Lord: Start with a copy of Water Margin

Chapter 131 The Backer Woman and the Old Taoist Priest

The flowers and plants everywhere in the hall are now ordinary. Zhao Zhenyuan also thought about moving the Queen Mother Grapes and Fairy Dates from Xixi Village, but he was afraid that the plants would not survive, so he put it aside. Just wait until next year when the Cunning Horn can be used, and then transplant it, this will ensure the survival of the spirit plant. If there are spiritual plants in the future, they can be rearranged.

Zhao Zhen's courtyard will not be used as a nursing home from now on. It should be said to be a male nursing home. Firstly, this place is in Zhuangzi, and there are people patrolling it. Secondly, Jiao Ting prepared it in advance.

Jiao Ting seemed to have expected this day. In addition to training the more than 20 male sumo wrestlers, he also selected eight clumsy women and girls to teach sumo fighting. As the guard of Zhao Zhen's rear residence, after all, there was always something wrong. Convenience places need these women. In addition to being a rough maid, these female sumo wrestlers with some defensive skills are more useful.

At first Zhao Zhen didn't agree, but Jiao Ting said that the sumo show at Goulan Waseli must start with a female sumo wrestler. "The Washi sumo wrestlers are Luqi people who gather first-class partners to use their skills. First, they fight with women's swords to make people watch, and then they use their physical strength to fight for friendship."

He also gave an example: During the Han Dynasty, there were also patron women, who selected strong women and taught them to hold them with horns, so that they could serve as both maids and guards.

Zhao Zhen also asked Jiao Ting if he knew any female sumo wrestlers. Zhao Zhen still remembered what Jiao Ting said at that time: "Of course there are. My father also taught several sumo wrestlers who were strong and known as black." Fourth sister.”

Zhao Zhen thought that when he took office, there seemed to be a person named [Big Worm Nest] Duan Sanniang, who could also do sumo wrestling, regardless of gender. So he agreed to Jiao Ting to choose a few women to teach him.

Jiao Ting also left a letter at that time, saying that if he went to Zhongshan Mansion, he might be able to invite the fourth sister Hei. The fourth sister Hei had also become famous in Zhongshan Mansion, and Jiao Ting did not dare to say that he could be summoned. This time Yang Lin and Bai Sheng took Zhang San and Li Si to Hebei East Road, taking Jiao Ting's letters with them.

As Zhao Zhen expected, Zhu Gui and others returned to Xixi Village on the third day. It's just that they didn't arrive early in the morning as expected. It was almost dusk when everyone arrived. After listening to Zhuang Ding's report, Zhao Zhen went out and met these Taoist priests and boys.

Dong Yongchang, the only Taoist priest in this group of people, looked like a Taoist master with white hair and a boyish face. Upon seeing the ceremony, Zhao Zhen said: "Taoist Master Dong, you have been working hard all the way, do you want to take a rest first?"

Dong Yongchang said: "I have troubled the officials to worry about it. The old Taoist has practiced Taoism since he was a child and also practiced a set of health-preserving boxing techniques. Although he is over ninety now, his body is still strong. On the way here, I heard what Zhu Guiyi said. The official also has a Taoist temple here, which is dedicated to [Yushu Fire Mansion Heavenly General Wang Lingguan]. The old Taoist is shameless and is willing to take his disciples to preside over the Taoist temple. "

Zhao Zhen said: "Taoist Master, it's not because the boy is suspicious. The Taoist Master is not from the world, and he has never heard of the boy's name. There are some things that must be clarified before we can arrange for the Taoist Master."

Dong Yongchang said: "If the senior officials have anything to say, just ask them. The old Taoist people will tell you everything they know."

Zhao Zhen said: "Taoist Master, I see that these Taoist boys are very different in age. Is there a village in Niutoushan?"

Dong Laodao said: "Master, only Lao Tao and these boys live in Niutoushan. The Taoist temple only has a statue of Laojun passed down from master to worship. He has cultivated thirty to fifty acres of mountain fields. There are also many birds and small animals on the mountain. , chestnut mountain dates and the like, enough to make a living. These children are all beggars who have been taken in in Jingmen Town, 14 to 15 miles southeast of Niutoushan. The owner of the village can see that although these children are dressed up, they can also show that they are knowledgeable. There are also three or five boys in the body of a girl, but they are a little bit mutilated.”

When Zhao Zhen looked at it, he found that there were indeed some handsome ones inside, and some were lame and had their hands broken.

Dong Yongchang pointed to the two infant babies and said: "These two little ones are also girls who have just been carried to the mountain."

"This is also one of the reasons why the old Taoist accepted Zhu Yishi's invitation immediately."

After hearing this, Zhao Zhen asked, "What other reasons are there?"

Dong Yongchang said: "First of all, these kids have grown up. Although they have learned Taoism from the old Taoists, they actually have no moral integrity and cannot be true Taoist priests. The right way is to go down the mountain and return to the secular world. Secondly, the old Taoist figures that he will suffer a bloody disaster soon, so he goes down the mountain. Also to avoid disaster.”

