With the fall of Shuizhai, let's talk about the camp. Chao Gai, Guang Hui, and Zhu Gui followed the horse army into the camp and started killing them. Not only was the Qing army's camp poorly defended, but everyone even took off their armor to sleep at night. After hearing about the robbery at the camp, there was no rush to deal with it, and many people were killed in their sleep.

Zhao Zhen followed Jiao Ting into the camp. He saw that the camp was full of defeated soldiers with disheveled clothes and incomplete armor. It was a huge military camp, and the Qing soldiers fought independently without organizing any decent resistance. Luan Tingyu and Deng Fei each led a team of cavalry, galloping left and right, attacking only where there were crowds of people. Chao Gai, Guang Hui, and Zhu Gui also each led a team of simple sword soldiers, killing the Qing soldiers and retreating steadily.

Bao Xu, armed with a third-level black-gold cold iron broadsword, led the broadsword team and also joined the suppression team. Zhao Zhen, Wu Yong and Zhao Zhen's two wives and concubines Ji Minghan and Ji Minglian were behind the formation.

There were sounds of killing and killing everywhere in the camp, and only the sound of cannons was heard. Zhao Zhen and Wu Yong looked towards Linqing City and saw a burst of fire at the gate of the outer city of Linqing County. A team of about a hundred people came out of the city gate. Under the urging of a general, they marched hesitantly towards the camp.

Wu Yong said: "Master of the village, I will lead the troops to stop them."

Zhao Zhen said: "Xuetuo, I will go with you."

Wu Yong glanced at the camp and saw that although the victory was certain, there were too many soldiers and he could not win all at once. He said, "Master, as long as we can block the camp for a moment and wait for the camp to clear out the defeated soldiers, we will win the first battle." ”

Zhao Zhen nodded and sent an order: "Epee team, follow me to fight." He turned back and whispered to Ji Minghan and Ji Minglian: "Madam, be careful, stay close to me, don't show off."

Everyone passed through the camp. The Qing troops in the camp were frightened. When they saw Zhao Zhen's group wearing heavy armor and holding heavy swords, they all stayed away. No one stopped them along the way and went out from the east gate.

Facing the group of soldiers coming from the city gate, they maintained their formation and walked slowly along the road. Wu Yong saw that there was an orchard two hundred steps away from the village and said to Zhao Zhen: "Master of the village, I will take thirty people to form an array in the middle of the road. The master of the village will lead twenty people, and my wife will take the remaining troops." As for these unarmored men, they also lurked in the orchards by the roadside with the sergeants. When the enemy troops came over and saw me moving forward, the owner and his wife also urged the soldiers to come out from two sides, creating an encirclement on three sides.

Zhao Zhen and the others hid their horses in the forest and followed their plan to ambush them. Wu Yong also formed a 10X3 square formation here, leaning on his sword and waiting.

Zhao Zhen was ready. About a quarter of an hour later, under the urging of the general, the group of soldiers finally completed this section of the road. Zhao Zhen peeked in the forest. As expected, judging from their attire, their heads were Wearing helmets and cotton armor, they are Qing soldiers.

Zhao Zhen held his breath. The Qing army on the opposite side seemed to see that Wu Yong's team of soldiers was small, and they rushed forward directly. I saw the heavy sword sergeant take a step forward, swinging the heavy sword, and with only one strike, the Qing soldiers at the front were cut into two parts. Then the second row stepped forward, slashed with their swords, and so on. Such bloody killings directly frightened the Qing army. Those in front wanted to retreat, while those behind were still rushing forward, huddled together.

The two sisters Zhao Zhen and Ji Minghan also took this opportunity to shout loudly on both sides. The sergeants rushed into the battlefield from both sides. The strong men in the orchard also shouted loudly and threw the stones they picked up at the Qing army. The Qing army became more chaotic.

Zhao Zhen stood at the back, took out the "Golden Bird Painted Treasure Eagle Bow", attached the specially prepared armor-piercing awl arrows, and shot fiercely at crowded places. Ji Minghan also imitated Zhao Zhen, each holding a bow and arrow, and shooting from behind.

The Qing army was stunned immediately, and those behind them finally realized what they were doing, turned around and ran back as hard as they could. The general who was supervising the battle was attacked by the rebels and was knocked off his horse to the ground.

