Lord: Start with a copy of Water Margin

Chapter 129 Niutou Mountain

The three of them rested for midnight, and didn't need breakfast the next morning. After waking up, I tidied up and returned to the fantasy world.

Now that Zhao Zhen has redeployed some troops, the Ma Army is still training and stationed at the camp on the south side of Xixi Village. The rest of the infantry and soldiers were transferred to the school field in front of Baishi Manor. Every day, the three main generals Guang Hui, Jiao Ting, and Liu Tang took turns training, and the deputy generals Han Bolong, Bai Sheng, Song Wan, and Du Qian assisted. Except for those who go out on business, all the heroes only train men and horses and teach martial arts every day. There are three heroes of the Ruan family and four heroes of Meng Kang in the water village. They all teach how to drive a boat, go to the water, and fight on the boat.

Zhao Zhen has lived in Baishi Manor since then. Not only is this manor well-maintained, it is surrounded by streams, and it is far away from Xixi Village. Except for daily morning exercises, it is also quiet. Another advantage is that the Baishi Manor is adjacent to a waterfront in the north and has a dock, which is much larger than the one in Xixi Village. Ruan Xiaoer led the navy and was stationed here. All warships, large and small, moved here. Only fishing boats were left in Xixi Village. Every day, the catch was sent to the pond surrounding the Baishi Valley Manor. Zhao Zhen was a few meters away. He was sent back to Bailiu Village on the same day.

Zhao Zhen first practices Ba Duan Jin with Bai Zhi and Jin Cuilian every day, then goes down the mountain to the school grounds to practice martial arts with all the heroes, and then has breakfast with Bai Zhi and Jin Cuilian who have packed up. The three of them ride to Xixi Village without Zhao Ji. As a bodyguard, Zhao Zhen ordered Zhang Qi to lead a group of six sumo-wrestling brothers to serve as bodyguards. These people are all strong young men selected by Jiao Ting from the entire Liangshan Township. They enjoy meat and eggs every day and become fat. All of them are extremely powerful. These six people are now employed, and the remaining ten or so are also good, either because they are young or have just joined the team, and they are still practicing every day.

Zhao Zhen rearranged the manor, and the front yard was converted into official rooms. The villagers moved into the houses next to the Baishi Valley School Ground, and Zhao Ji arranged to inspect the various places every day. Here, only two teams of sergeants are left on duty in the east courtyard every day. Zhao Zhen only wanders around the front hall, main hall, study room, and east courtyard every day to deal with local affairs.

Bai Zhi and Jin Cuilian were also busy in the hospital and restaurant respectively. At noon, the three of them had meals in the village, and Li Xiaoer still went back and forth every day to cook.

Pei Xuan visited Liangshan Township this morning and stayed in the east courtyard. He also visited villages and military camps every few days. Control the officials and the people, and restrain the records in the army.

On this day, Zhao Zhen had just sat down in the front hall when Pei Xuan stepped forward and said, "Master, you were not here yesterday. Brother Tao Zongwang came over and said that the stone bridge was repaired and would be open to carriages today. Would you like to see it, Master?" "

Zhao Zhen said: "Brother Pei Xuan, this is the first stone bridge in the township. How about we go and have a look?"

Pei Xuan said: "It's okay, just join in the fun."

With that said, the two of them left the village and went to the stone bridge. Many villagers on both sides of the bank were surrounding them, making noisy noises. When Zhao Zhen arrived, Tao Zongwang, Xiao Rang, and Jin Dajian were surrounding a stone tablet. Jin Dajian was carving the last few words. Pei Xuan stepped forward and read:

Gai heard that building bridges and roads was a good deed in ancient and modern times. Moreover, this place connects the two villages in the east and west. The two villages were originally good in the Qin and Jin Dynasties, but they were blocked by fog, and their communication was cut off for unknown years. They have recently returned to the Taozhen of the Zhao family. The stream is nearly thirty feet wide, making it inconvenient and blocking pedestrians. Zhang San and Li Si from Bianliang first advocated it, and the Tang Dynasty reported it to the township chief and decided it in one day. There was a man with a prosperous Tao Zong who was good at repairing and crafting doves and using materials to show the order of his predecessors. Anyone traveling alone will never be in trouble. Although this was built by the efforts of the entire township, it was actually built by the township chief Zhao Zhen, and it has made an immortal contribution. It's for remembering.

