The brothers Duan Song and Duan Liu urged the soldiers to pull the chevaux de frise to the west, and Zhong Chongxun also led the team to the east. Duan Song was still cautious. Seeing Zhao Zhen asking for chevaux de frise, he also brought a group of them, but Zhong Chongxun was all cavalry, so he didn't bring any.

After waiting for a quarter of an hour, seeing Duan Song and others had gone far away, Zhao Zhen also took action. Luan Tingyu held a green heavy spear, Deng Fei pulled out a black gold chain and a black gold spear, and the two mounted their horses and walked slowly with 20 cavalry soldiers.

Zhao Zhen and Huang Yang also led the troops to walk slowly, escorting the ox carts brought from Duan Song, pulling the chevaux de frise to keep up. Wu Yong abandoned his horse, stood on the grain cart, and kept observing the rebel camp in the distance.

After about two miles, Wu Yong got off the grain cart, rode to Zhao Zhen and said, "Master, this group of rebels is really elite, there are lookouts everywhere in the camp, I'm afraid they have seen us long ago, and they can still have breakfast in an orderly manner. Although they are not in formation, they are dressed neatly, with armor and swords in hand."

As he was talking, there was a drum sound from the rebel camp, and the rebels left the camp in an orderly manner and lined up. The common military formation of the imperial army was set up, with sword and shield soldiers in the front, spears in the second place, and archers in the middle. There were twenty cavalry soldiers on each side to support the formation. I don't know if they didn't prepare chevaux de frise or didn't take it seriously, there were no chevaux de frise caltrops in front of the formation.

Zhong Chongxun, Jiang Liangjie, and Cao Qi on horseback in the east led the troops to arrive first, stopped at the two arrows of Wang Lun's formation, did not charge into the formation, but only monitored the movements of the rebels.

Soon, Zhao Zhen in the south and Duan Song and Duan Liu in the west surrounded them one after another. Zhao Zhen, Duan Song and others set up the barricades. Everyone observed that Wang Lun was in the middle army, not moving forward or attacking, and seemed to be planning to defend.

Zhao Zhen, Duan Song, Zhong Chongxun and others who surrounded Wang Lun sent messengers to each other and decided on a plan. Luan Tingyu in Zhao Zhen's army came forward to challenge. How was he dressed?

He wore a red hat-shaped helmet with a red tassel on the top, a hook-embedded plum blossom elm leaf armor, a crimson battle robe, a pair of green cloud-root boots, a snake bone bow, a pot of wolf tooth arrows, a sea horse, a green sinking spear in his hand, and a meteor hammer hidden on his waist.

Luan Tingyu reined in his horse in front of the battle array and shouted loudly: "Rebels, the heavenly soldiers are here, how dare you resist? If you don't dismount and surrender, I will teach you to be crushed to pieces!"

In the opposite battle array, he just ignored it. Luan Tingyu returned without success. Zhao Zhen, Duan Song and others followed the plan and advanced with shields. Zhong Chongxun and others took the opportunity to advance. When they reached the place where one arrow could shoot, Wang Lun's army shot one arrow to the south and one to the west, followed by a rain of arrows.

Fortunately, Zhao Zhen and Duan Song's army had shields to block the arrows. They shot at each other under the rain of arrows. Luan Tingyu and Deng Fei led the cavalry to follow behind, looking for an opportunity to fight.

Soon, they came into close combat. Duan Song was still in a stalemate on the west side. Suddenly, two people rushed out of Zhao Zhen's army. They were Jiao Ting and Bao Xu, two heroes. They hid behind the side shields. As soon as they were engaged in battle, they rushed into the enemy formation like flying, followed by heavy swordsmen. How could the rebels resist so fiercely? Before Wang Lun could change his formation, Jiao Ting shouted in a hurry and chopped the rebels in front of him into two with a broadsword. Bao Xu swung the death sword and also chopped down three or five. The heavy swordsmen at the back rushed forward and killed the rebels in front. The archers at the back saw that the situation was not good, so they retreated quickly and turned to go to the camp. Luan Tingyu, Deng Fei, and Zhao Zhen had already come on horseback, and the cavalry broke up the rebel ranks, and the infantry followed closely, completely disrupting the rebel formation.

Wang Lun saw that he was not going to get ahead, so he went straight into the cavalry in the west to hide. Luan Tingyu turned his horse around and led his army to rush straight to Wang Lun.

