu, the smiling tiger, and Wu Yong gave them instructions one by one. The three of them separately selected capable sergeants and sneaked into Luozi Mountain, Xuefeng Mountain and its branches.

Guozi Mountain is connected to Xiaoliang Peak and is relatively independent. Zhu Fu, who came last, went to explore it. The snow-capped peaks are vast, and Bai Sheng and Shi Qian go there.

The three of them obeyed the order and went down to prepare without hesitation. After a while, the three of them dressed up and went to the hall to say goodbye. They saw Zhu Fu pretending to be a traveling businessman with two Huo family members, each carrying a lot of jealousy.

Bai Sheng also dressed as a merchant and brought two sergeants to dress as clerks, while Shi Qian only dressed as a banker. The two of them entered the snowy mountain peaks separately, one in the light and one in the dark.

Wu Yong said to the three of them: "Three brothers, we will meet on the ridge between Hutou Peak and Xiaoliang Peak within five days. That boundary connects Hutou Peak, Xuefeng Peak, and Haoshan Peak." With this link, it is convenient to go anywhere in Liangshan." The three of them nodded in agreement, and then Ruan Xiaoer sent a speedboat into the fog.

Zhao Zhen also made preparations here. Lu Zhishen selected a long stick soldier from the capital, and Jiao Ting and Chao Gai each brought a simple sword soldier. Zhao Zhen led the central army by himself, and Han Bolong, Song Wan, and Du Qian were deputy generals. It consists of the Green Camp Bird and Guns Command, the Artillery Command and the Two Commands of Pu Weapons.

Speaking of guns and artillery, there is also a Coca-Cola thing. When Lu Zhishen went to each camp to select soldiers, he saw that bald men accounted for less than half of the camp. He thought that there were many temples in Liangshan County and they were rich in warrior monks. When I looked closer, I saw that these people had no scars on their heads. They had fresh stubble on their heads and were covered in black and blue.

These green camp soldiers have now completed their formation training. One hundred and twenty of them who are mentally ill are divided into a capital, holding bird guns, waist knives, wearing straw hats and blue cloth armor, called the "Bird Gun City".

The remaining 220 people were also divided into a capital, called the [Artillery Capital]. These people also wore straw hats and white vests with wild patterns, and their weapons were the nearly fifty captured artillery pieces of various colors. Because it was a mountain and forest battle, this time [Artillery City] used twenty mountain-splitting cannons and five primary and secondary cannons as weapons.

Bao Xu's [Chongfengdu] was left to garrison at Baishi Valley, and all the cavalry led by Luan Tingyu were garrisoned at the main camp.

In the blink of an eye, five days passed by in a hurry. On the ridge behind Hutou Peak, heroes such as Zhao Zhen, Wu Yong, Xiao Rang, Lu Zhishen, etc. had been waiting here early in the morning. In the camp, the Liangshan County sergeants who had gone through many battles were either wiping their swords and guns, or closing their eyes to rest, enjoying the quiet time before the war.

Just after noon, the sergeant on the lookout on the top of the ridge came to report. From a distance, he saw three people coming from Xiaoliang Peak, and three people came out of the fog to the east.

After waiting for two quarters of an hour, people from both sides entered the military camp. It was Bai Sheng and Zhu Fu. Shi Qian did not come back to join them.

Seeing the gift, Zhu Fu said: "Master, the mountain of Guozi Mountain is gentle and looks like a Guozi. There are two villages on the mountain, called Shangtaoji and Xiataoji. I heard what the households in the two villages said, Both villages fled from the previous dynasty and have settled here for more than 200 years. They have little contact with the outside world and live in poverty. "

"The people in the village were very friendly when they saw me selling vinegar. In the past few days, I had a lot of communication with the villagers through selling vinegar. There were also people in the village who wanted to communicate with the outside world. Unfortunately, they went out twice and entered the fog and never came back. Therefore, the villagers stopped thinking about going out.”

"Peach trees are planted all over the mountain, and the villagers make peach preserves and peach wine in exchange for some salt and other items with foreign merchants. I heard from the villagers that the scenery here is different from other places. As the saying goes, "Peach Blossoms" "When the apricot blossoms bloom and the apricot blossoms fade, who can call the pear blossoms sister?" The peach blossoms bloom later than the apricot blossoms. The peach blossoms bloom only after the apricot blossoms fade. However, this is different in Guozi Mountain. The peach blossoms bloom earlier than the apricot blossoms."