Zhao Zhen asked: "Blood disaster? Taoist priest, how do you say this?"

Dong Yongchang said: "The owner of the village should know that the world is multi-dimensional, and there are always some things that cannot be explained clearly and cannot be described. Just like us as Taoists, sometimes we have a whim, and nine times out of ten, we will not be wrong."

After hearing this, Zhao Zhen couldn't help but fell into deep thought. He stopped asking about the reason and asked: "Taoist Master, do I have the Taoist bones?"

Dong Yongchang said: "Of course there are high-ranking officials." As he said that, he turned around and took out a brocade box from the cage at the back and handed it to Zhao Zhen.

Zhao Zhen took it with both hands and asked: "Taoist Master, this...?"

Dong Yongchang said: "Sir, this is the image of the old emperor passed down from my Taoist temple. Now it is also somewhat magical. If you, the senior official, have seen it, then just return it to the old Taoist."

After saying that, Dong Laodao took out a few more things, and asked people to move two big trees planted in pottery urns from the oxcart. He said to Zhao Zhen: "Master, the old Taoist has searched Niutou Mountain all over and got these two spiritual trees." Roots, plus these few things passed down from Taoist temples, are dedicated to the high officials. I just hope that the high officials will take us in. When the high officials want to learn the Tao, the old Taoist is willing to give me all his money. "

Zhao Zhen asked: "Taoist priest, don't worry. Since you have come to Liangshan Township, they must be properly settled. Do you have any ideas for these Taoist boys?"

After hearing this, Dong Laodao said: "High officials, only these few with physical disabilities can stay with Lao Tao as companions. The rest will be arranged at the discretion of high officials, and marriages will be decided by high officials."

Zhao Zhen said: "In this case, the younger ones will go to school first, and the older ones can choose to farm the land, become apprentices in workshops, or serve in the army according to their personal preferences. What do you think of this, Taoist?"

Dong Yongchang said: "That's great." He handed the things in his hand to Zhao Zhen. Zhao Zhen said: "They are all passed down by the Taoist lineage. How can I take them? Taoist, just rest assured and settle them down."

Dong Yongchang refused and said bluntly: "If you want to learn Taoism, you can use them all. It's not much use to me. Just accept them."

After pushing and shoving for a few times, Zhao Zhen saw that Taoist Dong was sincere and let Zhao Yuanli take the things in Taoist Dong's hand.

World Log

Name: Dong Yongchang (army, hero level, over 90 years old, granted the "Taishang Sanwudugong Sutra", proficient in "Morning and Evening Gongke Sutra", "Laozi Daodejing", "Durenjing", Taoist sixth-rank title)

Race: Human

Reputation: 30 (master of Niutou Mountain Taoist Temple, exorcist of Jingmen Town)

Profession: Taoist

Secondary profession: farmer

Level: 3rd level 3 (force 20, command 10)

Attributes: strength 27, constitution 25, agility 15, spirit 40

Skills: Taoism level 3 (taking medicine, guiding, in order to live forever, strength +3), fasting ritual level 1 (building altars and casting spells, exorcising evil spirits, eliminating disasters and praying, spirit +1), spell level 1 (drawing spells and chanting spells, spirit +1)

Commander skill: comfort level 1 (speaking to move people's hearts, morale +1)

Martial arts: fists and feet (great success, use fists to strengthen the body and self-defense), sword (minor success, use sword-like weapons, force +5, twenty-four styles of Eight Immortal Sword)


Hundred-year-old peach wood sword (second level, hundred-year-old peach wood heart as sword, incense for more than a hundred years.)

Features: Kill ghosts +2, ward off evil +2

Fine steel sword (made by the blacksmith in Jingmen Town, the sword is two feet and four inches long.)

Features: Sharpness +1


Face whisk (first level, made of whisk tail, two feet long, tied to a jade handle, the handle is two feet and one inch long, one inch and five points in circumference, all gilded with gold, decorated with a two-inch and five-point carved golden dragon head on top, with a small gold ring to decorate the whisk, and a three-inch and three-point carved golden dragon tail on the bottom, with a gold ring at the end and a red ribbon hanging.)

Effect 1: Subdue demons and monsters, and settle the world with one sweep. Repel ghosts and monsters, power +2

Effect 2: Brush off worldly ties, transcend the mundane. Demeanor +1.

Taoist robe (Level 3, south to the south of Huozhou, on the top of Yankun Mountain, the natives eat crabs, bearded snakes to ward off heat and poison. There is a fire tree in the continent, its skin can be made into cloth, and there is a fire mouse in Yanqiu, its fur can be made into brown, both of which will not burn, and can be washed with fire-Taiping Guangji. This is made of the bark of the fire tree.)

Effect 1: Fire resistance +5, defense +3.

Effect 2: Clean, clean after burning.

Monthly salary: 10 strings

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