Jeju scholar Xiao Rang’s delicacies

Jin Dajian erected a stele with inscriptions to commemorate

The dealers were all delighted when they heard this. As Jin Dajian put away the hammer, Tao Zongwan and the others asked Zhao Zhen to go ahead. Zhao Zhen said: "This bridge was proposed by Zhang San and Li Si, and it was supervised by Tao Zongwang brothers. Among those present, Tao Zongwang brothers contributed the most. Xiao Rang and Jin Dajian set up the monument. There are also many villagers who are working hard to build this bridge. Brother Tao Zongwang should go first."

After some negotiation, Zhao Zhen forced Tao Zongwang to go first. Seeing that he could not shirk, Tao Zongwang had no choice but to drag Xiao Rang and Jin Dajian to Dongxi Village first. When they arrived at the boundary of Dongxi Village, bursts of cheers erupted from the villagers. Zhao Zhen and Pei Xuan also followed the villagers onto the stone bridge. Everyone chatted with each other for a long time before they dispersed.

Zhao Zhen and Pei Xuan crossed the bridge and found Tao Zongwang, Xiao Rang and Jin Dajian. They were led by Tang Tian and they all walked towards Lingguan Hall. Along the way, he saw that many rice ears in the rice fields were glowing red. Zhao Zhen frowned and asked, "Tang Tian is in charge, is there something wrong with the rice?"

Tang Gao stretched out his hand and pointed forward to the rice field and said: "Master, this is where the owner killed the wolf. Now the soil is red, and the smell of blood has not dissipated. I wanted to pull out the crops in the field, but... I didn’t know what to plant, so I just gave it up. I didn’t expect that all the rice seedlings had grown. I thought, I might as well just ignore it, and arranged for farmers to take care of it. I thought, after this rice season, The smell of blood in the ground has faded away. If we can’t eat food this season, it’s better to feed the livestock.”

After hearing this, Zhao Zhen looked at it with Mingcha, but without any prompting, he could only nod his head and said: "You are right, it will be harvested in half a month, let's talk about it then."

The six of them walked along the dirt road in the village to Lingguan Hall. Jiao Ting had already taken people there, and Zhao Zhen followed Jiao Ting to visit the Lingguan Palace. The front door had been renovated, and soldiers were training here. Surrounding both sides of the Lingguan Palace, the renovated wings were used as sleeping quarters.

Zhao Zhen and others went straight into the Lingguan Hall, and saw a statue in the middle with a red face and beard, golden armor and red robes, three glaring eyes, holding a hot wheel in his left hand, and a golden whip in his right hand. It was the Taoist Dharma Protector King Lingguan, who had many honorific titles. Such as [Dutian Great Lingguan], [Huoluo Train Wang Lingguan], [Yushu Huofu Tianjiang Wang Lingguan], [Long En Zhenjun], etc., are the highest protectors of Taoism.

This statue of the god was also remodeled, complete with offering table, incense and candles. Zhao Zhen took the incense and put it on a stick. When others saw it, they also put on a stick of incense.

When everyone came out, Zhao Zhen asked Jiao Ting: "Brother Jiao Ting, are there any villagers here offering incense?"

Jiao Ting said: "Master of the village, we and a group of soldiers are stationed here now. Many villagers are afraid to come. In the past few days I have been here, I have only seen five or seven people coming to offer incense."

After hearing this, Zhao Zhen said to Tang Tian, ​​"Do you know that Tang Tian is in charge?"

Tang Tian said: "Master, before the army was stationed here, many villagers came here to offer incense."

After hearing this, Zhao Zhen said: "In this case, it is better to make it convenient for blind dates and incense. Tang Tian, ​​you find a place elsewhere and let Brother Tao Zongwang build another military camp. Find a temple in this Lingguan Hall to pray. This place is also used as a Taoist temple.”

