Lord Shadow

925 That Person Is Here

The feeling of powerlessness.

That is the feeling he felt each time he met with Death Monarch. And he hated feeling that way

Hirate had once met with Death Monarch in the past.

In the Garden of Pandemonium, he had met with this elusive ruler of Pandemonium. At that time, the feeling was not as strong as this.

His face looks even more handsome than the last time they met but there is this certain coldness in his eyes that would chill anyone heart.

His eyes are also not hazel but instead it was glowing bright blue.

The gaze is piercing like it could see through everything.

He wears a black outfit but this black outfit seems to be unstable like it is being disintegrated by some kind of force.

Hirate could sense it because he was quite sensitive in the flows of energy.

He stands around almost seven feet but when Hirate look at him it was like Death Monarch is the only one in the world with his figure dwarfing everything.

This is just a momentary feeling as he then saw Death Monarch once again in his original size. Hirate was silent for a few second before saying

'Why did you come here?' he asks

'Explain' that is the word that comes from Azief mouth. He waited there as he crossed his arms and look at Hirate.

Hirate frowned. There is only one thing that Death Monarch would demand explanation for and that must be because of the matter of Loki.

Hirate close his eyes and sigh

At the same time that Azief revealed himself to Hirate, on the edges of the island of peace, the formation master is still coughing blood and there was alarm that was ring out as the barrier exploded into motes of light.

The alarms warning echoes all over the island.

The soldiers and the military section of the Island is not yet fully staffed.

Most of the elite forces of World Government had followed Raymond and is now flying back to the Island of Peace so the defense of the Island relies heavily on the protection formation

And now suddenly, at their weakest moment, some intruder had managed to break through and God knows where this intruder is right now

Maybe this intruder is planning a mass scale attack or maybe this intruder wanted to create chaos and panic.

Everyone was panicking right now.

If Raymond was here, the situation might not devolve into panic this fast.

But everyone is still recovering from the war against the demonic horde and some of them worried that another Demon King had appeared and attack the Island of Peace.

Nobody understood why suddenly the protection formation and all the other measures put in place to safeguard Island of Peace from external invasion or attack suddenly break all of a sudden.

And nothing is more terrifying than something one could not understand.

Hirate on the balcony could hear the sirens even from the Quorum building top floor and he smiles bitterly.

This must be because Death Monarch had chosen to broke through the formation the way he did.

Azief also heard the sirens and there is a slight smirk on his face

Azief when he teleported inside the Island of Peace, he rammed through the Island of Peace defensive measures like it is nothing but wind.

If it was before, he would take time and even then it would exhaust him if the Island of Peace dish out all of their protection formation to bar him entry.

But now?

Now, he could simply ram though it like some kind of bulldozer and break it as easy as that. And that is what happened.

Hirate look at Azief with a complicated expression and said

'You don't have to do that' Azief look at Hirate with disdain and simply said

'Then how could I give you a warning?' Azief word is very telling.

He is simply telling Hirate that no matter how many protection formation or matrixes of arrays that he could set up, there is nothing that could stop him, Death Monarch to enter and simply take Hirate life if he ever wanted it.

This is an undisguised warning.

Azief could actually enter without breaking the formation.

After all, he could control laws. The array formation and protection formation is created based on energies.

But, it still follows the laws of the world. For example, some matrixes formation could induce the enemy to enter into an illusion.

Underpinning that formation is the energy of the world that was programmed to create a certain set of actions.

The energy then would be transformed to best suit the formation master designs.

But, how could energies of the world contend with the base of their existence which is the very laws of the worlds?

Divine Comprehension leveler controls laws.

As such, formation and arrays is nothing in front of their eyes as they could simply change the laws.

Of course, there are some exception like the arrays formation that was created by Arrayist Sage Lee Sangmin which capitalizes in the mortals feeling, wishes and desires

Azief could simply change the laws for a while and then enter peacefully. But he did not do that. Instead he simply rams his body, destroy all the formation on Island of Peace.


Because he wants to send a message to Hirate. And nothing is more impactful than doing it in such way. People would remember it more.

Hirate sighed and then he started explaining to Azief

'Loki offer me that solution. And I consider the pros and cons. And I accept' Hirate then shakes his head and said

'If you were weaker, if you were easier of an enemy, I would not hesitate to reveal the truth to the world' Azief hearing this could not help but think that if its really like that, Hirate would not hesitate to ignore Loki request.

One thing that Hirate is not right now is that he is not lying.

Hirate continue saying

'The world could not fight you. If you were the enemy, if I revealed the truth, that you were the one responsible for the greatest catastrophe that the world had ever experienced since the Weronian Invasion, people would rise up. And rising up they would attack you. And knowing you, the only result of that is a great war between the world and Pandemonium'

Sighing, he then added

'But, we know what would happen right? The world could not win against you. At least right now, there is no one that could fight you and win. Raymond could not. Jean could not. Hikigaya could not'

There is a helpless smile on his face

'The only thing revealing the truth would do is just creating more casualties. People will die. But you will not. Contrary to your perception of me, I do want Earth to survive. And the world could not survive a battle with you. It would only weaken humanity already weakened status. If next time another otherworldly invaders rolls in, and we have no one to fight it, then there is no hope for humanity' He exhales and he look at Death Monarch closing his eyes and shaking his head and said with a helpless tone

'Someone had to take the blame.'

And he stopped talking.

Azief understood Hirate position. But it is always like this with Hirate. He would understand him. But he dislikes it all the same

Azief closes his eyes for a second and then ask

'Then why choose Loki? You could choose anybody else.' Hirate had many reason. But then one sentence come out from his mouth. It is the most accurate reason why he chose Loki

'Because he can take it.' Hirate reply.

Sighing he then added 'You and I know the truth. So, at least we could hold back any assassination attempt or any revenge plot from people who lost their family in the Multiversal Convergence from trying to harm Loki. And Loki himself is a master in stealth. Even I would find it hard to track him if he really wanted to hide. The helm of Hades protects him from all kinds of detection. And he is a schemer. I would have no doubt that he would live pretty well.'

Azief listen to Hirate and he said

'You and I know. And we both could do that. But how about the others? How about the world? They would try to kill Loki for the perceived harm that they thought come from Loki'

Hirate chuckles a bit and Azief eyebrows raise a bit and he ask

'Is something funny?' Hirate look at Azief weirdly. All around them the sound of the alarm is still, blaring and there is panic all over the Island.

Azief frowned. Hirate doesn't seem to care about the sound of the siren. Instead he said

'You two brothers…. are truly loyal to each other. It made me envy the Trickster' Azief did not say anything as he waves his hand and all the siren sound was sealed.

This once again made everyone in the Island feeling even more fearful.

All of a sudden every alarm system that they have malfunctioned at the same time. No one yet realizes that Death Monarch is in the Island

Hirate seeing Azief action click his tongue and shakes his head.

'I guess it is up to me to calm this panic' he thought to himself.

Hirate put two finger on his temple and a wave of psionic energy flows out from his head

He sends a telepathic message to everyone that was guarding the barriers and the one who is activating the other defensive measures to stop whatever they are trying to do

Don't enact any destructive protocol or bring out secret weapons of the Island to the surface. Don't do anything

Death Monarch is here.


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