Lord Shadow

868 ALL THREE (2)

But Azief is still holding the horn with only one hand, his eyes are full of his determination to not let go of that horn

Instead he turns the pain as a motivating factor for him to not let go.

Azief could feel his innards boils but the pain did not dull his judgment.

A powerful force reverberate into his body as his entire veins are bulging and his body is leaking a large amount of energy from the hole in his chest.

'BREAK!' He shouted to sky, his word echoes his determination. And then he pulls the horn forward.


At this moment of life and death, Azief had an enlightenment of the Six path and then he spoke the inscription that is carved on the sabers

Even though he no longer has the sabers, he still remembers it inscription. When he spoke it, his eyes turn golden light that is as bright as Quasar, blinding Balfor for a moment

'The Sky as Chessboard, The Stars Are It Pieces, Gods Do Not Care About Mortal Live, Carefree Roaming the Universe. Cut Apart Worldly Concerns'

The words were spoken in a word that Azief understood.

But what comes out of his mouth is an ancient language.

This is the ancient language of the Omniverse, the words of the Ancient Asuras, the mythical predecessor of the Asura race.

A force travel from Azief hand and strengthened his grip on Balfor horn. The air around them quake and broken into pieces.

The fabric of reality wavered. Time flows that is already chaotic from the beginning ripples around Azief hand and Balfor horn.

Even Balfor could sense the change as he saw himself slowing down and the rate of flames that is burning Azief chest appeared to be slow.

The air around them compressed before breaking and dissipated almost in an instant. The heavens above them were rolled up into nonexistence.

A purple mist surrounded Azief body, making him appears like he possesses some kind of primordial power of creation.

His hand seems to have an essence of primordial destruction.

His Laws is working together in a synergy to give power to Azief.

Azief only have one hand right now.

It actually is a difficult task to break that horn on top of Balfor head.

Not to mention that he is using only one hand. Now, Azief even had a hole in his chest but he did not immediately die.

Divine Comprehension leveler is hard to kill.

That is because when they reached the Divine Comprehension level, to kill them truly, one had to destroy all of the Laws that they have cultivated.

That is why even when Azief had a hole in his body and even though he felt physical pain he is still alive and still not letting go of that horn.

Seresian demon power is concentrated in their horns. It was like when Azief was a demon in Azul trial where there is Diamonds on their body that is the core of their power.

Before, Azief had also targeted Balfor horn but he never had the chance to cut it or broke it.

There is the fact that it is separated and there is also the fact that Azief himself at that time did not possess capability to break it.

But now as he had move the Wheel forward he now have the energy to try to break the Demon King horn

And as the horn cracks, there is heavenly phenomenon that occurs all around them.

Azief is leaking sand-like particles from his ripped up stump of an arm, his other hand gripping tightly at Balfor horn.

Balfor on the other hand is burning through Azief body.

Balfor raise his hand upwards, trying to pry Azief hand from his horn but when the horn cracked, there is a change on Balfor expressions.

He roars and his body seems to experience a pain that seems to echoes to each and every veins in his body

Because of these two, the area around them were filled with emanations of auras that clashed with each other, prompting the change in the heavenly skies.

All around them particles that exist seems to exploded, unable to bear the clashing energies between the two.

Azief is still emanating golden holy light and Balfor is still surrounded by the swirling red mass of mist.

The scene between them is like a terrible battle between a deity and a demon, a representation of a fight between good and evil.

The essence of destruction cut open the sky and devour the Earth

Life force was depleted almost immediately around them

The energy was all cut apart and disintegrated by that clashing force.

Below, the sea creature turns to a husk of bones. Birds that flies through the skies fall down turning into ash before landing on the ground.

An almighty divine power swirls around Azief hand and then he pushed the horn further and then the sound of the cracking could be heard in succession and then Azief smiles as he pulls it out and broke the horn.

ARGHH! Balfor shouted, his roar pierced the sky as a massive amount of energy leaks from the horn and was absorbed the Wheel in the sky

Azief throws the horn away, flying through the air in such speed that it broke space and probably appeared at some other points of the world or maybe it had flown outside Earth and into space.

As Azief throws that horn he kicks Balfor chest and uses that force to propel himself away and retreat.

Balfor did not immediately chase Azief as he holds his head as he felt the pain began travelling all across his body.

It is like someone had just ripped apart his skin in entirety and bringing with it his bones. It felt like someone had rake his entire body with sharp weapon.

The feeling is not at all pleasant.

Azief knows that attacking the horn would be a risk and he had pay it with his arms and his heart.

But as he retreated back, as thunder and lightning covers his front and back, his hand regenerated with the Laws and energies of the world forming his hand.

He could feel that one of his Laws become inactive. He uses the Laws to reconstruct back his hand

He then pointed his thumb to his chest and life energy shoots out from his thumb.

His flesh regenerated in almost an instant creating back his veins and his heart and the bones that melted because of the fire that come from Balfor eyes.

He absorbs the life energy of the world which is a lot when considering the amount of energy that he ended to just heal one part of his body.

This is his Dragon Giving Life Finger. Taking the life essence of the world to heal himself. Azief almost laughed

It has been a long time that he needed to heal himself when fighting someone.

Most of the time, the fight he had with other people would have him be stronger than that person.

This is one of the few rare times, where the enemy did not only outclass him, he was also superior.

This is the first time that Azief fought in a battle where he had to rely on the many factors of the world and not of his own power.

He had to rely on the Orvanian. He had to rely on Will and his teacher closing up the other points of the Multiversal Convergence. He had to rely on Jean and Hikigaya to help him.

'This is not over' he shouted.

Even though Azief had retreated far away, that is all to prepare his next attack. He had taken that chance because he knows that most of Seresian demon weakness is on their horns.

Azief bet that he wouldn't die and that he could break the horn. He won that bet. But he knows that is not enough. A few seconds later, Balfor would still be alive.

That is not something that is good for him.

And Azief realization of the words that he had spoken before had not been materialized fully in the real world yet.

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