Speaking of this, Zhao Zhen remembered something again and turned around and asked: "Brother Tao Zongwang, are there still people who burn incense and worship Buddha in Baota Temple now?"

Mr. Tao Wang said: "Master, since the wall and moat were built, the villagers can no longer enter Baishi Gang."

Zhao Zhen said: "There is only this Buddhist temple in Liangshan Township. Now because I am building a manor, I cannot worship the Buddha. Isn't it my fault? Brother, is there any way to solve this problem?"

Tao Zongwang thought for a while and said: "Master, this matter is easy to handle. I will open a small gate on the southeast side and let a few sergeants guard it. It will only be open during the day and locked at night. Build a fence along the way. , leading directly to the Pagoda Temple, which not only ensures that the villagers worship the Buddha, but also ensures that Zhuangzi will not be disturbed."

Zhao Zhen said: "In that case, brother Xiangnuo will bring some people to repair it."

Tao Zongwang said: "Don't worry, owner of the village. Brother, if you take care of it, we will clean it up in the next few days."

Tang Gao then led everyone to go up the mountain. After walking two miles, he saw a big red leaf tree on the mountain. Sure enough, as Tang Gao said, there is something special about it.

world log

Red leaf tree (a spiritual object, a tree in the mountains. One day, it received a drop of the blood of a divine bird, and turned into a fiery red color. It is like a canopy and has a myriad of phenomena.)

Effect 1: Incredible nobility, luck +2 every year.

Zhao Zhen saw that it was indeed a spiritual plant. Although it was not a spiritual plant that increased attributes, it was still very good to increase luck by two points every year.

Everyone gathered around and looked around. Zhao Zhen said: "Tang Tian, ​​you ask a few farmers to repair this place, pull out the weeds under the trees, and find a fence to surround it. You can only look at it, but you can't climb or break it." Branches. This tree is also a spiritual plant."

After hearing this, Tang Tian quickly agreed.

Seeing that it was getting late, Zhao Zhen took a few heroes and walked back to Xixi Village.

At this time of year, the weather was hot, and everyone was hungry and thirsty after walking all the way. After drinking herbal tea first, everyone had lunch together. After dinner, they all went to have a rest under the willow tree.

In the confusion, the sound of footsteps interrupted everyone's rest. Zhao Zhen opened his eyes and saw that it was Zhu Gui, so he said, "Brother Zhu Gui, why did you come to Zhuangzi?"

Zhu Gui said: "Master, since the hotel has been built next to the water park, no one has passed by in the past few days. In the past few days, I have been heading north along the water park, and I have found a place."

Zhao Zhen heard this and asked, "Where is it?"

Zhu Guidao: "But it is a mountain, called Niutoushan. There is only one Taoist temple on the mountain, and the surrounding area is completely foggy. Now an old Taoist named Dong Yongxian and more than ten Taoist boys are cultivating thin fields on the mountain to make a living. I asked the old man Taoist priest, I would like to move to Liangshan Township."

"I never thought that Taoist Dong would agree immediately. I saw that these people, except Dong Yongxian, are quite strong. These more than ten Taoist boys are not very old, and there are two babies who have just been born. I dare not bring these with them. I am the only one who comes back through the fog. I beg the owner of the village to send a group of soldiers to follow me and bring back Dong Yongxian and the Taoist priests."

Zhao Zhen said: "It's okay. There is a Lingguan Hall in Dongxi Village, and no one has presided over it yet. Let brother Deng Fei lead a team of horse troops and go with them for a while. It can be regarded as a mist march practice, and it will be able to carry them when they come back. "The Taoist boy."

With that said, he went to the study to write a transfer order, used the seal, and asked Zhu Gui to go to the southern barracks to transfer troops. Zhu Gui accepted the order and went directly. Everyone under the willow tree also woke up, and Jin Dajian and Tao Zongwang also shouted to go take a look. Zhao Zhen laughed and said: "Brothers, if you want to go, go to the camp to chase Brother Zhu Gui. There are many people and there will be people to look after you on the way."

After hearing this, the two mounted their horses and gave chase. Zhao Zhen, Pei Xuan, and Xiao Rang drank tea in the village and waited for everyone to come back.

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