"I tried it out, and most of the people in the village are still willing to communicate with the outside world. The entire Guozi Mountain is now full of relatives, and the clan elders are the most upright."

"There is not much gold and silver in the village, so we all barter. These three loads of vinegar were exchanged for five loads of peach wine and one load of peach preserves. Two Huojia and I picked up two loads of wine, one load of peach preserves, and the rest Three loads of wine are placed in front of Li Zhen in Xia Taoji."

After Zhu Fu finished speaking, he looked at Zhao Zhen. Zhao Zhen said with a smile: "I heard what Brother Zhu Fu said, there is no need to fight in this mountain. I wonder what Brother Bai Sheng is doing here? Can he meet Brother Shi Qian?"

Bai Sheng heard this and said: "Master, the villagers on the snow mountain peak are quite friendly. When I first entered this place, I saw a village at the foot of the mountain. From a distance, this village was bigger than Liangcun. After a rough count, at least there were Seven to eight hundred households.”

"I took two boys and went straight to this village. Unexpectedly, there were village strongmen guarding the entrance of the village. Seeing the refined salt we picked up, they didn't embarrass me."

"After slowly exploring, I found out that the boundary of this place is not stable. I heard from the villagers that the village here is called Xinghua Village. The mountains and forests next to the village are full of apricot trees. Every spring, apricot flowers bloom for ten miles. This is how it got its name.”

"Snow Peak is connected with Xiaoping Mountain, Yuhuangding Mountain, and Xiaohuang Mountain. There used to be villages on each branch, and life here was very prosperous. Suddenly one day, a big snake wreaked havoc. Fortunately, the monks of Liantai Temple at the southern foot of Xuefeng Mountain protected Xing. Hanamura was spared."

"In Xiaoping Mountain where the snake disaster broke out, both humans and animals were devoured overnight in Gaoying Village on the top of the mountain. Following the traces left behind, the monks of Liantai Temple discovered a cave deep into the mountain on the east side of Xiaoping Mountain. It is formed into two levels, connected by a cave of unknown depth. The top of the upper cave is covered with stalactites of various colors and shapes. There are many karst waterfalls on the cave wall, and there are many snake sloughs at the bottom of the cave, all as thick as buckets. The longest one is seven feet long."

"Now the entrance of the cave is built with big rocks, but I heard from the villagers that snakes have not been eliminated. Although we have never encountered a big snake like a snake, snakes two to three feet long can often be seen on the mountain, and there are always snakes eating people every year When the incident happened, the villagers were frightened and miserable. Although they organized village soldiers to protect the village under the auspices of the clan elders and hired monk soldiers from the Lotus Temple as instructors to practice martial arts and patrols, the snake was still not cured. A restless day."

"There is also a grotto here with two three-dimensional stone seated statues, one is Laozi and the other is Confucius. Confucius asked Laozi about Zhou rites to show that Confucius was open-minded and eager to learn. The locals call this the Confucius Asking Auditorium. It is located high in Xiaoping Mountain. The legacy of the camp.”

"Xinghua Village has a specialty product called [Xinghua Wine]. A well was dug in the center of the village, called [Bajiao Glazed Well]. Because the water in the well is clear and sweet, the villagers called it [Shijing Ganquan]. In addition to drinking, they also use it to make wine. The flavor is mellow. I have never gone up to Xiaohuang Mountain or Yuhuangding. I heard from residents in Xinghua Village that there were originally two villages on the two peaks. Due to the snake infestation, the villagers moved to Xinghua Village and both villages were abandoned. "

"Master, the boundaries of Xueshan Mountain are basically like this. I haven't seen Brother Shi Qian in Xinghua Village in the past few days. Seeing that the time has come and the salt has been sold out, I left Xinghua Village. After being instructed by the villager, I passed a place Pantuo Road leads directly to Heifengkou.”

"Looking south on Pantuo Road, there is a temple at the foot of Hutou Cliff. There are three main halls in the front and back, and there are vaguely some villages, but you can't see it clearly."

After hearing what Zhu Fu and Bai Sheng said, Zhao Zhen said with a smile: "According to this situation, it will be much easier to occupy these two places."

Wu Yong also said: "Master, Xuefeng Mountain has a large population. There is also a Liantai Temple inside, and there is a snake problem. Brother Shi Qian has not returned yet, so he first occupied the Xuefeng Mountain. Guozi Mountain is stable, don't be in a hurry. At this time, as long as the fog is dispelled, the message can be sent.”

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