Lord Shadow

1371 The Important Question III

Will never wanted to become a Minister or an advisor. He is just helping Azief when he is absent or acted like messengers between him and the other people in Pandemonium

Azief then said

'The Army believe that Pandemonium should expands its power to all over the world. In other words, the army have imperialism tendencies'

'Then what about the Central Court? They wanted to create a utopia for the people, a world that is orderly and governed by laws, common sense, introduce diplomatic solutions and make an alliance all over the world'

'As for the Shadow Guards, they are my sword and my shield. They do not care about expansion of Pandemonium, or the betterment of humanity, they simply work to fulfil my desires and wants;

This is a simple representation of what they want'

He sighed for a moment before saying

'Will, did you remember what I used to say. Extreme and absolute is never good. I do not have the intention to expand Pandemonium. But if it was the military factions having the control of Pandemonium when I was gone, tell me, what do you think Wang Jian would do? He would probably go to war against Lotus Order or any other smaller forces, slowly integrating them into Pandemonium or maybe even creating colonies of Pandemonium all over the world.

Will heard this and he shakes his head

'No. Wang Jian would not do that. He is loyal to you'

Azief shook his head and said

'To him, that is also loyalty. To make Pandemonium stronger is a loyalty to the people of Pandemonium and to me and to his soldiers'

'You do not undertone him the way I understand him.

'He is a passionate man, a man that treated his soldiers like his son. Most of the Commanders in the army is trained by him and the military faction is mostly composed of his disciples and his colleagues'

'If Pandemonium truly becomes the world premier faction, holding so much power that no other world power could contend, it means les soldiers of Pandemonium would die in a conflict'

'His thoughts are simple but we both known that things are not that simple. Excessive war brought ruins. In that process of him doing that, who knows what would happen whether what he sought is peace or eternal war?'

Hearing this Will could not help but sighed. he did not think that there is such a thing

'And the utopia that the scholar factions trying to create. I have a lot to say about them but one thing I notice is that they are too idealistic, that sometimes they forgot reality does not erasure up to ideals. They love beauty and they disdain ugliness. But ugliness is also part of life. They could not love ugliness so they could never surpass the ideals'

'Leaving them in charge of Pandemonium would be a disaster'

'And for Shadow Guards? They are loyal but that is all they are. If the faction of the Shadow Guards governs Pandemonium, not many things would improve. They are cloaks and daggers type of organization. Because they were hired and recruited for one reason only and that is to be loyal to me.

Will understood now

'By letting these three keep bickering with each other, you created a balance.'

Azief nodded and he then said

'A little bit of ideals, mix with harsh truth and reality with a little hint of my interest being protected…. that is Pandemonium politics'

Azief smiles and then he said

'And Wang Jian, Athena and Freya probably knows that was my intention so they play along, never appearing to unite with each other, deliberately let the Central Court fan the flame and create a divide between them'

This is a way of them showing to me that they are loyal.

Hmph. I wonder who thinks of this? if its Wang Jian I would be very surprised. Maybe after being betrayed by his own King, he had wisen up'

'As for Hirate…' Azief suddenly said

'He probably wanted to talk me about that plan of mine' For a moment there was silence. Will knows what the plan was about.

Though he is not optimistic that it could be done. Before Azief went to the Seresian world, he had prepared many things.

And there is a plan that was sent to the World Government. Will did take a look at that plan so he knows what it is about.

Will seems to be thinking for a second and he frowned

'Is it still possible? If it's during the early days, it was probably possible. But now, with the Ten Seas and all kinds of continents popping up…...I find it hard to believe that your plan could even be realized'

'Thus…. I need some help'

Azief sighed and then said

'I did not expect that the world had changes so much. Even the Heavenly Will is not strong enough to do this. I recognize that now after having a little bit knowledge of what had happened since sixth month ago.'

He paused for a second before saying

'But, it is still very possible' he said with a smile on his face.

There is silence in the area before Will said

'Who do you need?'

'I need Sangmin. Warp. And the full cooperation of the World Government to create something akin of warp drive. This would be a massive undertaking and the current city that is out of their range of that plan needs to be notified. I believe I could do it without any casualties. If I do it alone, it might not be possible. But if it's with those people., I am quite confident it could work'

If anyone is listening to what Azief is talking, they would not understand it

What is this about the current city? Why does he need something that is akin to warp drive? Why does he need Lee Sangmin the Arrayist Sage and Warp the Space Monarch?

What does it mean range of cities?

But Will nodded

Will then sighed

'I am not that well versed in the intricacies of it all but I expect you had it all planned out' Azief nodded.

They stopped talking for a while. Azief pour coffee into his cup and Will cup. This is not a meeting between lord and his subordinate.

This is a meeting between friends. But their coffee talk affects the world. Any words and any decision that is born from today talk would undoubtedly change the destiny of this world.

But they are still relaxed. It is a pity that the moment they met they have to talk about this kind of stuff.

But time is pressing. And nobody felt it more than Azief and Will. From the moment Will saw the fate of his sworn brother, he had been thinking of how to stop that future from happening

Will love his brother. Not many people would understand this. Azief had helped him with Lily and for that he had always been grateful

And many people do not know that Azief had save him too many times before. He had a lot to be grateful for, so he sworn brotherhood with Azief. Two men who were very different from each other

Yet, they became brothers.

Will did not even think once to kill his brother. He would stay beside him until the end. Even if he saw his own future, he would not falter

He believes him. And this is why there is this tense atmosphere between them. They both felt that time is pressing.

For a while they just sat there looking at the ocean in the distance, looking at the clouds and the waves in the nearby shore, Azief sipping his coffee, Will chewing his beans

And then as Will finished drinking down the cup and then ask

'Then what about the threat? From the otherworldly invaders? What would you do about them? Many of them are in prisons right now but we could not put them in prison indefinitely. Not to mention we have cut off their way to return back to their world' Azief sighed.

Will did not beat around the bush. He knows that his brother prefers direct question and answer. So, he bombarded him almost immediacy.

'Since Hirate is coming I would also discuss these matter with him' Another period of silence descended.

Azief could tell Will wanted to ask a question but none of the question he asked is the question he truly wanted to ask

After all, Azief felt that any question about the world business had expired. There is only that question left. And he is waiting for that question.

Will finally sighed and then said

'And what are you going to do with what you saw in the future?' Finally, he asks the question


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