The epee team was fierce in attack and defense, but not good at pursuing. In just a moment, at least thirty or fifty Qing troops were left on the ground. When Zhao Zhen saw the Qing troops, they ran back as if they were flying. No one paid attention to the Qing troops who fell off their horses. Military general and assistant. Seeing the disintegration of the Qing army, the strong men in the orchard became bolder and ran out with red tassel guns in their hands, shouting "Kill...kill..."

Zhao Zhen also mounted his horse and went to kill the Qing general who fell off his horse. Just after hearing a sound of horses neighing, two female generals were seen riding over. This general was wearing armor. He fell off his horse and couldn't get up for a while. He was caught up by the two men. He picked up the reins and stepped heavily on the horse's hooves. The result was instantly life.

Zhao Zhen also rushed over and led the ownerless horse before turning back. Seeing that the two of them were excited and wanted to chase them on horseback, Zhao Zhen quickly comforted them.

Wu Yong also stepped forward at this time, and Zhao Zhen asked: "Xuetuo, what are the casualties?"

Wu Yong said: "Master, two of the heavy sword sergeants were injured. They were both injured by falling due to unstable footing. They were all minor injuries. This step of human armor defense is really extraordinary."

With that said, the pursuing warriors saw that the sergeant did not pursue him, so they returned. Although the pursuit seemed fruitless, the Qing army was so frightened that they did not dare to look back. Their weapons were thrown all over the floor. They only regretted that their parents had lost two feet and ran to the city gate with all their might.

Although the battle lasted only a moment, the epee sergeant was holding his sword and panting. After all, they all wore armor weighing more than sixty kilograms, and wielded a heavy sword weighing sixteen kilograms.

Wu Yong commanded these strong men to start cleaning up the battlefield. Regardless of whether they were dead or alive, they all took off their armor and collected their weapons. After a lot of work, they only captured five people. They were all pushed to the ground and trampled on when they fled back. Fan's.

Statistical results show that the heavy sword sergeant killed more than thirty people, the Qing army trampled six of them to death, and ambushed on both sides and killed more than ten people. Five more Qing soldiers were captured and one general was killed.

A rough count revealed that more than sixty sets of armor, swords, guns, longbows, and blunderbuss were confiscated.

In less than half an hour, the place was almost cleaned up. Zhao Zhen and others were about to escort the captured people back to the camp when Luan Tingyu led a group of horse troops and rushed over. Seeing Zhao Zhen and others walking back, Luan Tingyu stepped forward and said, "Master, the camp has been cleared and is being cleaned up."

Zhao Zhen said: "What are the casualties?"

Luan Tingyu said: "Master, I have asked the prisoners. Most of these battalions are green battalions who are not good at fighting. There are also injured Eight Banners troops who are recuperating. The Qing army's chief generals Shu Hede, Efu Lawang Dorji, and Du Yushi Asiha The three of them were all in the outer city of Linqing, encircling and suppressing Wang Lun's army. The Qing army was unprepared, and our army had few casualties..."

Just as he was talking, Linqing City suddenly erupted with shouts of killing.

Zhao Zhen, Wu Yong and others turned to look at Linqing City. Seeing that no Qing soldiers were coming to kill, Wu Yong said: "Master, please let brother Luan Tingyu come forward. There is no need to attack the city, just explore it."

Zhao Zhen said: "That's fine, brother Luan, you don't have to come close, just explore from a distance. The Qing army here is considered elite. At dawn tomorrow, we will assemble our troops to fight."

Luan Tingyu led his cavalry to investigate, and Zhao Zhen and others escorted the loot back to the camp.

I saw a bonfire burning in the camp, shining like daylight. The prisoners were all gathered in the middle of the camp, in teams of ten, each with one foot tied and made into a string.

Bao Xu led the broadsword team to guard, and a group of big men stood in a row, listening to the broadsword team gasping loudly. The prisoners sitting in the center of the field lowered their heads in shock, making a partridge posture, and did not dare to breathe.

Chao Gai and Zhu Gui went in and out of the camp with Pu Dao soldiers, took out all the trophies they could find, and piled them on the ground.

Zhao Zhen and others came back and asked Bao Xu to take [Chongfengdu] to sit down and rest, while the strong men from Bailiu Village took over the custody of the prisoners.

Zhao Zhen and others all went to the commander's tent in the middle, and there was a fight, and everyone was sweating profusely. Fortunately for Zhao Zhen, he was wearing a fourth-level [Pyrane War Robe with small gold-printed patterns] made of flame cloth, and covered with seven-feather armor, which was not only good in protection, but also breathable. After a while, Zhao Zhen had stopped sweating and put on dry clothes.

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