Lord of the Starry Sky

92. Strive for talents

"That's nonsense!" After hearing Shen Jian's words, Zhao Tao's expression suddenly changed.

Both sides insisted on their own opinions and fell into quarrel again.

However, Shen Jian and Wang Jinyan stopped entangled with Zhao Tao and others and left the exhibition area of ​​Shenzhen Space University.

There were highly accomplished teachers from Deep Space University who came over, but they saw people from Tianhai looking at them with half-smiles.

As soon as Shen Jian and Wang Jinyan left, they immediately took some buyers from the exhibition area with them and moved them to the Tianhai University exhibition area, making the people in Deep Space jump away from their feet.

Although Wang Jinyan's Shock Wave Order is actually still an unfinished project, it does not prevent major buyers from establishing good relations with him in advance.

Some people expressed on the spot that they were willing to invest in sponsoring the development of Wang Jinyan's shockwave order in order to obtain future patent authorization.

Others are interested in Wang Jinyan's other patent projects.

"Classmate Shen Jian, are you a fifth-level martial arts talent?" Although it was a question, Major Chen's tone was very firm.

When everyone else surrounded Wang Jinyan, he came to Shen Jian.

"My martial arts talent is indeed at level five." Shen Jian replied calmly.

"You are also the one who stands out among the fifth-level martial arts talents." Major Chen said: "With such a high martial arts talent, why don't you consider Zhaochen University or join the army directly?"

He looked at Shen Jian and said solemnly: "I know you have refused Zhaochen's special offer before, but the army is the place where you can best utilize your strengths, and it is far more helpful for you to improve than a peaceful and stable social environment."

"A person like me would probably be fired for violating military regulations on the first day he joins the army," Shen Jian said.

Major Chen shook his head: "The troops are never afraid of assassins, only cowards."

Shen Jian said: "Yes, the army is a big melting pot. Throwing scrap materials in can make a good piece of steel, but throwing normal materials in will also make steel."

"It seems that you have a big misunderstanding of us." Major Chen said with a smile: "When you are recruited to join the army, it is definitely not an army composed of ordinary mortals. The comrades you get along with every day will also be monks, just like a few of us. We are all monks, and we can understand the problems you are worried about. We have also worried about them before, but those problems do not actually exist."

He paused for a while and then said: "I have heard about your general situation. Your father-in-law, your father-in-law, was also a senior in our army back then. You were born on a battleship during his long-distance expedition. You should have some understanding of the real situation of the army. .”

Shen Jian replied: "I do understand, so I know very well that it is not suitable for me."

Major Chen frowned slightly.

Shen Jian looked calm: "It is not easy to build a country in Yanhuang. I have always admired the heroes and martyrs of our ancestors. If there is another war and everyone is united, I will also be willing to join the ranks of defending our country. But now in peacetime, I'd better stay in a place that suits me better." , it’s better for me and the collective.”

"Don't worry, I won't force you. It's just a pity." Major Chen said.

Shen Jian smiled slightly: "No matter where we are or what we do, we are all Yanhuang people."

Major Chen nodded: "It's best for everyone to do their best."

As he spoke, he looked at Wang Jinyan on the other side and sighed slightly.

Shen Jian knew what he was regretting.

If Wang Jinyan can join Zhaochen University and join the military, then the military will naturally welcome him.

How can cooperation with deep space compare to having it all at home?

But this involves a higher level of decision-making. Among the famous Yanhuang schools, apart from Zhaochen's own military school, which is rich in color, Deep Space University is closest to the military.

Although the main research direction of the Department of Weapon Refining of Deep Space University is in the civilian field, the university has always been friendly with the military.

In terms of magical artifacts, in fact, many times they are originally used for military purposes but are adapted for civilian use.

However, Major Chen's emotion was only momentary.

He soon looked normal and started chatting with Wang Jinyan again.

The two sides have disputes in some aspects, but they can also cooperate in other aspects.

The same is true with Tianhai University, and the same is true with personal contact with Wang Jinyan.

The army is still full of hills and mountains, and it maintains a unified attitude towards the outside world, which does not prevent everyone from having their own plans.

Shen Jian and Wang Jinyan had communicated before coming here. Although neither of them had plans to join the military, maintaining a friendly relationship with the military was not a bad thing.

It is the Deep Space University that has irreconcilable conflicts, not the military.

So when Major Chen proposed that the military was willing to sponsor Wang Jinyan's next research and refining expenses for the Shock Wave Token, Wang Jinyan finally chose the military as his partner.

There is no need for the military to switch camps to support them, as long as the two sides do not help each other between the sky and the sea and deep space.

Of course, the matter involves high-level decision-making, and it is impossible for a few small things to affect the military's established policy.

But this is at least a good start and a good signal.

Tianhai University is also happy to see this happen.

In peaceful times, society is stable, and game competition will always exist, but it is far from the point of vicious fights and face-to-face fights.

However, the big drama in front of the public today undoubtedly added fuel and heat to the already heated dispute between Wang Jinyan and Zhao Tao.

The exhibition has attracted much attention, so if something like this happens, a large number of media will naturally rush to report it.

Because of the previous dispute over Xingshengzhu, the protagonists of the news this time are still Wang Jinyan and Zhao Tao.

In most reports, Shen Jian was brushed aside.

But in the eyes of caring people, he is the focus.

The down-and-out young man with a mustache carefully browsed the news content, reading it word for word twice.

He closed his eyes and thought for a moment, then picked up his palm brain, searched his address book, and sent out a voice transmission request.

After a while, the sound transmission was connected, and a middle-aged man's voice came from inside: "Who is it?"

The young man with a mustache replied: "Uncle Han, I am Si Yulong."

"What's the matter?" the middle-aged man asked calmly.

"I have something to ask Uncle Han for help. Don't worry, I understand the rules and the fee will never be less for you." Si Yulong said with a smile.

The middle-aged man laughed: "Can you afford my price now?"

"I spent all my money to scrape together some, and borrow a little more, that should be enough. Uncle Han, please be accommodating." Si Yulong said seriously.

"Oh?" The middle-aged man became a little interested: "You haven't paid off those old debts, right? You actually borrowed new debts. What do you want to do?"

Si Yulong said softly: "I want you to introduce me to Director Yao."

The middle-aged man took a breath, and then said calmly: "Director Yao? What Director Yao?"

"Yao Zhen, Director Yao, his latest work is called "Ascension of the Dragon" and it should be released this year." Si Yulong replied.

"Then you have found the wrong person." The middle-aged man said calmly: "I have never dealt with this Director Yao, and no one has his contact information."

Si Yulong said: "The Feizhou Qingcai you asked me to join before was just for Director Yao as an intermediary, wasn't it?"

"What are you talking about?" The middle-aged man's voice turned slightly cold.

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