Lord Shadow

1257 The World that She Lived In

The Creator finished laughing and then turns to Azief.

'It is not a hard thing to do. Instead of making you to be simply an observer and let you experience all those rises and falls of ages, it is better if I show you just the highlight'

'Hmm?' Before Azief could react the Creator is suddenly standing beside him. Smiling, he raises his finger and touch Azief forehead.

The scenery of the hill seems to spiral and he could feel the space around him seems to open up, the rivers of time seems to flow backwards, the particles changes in an unprecedented variation.

Space and time is intertwined and tangled. It was barely a second and then suddenly Azief is in another world.

The hill had disappeared and before he knows it, he is standing, no, floating in the sky in another world.

Azief immediately could feel the gush of energy all around him.

Whatever this world is, it is full of energy that even by breathing it had makes him felt like his entire body being reinvigorated.

But that is not the only thing that he felt. He also feels the energy coursing through every parts of his body. He waves his hand and the element gather.

He spread out his Divine Sense and it covers a large swathe on area in a burst of Divine Sense. He moves his hand and he smiles because he could feel the energy returning to his body.

When he was at that hill, in that area, he felt like a mortal that possess no energy whatsoever. He was helpless but now it was like he is a fish back into the water.

He then looks around this new world. Floating beside him, his hand behind his back is the Creator.

'Is this a projection?'

The Creator shakes his head

'It is real. I manipulated time and space so you could see this place as it is. But, they would not sense you. I have cloaked our existence. And…I have to remind you not to try to change anything. No matter what you see. Time and Space here is very fragile because I brought you here'

He nodded

He could guess where he is right now but he wanted confirmation from the Creator

'Where is this?' Azief ask. He seems accustomed to this by now, hopping to another world. It hardly surprises him anymore.

The Creator simply said

'This is the world that the inhabitant of Earth Two, went. This is the world that they have gone to when you were fighting against the demons from the Seresian world'

He paused for a second as Azief expression changes. Azief clench his fist.

'This is where Na Eun now live' he thought to himself. He is part happy and part anxious. He is happy that he could see her again.

He is anxious because he wonder what had happened to her after all of these years.

The Creator then said

'It is a world unlike of their own. There are monsters. And when I said monsters I mean dinosaurs'

'Dinosaurs? The prehistoric age?' he said.

The Creator then click his finger and Azief is at another place.

There is not even a distortion of space this time. With the sound of the clicking of the finger, suddenly he was at a different place.

He is floating in the sky, below him is turbulent seas. He looks down and he could saw gigantic beast. Azief does not know much about dinosaurs but he did watch Jurassic Park

While that movie is filled with inaccuracies, he could recognize that the monster resembles one of the dinosaurs that roams around the sea.

He looks up and saw the sun.

'At least, it had only one sun' he thought to himself. Then he looks at the large continent in front of him.

He focusses his sight and then in the distance he could see a huge dinosaur that resembles a tyrannosaurus rex is chasing a truck.

'It is unlike your world. More dangerous. At least your world had the All Source to give you humans incredible abilities. No such things happen to these people' The Creator said.

In the distance Azief could see more dinosaurs. It is like the Cretaceous period. But, Azief would not use his Earth as the reference point for this world since Azief could sense magic in this world

But, it was not the dinosaurs that filled his mind right now. He looks at the Creator that is floating beside him and ask him

'Did Na Eun…' he did not finish the question but anyone that hears the tone could guess what Azief is about to ask.

'Don't worry. She survives.' The Creator said and then he added

'And she did more than just surviving' Azief eyebrows raised for a second before his eyes narrowed and then he said

'Don't tell me that she became a scientist or something and helped humans to live freely in this land?'

The Creator chuckles and shakes his head.

'No, that only happens in stories. Reality as you know is not as rosy or as beautiful' The creator then added

'But…there is always hope'

He said with a smiling.

The Creator did not elaborate and Azief wanted to urge the Creator to say more but then Azief could feel the shaking of the air

'What is this?'


There is a sound of something breaking the sound barrier and the ripples echoes.

These ripples are subtle and by the time it reaches Azief it is not as strong but Azief could sense it with his Divine Sense

He saw something is flying in the sky and his eyes narrowed

'No…. this is not possible' By now Azief is no longer looking at the Creator. Instead, his eyes are focused on a person.

There is a person that is heading toward the dinosaur. And this person is flying, breaking the sound barrier, the clouds exploded as this person fly through it.

The speed causes the area around that person to be heated. There is some kind of force field that seems to protect him from the pressure of the wind

But that is not the only thing that causes him to react like this. It is because of the attire that the person is wearing. He saw a familiar attire, a familiar crest, a familiar symbol and he is shocked beyond belief.

'Hyperion!' he mutters to himself. That person who is flying in the sky is wearing his costume as the superhero in Earth Two.

His mind constantly making inferences but he could not believe what he is thinking about

'That….' He is speechless for a few second before he blurted out

'This is impossible'

What he sees is the old costume of Hyperion only it is of a sleeker design more like a warrior armor type of costume.

And his eyes widened because he could tell that the person in that costume is very similar to him in appearance

What is more shocking is the fact that, that man not only has some traces of his face, there is also the traces of Na Eun face.

And he could not believe it.

He keeps looking and then he saw that young man dives down from the air and charges the dinosaur.

With the charge the dinosaur was push backward ten feet away and then that young man began pummeling that twelve feet beast.

The entire area seems to be depressed because of the battle. It did not take that man a minute before the dinosaur was beaten to death. Then that man uses heat vision to cut the dinosaurs into pieces.

And then under the admiring gaze of the people he had just saved, that man flew into the sky and immediately disappeared among the clouds.

There is silence again in the area. Azief wanted to approach the continent to see what is in it. But, he did not move. His mind is still replaying what he had just saw.

Azief could not help but ask the Creator

'Who is that?'

'Who do you think?' Azief look down and sighed. He actually had the answer all along. But, he doesn't want to admit it.

Because if he admits it, it means he had done something very wrong to Na Eun

That is why he did not want to believe it.

'I did something wrong to her' The Creator did not say anything. For a moment, he just stands there in the sky, floating there, closing his eyes.

Then as minutes passes, Azief finally opens his eyes and then said

'Could you…. could you let me see her?' The Creator nodded. He clicked hsi finger na dlie before Azief is once again in another place.

The Creator then said

'This is her in the past. Time works differently between your world, Earth Two, Earth X and this world. For now, according to the time of this world, this is the past time of Na Eun. It is a hint I am giving you' The Creator said.

'You're bringing me to the past?'

The Creator nodded.

'You need to understand how certain things comes into beings. I promise you a compensation. I promise you only the highlights. So, I am now fulfilling that promise'


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