Zhong Chongxun, Jiang Liangjie, and Cao Qi in the east also seized the opportunity and rushed straight to the rebel cavalry on the opposite side. Duan Song and Duan Liu in the west also urged the soldiers to bravely move forward. For a while, there were shouts of killing everywhere. The rebels only wished that their parents had not given them two legs, and they all fled to the deep forests and wild roads. Some of them saw the opportunity early and ran into the camp early.

Unfortunately, Wang Lun only had 30 to 20 men left to guard the camp. Jiao Ting and Bao Xu followed the fleeing soldiers and rushed into the camp. The rebels guarding the camp closed the door and were killed by Jiao Ting.

Later, Wu Yong saw that he had seized the gate of the camp, so he asked Jiao Ting to leave half of his men to guard it and asked Bao Xu to persuade everyone to surrender in the camp. The rebels saw that there was nowhere to escape, so they abandoned their soldiers and armor and knelt on the ground. Bao Xu took ten infantrymen and found an open space to arrest all the rebels. For a while, the camp became quiet.

The rebels outside the camp rushed out like pigs and wolves. Wang Lun led a team of cavalry to rush out from Duan Song early. Luan Tingyu led his army to chase them closely. Zhao Zhen shot two arrows from behind, one arrow missed, and the other arrow hit a horse beside Wang Lun. Wang Lun fell on his saddle and ran away, only to run to a place with few people and open space. For a while, he could not catch up.

In other places, there were figures of the coalition army chasing and chasing north. Jiang Liangjie and Cao Qi saw the rebels fleeing in small groups, and the mercenaries they led also scattered to chase. Zhong Chongxun killed the cavalry on the opposite side, but did not chase these stragglers. He saw Wang Lun fleeing and led his troops to intercept him.

He shouted loudly: "The one wearing yellow clothes is Wang Lun. The reward for capturing and killing Wang Lun is ten gold coins." Jiang Liangjie, Cao Qi and others heard the shouting, abandoned the scattered rebels, and began to besiege Wang Lun. Wu Yong took the opportunity to raise the flag of surrender, let Jiao Ting preside over it, and took two soldiers with him. Under the guidance of the surrendered soldiers, he went to Wang Lun's tent.

Outside the camp, Zhao Zhen saw Wang Lun just running, and he did not forget to tear off his yellow clothes, as if he was going to rush into the fog. Zhao Zhen and Luan Tingyu exchanged horses, and Luan Tingyu did not refuse, riding on the Kicking Snow Black Horse, and chased after him alone.

Luan Tingyu chased the three men and stabbed them off their horses. The cavalry around Wang Lun shouted and scattered. Deng Fei and Zhao Zhen followed and captured the three men. Seeing that Wang Lun was about to rush into the fog, Luan Tingyu took out the iron hammer from his waist and shouted, "Go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Lun was hit by Luan Tingyu's flying hammer and fell off his horse. Seeing Wang Lun struggling to walk into the fog, Luan Tingyu caught up with him and shot Wang Lun to death. He grabbed the good horse that Wang Lun was riding. Then he got off the horse and collected Wang Lun's body.

Zhao Zhen and Deng Fei led the army to rush over. Zhao Zhen searched Wang Lun's arms and took Wang Lun's golden seal into his arms. The three heroes took Wang Lun's body and led the troops back. Along the way, they shouted: "Wang Lun is dead, and those who surrender will not be killed." They collected the surrendered soldiers along the way, and got more than ten good horses and twenty or thirty surrendered soldiers.

The rest of the people heard it and stepped up to collect surrenders. Duan Song heard it, rode a horse, and took more than ten guards to meet them.

Zhao Zhen immediately took out the golden seal from his bosom, handed it to Duan Song, and said, "Fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission."

Duan Song took the golden seal, looked at it from the back, and saw that it was indeed engraved with the words [Tiandu Saint]. He happily put it in his bosom and said, "Don't worry, brother, the war drum will be presented later."

Everyone gathered their soldiers and treated the wounded.

Because it was previously agreed that the battlefield spoils would belong to everyone, now that Wang Lun surrendered, the fattest piece of meat was swallowed by Zhao Zhen. Duan Song did not value the battlefield spoils. Now that he got the golden seal, he just urged everyone to speed up the collection.

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